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Releases: geotools/geotools


01 Jul 09:29
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Release notes - GeoTools - Version 26.5


GEOT-7170 StreamingRenderer might throw NPE with complex features when no default Geometry attribute is set

GEOT-7162 Postgis Partition tests fail on postgres versions below 11

GEOT-7161 Aggregate queries with non-database supported queries fail

GEOT-7153 Removing NetCDF granules from a mosaic can cause spurious netcdf index re-inits

GEOT-7147 Add support for missing CSS label vendor options

GEOT-7143 ElasticSearch GeoHash aggregation does not work when "scrolling" is enabled in the data store config

GEOT-7142 ElasticSearch GeoHash aggregation does not work on renamed geometry attributes

GEOT-7141 GeoTIFF mask/overview lookup should default to GeoTIFF format

GEOT-7135 FastBBOX Class cast exception when evaluating on ComplexFeatures

GEOT-6927 OSM usage of pre-generalized can cause " DataSource not available after calling dispose() or before being set"

GEOT-6888 PostGIS - fixed columns lengths when using prepared statements


GEOT-7164 Make it easier to move mosaics of NetCDF around

GEOT-7119 Clean up GeoHashGridProcessParameters, make it work properly with tiling

GEOT-7118 Allow GeoHashGridProcess to default the grid aggregation definition

GEOT-7111 Allows UniqueVisitor to select multiple features' attributes


GEOT-7171 Cleanup the RenderedSampleDimension.create static method

GEOT-7146 Upgrade jai-ext to 1.1.23

GEOT-7109 gt-swt module docs update

GeoTools 27.0

22 May 08:50
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Release notes


GEOT-7143 ElasticSearch GeoHash aggregation does not work when "scrolling" is enabled in the data store config

GEOT-7142 ElasticSearch GeoHash aggregation does not work on renamed geometry attributes

GEOT-7141 GeoTIFF mask/overview lookup should default to GeoTIFF format

GEOT-6888 PostGIS - fixed columns lengths when using prepared statements


GEOT-7131 Clarify ImageMosaic documentation with an example

GEOT-7129 Allow StreamingParser to set the entity resolver

GeoTools 26.4

12 Apr 03:04
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Release notes


GEOT-7115 Streamline JNDI lookups

GEOT-7090 GeoPackage attempts to read from non-existent columns

GEOT-7088 Fix shapefile resource leaks


GEOT-7091 ClippingFeatureCollection won't handle input feature types with generic Geometry columns


GEOT-7114 Deprecate unused GeoTools.fixName() and related methods

GEOT-7113 Update jai-ext to 1.1.22

GEOT-7101 Update Jackson to 2.13.2

GeoTools 26.3

23 Feb 17:20
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Release notes


GEOT-7076 Cannot use a start sql script with curly braces that are not in the format of an env variable

GEOT-7074 SLD or CSS filter rules using a non existent attribute named 'type' causes a generic ClassCastException instead of a specific exception with the right message

GEOT-7073 GeoPackage store fails to use spatial indexes when multiple BBOX filters are used at the same time

GEOT-7072 Allow empty string element value for parsing simple types in gt-xsd to avoid NumberFormatException

GEOT-7071 GetFeatureInfo in WMSLayer has problems in tranforamation of I,J params

GEOT-7060 Count query Prepared Statements values are not set

GEOT-7059 GeoTIFF reader nodata might not successfully compare against actual pixel nodata for large float values

GEOT-7051 ContourProcess doesn't extract GridCoverage2D NoData properties

New Feature

GEOT-7054 Like Query Support for GeoPackage

GEOT-7019 Add AppSchema support for GeoPackage

GeoTools 26.2

20 Jan 10:47
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Release notes


GEOT-7049 Crop operation should preserve the ROI among the coverage properties

GEOT-7043 SLD ContrastEnhancement should take care of nodata=0

GEOT-7040 Don't linearize warp transformations while oversampling

GEOT-7036 WMTS reader doesn't reproject result

GEOT-7030 Missing YSLD support for rule vendor options

GEOT-7024 Extend GeoPackage process XSD definition to support arbitrary request parameters for tile layers

GEOT-7023 WMS cascade layer wrong native CRS due to unordered SRS and bounding boxes

GEOT-7022 Concurrent CRS Factories access can result in deadlock


GEOT-6948 GeoTools Rendering pre-process Mark Factories Hint


GEOT-7045 Add ".gitattributes" to geotools sources

GEOT-7038 Update optional log4j support to a version that does not support RCE

GeoTools 25.5

19 Feb 11:46
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Release notes


GEOT-7073 GeoPackage store fails to use spatial indexes when multiple BBOX filters are used at the same time

GEOT-7071 GetFeatureInfo in WMSLayer has problems in tranforamation of I,J params

26.1b: Update .zenodo.json

15 Jan 17:01
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fixed json schema issues

test doi release

15 Jan 16:28
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test doi release Pre-release

add zendo config file to aid creation of DOI (#3743)


15 Jan 16:38
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21.6b Pre-release
Rename .zendo.json to .zenodo.json

GeoTools 26.1

18 Nov 05:46
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Release notes


GEOT-7001 XmlComplexFeatureParser gives wrong name for ComplexAttribute


GEOT-7020 Add ProjectionHandler for orthographic

GEOT-7007 Shapefile set files search may take very long on big shapefile directories