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If you are already experienced in using python and especially librarys like pandas, numpy and networkX you can skip the tutorials "01_tutorial_exploring_the_data" and "02_tutorial_first_functions".

If you are new to Python or this librarys or you want to refresh your knowledge you can work with this tutorials first.

Tutorial 1 Exploring the data

This tutorial includes small tasks with functions of pandas that are also used for the functions in this library. The tasks should give you an idea on the functions that are used for this library like "groupyby", "merge" etc.

Tutorial 2 First face2face toolbox functions explained (Covers the distribution methods)

This tutorial explains the basics about the functions that are implemented in the distribution and the average_degree methods. It allows you to get an idea on how to use the pandas and python tools that you saw in the previous tutorial.

Tutorial 3 First face2face toolbox functions explained (Covers the average_methods methods)

This tutorial explains the basics about the functions that are implemented in the distribution and the average_degree methods. It allows you to get an idea on how to use the pandas and python tools that you saw in the previous tutorial. In this tutorial, the functions for the calculations of the average degree for the different groups and subgroups of a data set are explained.

Tutorial 4 How to import data

The tutorial "import_data_set" tells you about every way that you can import predefined or your own datasets to make them useable in this library.

Tutorial 5 Measure the degrees

This tutorial shows how to use the packages about the measurement and the visualization of the (average) degree from a given dataset.

Tutorial 6 Dynmaic network analysis

This tutorial shows you the functions to create different kinds of networks with this library. It also shows you the implemented functions for measurements of the network for a first decisive loook on a given network.

Tutorial 7 Measure the homophily

This tutorial shows you how to analyse the data sets in terms of the homophily. The homophily describes the tendency of individuals to be more attracted to get in contact with other people witch share related (socio-demographic) attributes.

Tutorial 8 Calculate different kinds of contact duration

This tutorial shows you how to analyze the different kinds of contact durations in a dataset and also how to plot it.

Tutorial 9 Instruction on how to use powerlaw function

This tutorial should give you basic instructions on how to use the powerlaw package to analyze the distribution of the contact duration functions from this library.

Tutorial 10 How to use powerlaw and face2face library for statistical characterization of a data set

This tutorial requires the knowledge from the previous Tutorial ([Tutorial 8]). This tutorial should teach you how to use the librarys powerlaw and face2face, to determine reasonable parameters, find the best fitting distribution for the data set and how to visualize it.