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Go Yoti App Integration

  1. An Architectural View - High level overview of integration

  2. Profile Retrieval - How to retrieve a Yoti profile using the one time use token

  3. Running the example - Running the profile example

  4. API Coverage - Attributes defined

An Architectural View

To integrate your application with Yoti, your back-end must expose a GET endpoint that Yoti will use to forward tokens. The endpoint can be configured in Yoti Hub when you create/update your application.

The image below shows how your application back-end and Yoti integrate in the context of a Login flow. Yoti SDK carries out for you steps 6, 7, 8, and the profile decryption in step 9.

alt text

Profile Retrieval

When your application receives a one time use token via the exposed endpoint (it will be assigned to a query string parameter named token), you can easily retrieve the activity details by adding the following to your endpoint handler:

var activityDetails profile.ActivityDetails
activityDetails, err = client.GetActivityDetails(yotiOneTimeUseToken)
if err != nil {
  // handle unhappy path

Handling Errors

If a network error occurs that can be handled by resending the request, the error returned by the SDK will implement the temporary error interface. This can be tested for using a type assertion, and resent.

var activityDetails profile.ActivityDetails
activityDetails, err = client.GetActivityDetails(yotiOneTimeUseToken)
tempError, temporary := err.(interface {
    Temporary() bool
if !temporary || !tempError.Temporary()	{
    // can retry same request

Retrieving the user profile

You can then get the user profile from the activityDetails struct:

var rememberMeID string = activityDetails.RememberMeID()
var parentRememberMeID string = activityDetails.ParentRememberMeID()
var userProfile profile.UserProfile = activityDetails.UserProfile

var selfie = userProfile.Selfie().Value()
var givenNames string = userProfile.GivenNames().Value()
var familyName string = userProfile.FamilyName().Value()
var fullName string = userProfile.FullName().Value()
var mobileNumber string = userProfile.MobileNumber().Value()
var emailAddress string = userProfile.EmailAddress().Value()
var address string = userProfile.Address().Value()
var gender string = userProfile.Gender().Value()
var nationality string = userProfile.Nationality().Value()
var dateOfBirth *time.Time
dobAttr, err := userProfile.DateOfBirth()
if err != nil {
    // handle error
} else {
    dateOfBirth = dobAttr.Value()
var structuredPostalAddress map[string]interface{}
structuredPostalAddressAttribute, err := userProfile.StructuredPostalAddress()
if err != nil {
    // handle error
} else {
    structuredPostalAddress := structuredPostalAddressAttribute.Value().(map[string]interface{})

If you have chosen "Verify Condition" on the Yoti Hub with the age condition of "Over 18", you can retrieve the user information with the generic .GetAttribute method, which requires the result to be cast to the original type:


GetAttribute returns an interface, the value can be acquired through a type assertion.

Anchors, Sources and Verifiers

An Anchor represents how a given Attribute has been sourced or verified. These values are created and signed whenever a Profile Attribute is created, or verified with an external party.

For example, an attribute value that was sourced from a Passport might have the following values:

Anchor property Example value
subType OCR
signedTimestamp 2017-10-31, 19:45:59.123789

Similarly, an attribute verified against the data held by an external party will have an Anchor of type VERIFIER, naming the party that verified it.

From each attribute you can retrieve the Anchors, and subsets Sources and Verifiers (all as []*anchor.Anchor) as follows:

givenNamesAnchors := userProfile.GivenNames().Anchors()
givenNamesSources := userProfile.GivenNames().Sources()
givenNamesVerifiers := userProfile.GivenNames().Verifiers()

You can also retrieve further properties from these respective anchors in the following way:

var givenNamesFirstAnchor *anchor.Anchor = givenNamesAnchors[0]

var anchorType anchor.Type = givenNamesFirstAnchor.Type()
var signedTimestamp *time.Time = givenNamesFirstAnchor.SignedTimestamp().Timestamp()
var subType string = givenNamesFirstAnchor.SubType()
var value string = givenNamesFirstAnchor.Value()

Running the Example

Follow the below link for instructions on how to run the example project:

  1. Profile example

API Coverage

  • Activity Details
    • Remember Me ID RememberMeID()
    • Parent Remember Me ID ParentRememberMeID()
    • User Profile UserProfile
      • Selfie Selfie()
      • Selfie Base64 URL Selfie().Value().Base64URL()
      • Given Names GivenNames()
      • Family Name FamilyName()
      • Full Name FullName()
      • Mobile Number MobileNumber()
      • Email Address EmailAddress()
      • Date of Birth DateOfBirth()
      • Postal Address Address()
      • Structured Postal Address StructuredPostalAddress()
      • Gender Gender()
      • Nationality Nationality()