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Machine Learning in R: a Hands-on Experience

0.1. Binder Teaser Trailer

Session 1

1.1. Binder Introduction to the Tidyverse

1.2. Binder Machine Learning Libraries in R

1.3. Binder K NEarest Neighbors

1.4. Binder Support Vector Machines

1.5. Binder Tree-based Models

1.6. Binder Titanic Dataset

Session 2

2.1. Binder Bias-Variance Tradeoff

2.2. Binder Model Performance

2.3. Binder Model Selection

2.4. Binder Hyperparameter Optimization

2.5. Binder Credit Card Fraud Dataset

Session 3

3.1. Binder Introduction to Neural Networks

3.2. Binder Convolutional Neural Networks

3.3. Binder Recurrent Neural Networks

3.4. Binder Regularization Techniques

3.5. Binder Convnets for Text Recognition