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Use json_encode() for AjaxLink() URL + Add use of AttrEscape() for on…
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francoisjacquet committed May 10, 2022
1 parent faa36d9 commit 788a4a2
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Showing 27 changed files with 86 additions and 69 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ Changes in 9.0
- Create / Edit / Delete calendar: use button() in Calendar.php
- Update Calendars help text in Help_en.php & help.po
- Add translations for Calendar days legend in rosariosis.po
- Use json_encode() for AjaxLink() URL, program wide

Changes in 8.9.6
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ProgramFunctions/Fields.fnc.php
Expand Up @@ -276,7 +276,8 @@ function GetFieldsForm( $table, $title, $RET, $extra_category_fields = [], $type

$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) . '" onClick="ajaxLink(\'' . $delete_url . '\');" /> ';
$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) .
'" onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $delete_url ) . ');' ) . '" /> ';

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion functions/Date.php
Expand Up @@ -238,7 +238,8 @@ function PrepareDate( $date, $name_attr = '', $allow_na = true, $options = [] )
$add_args_js[] = '(this.form.' . $URL_arg . ' ? \'&' . $URL_arg . '=\' + this.form.' . $URL_arg . '.value : \'\')';

$e = ' onchange="ajaxLink( \'' . $date_onchange_href . '\' + ' . implode( '+', $add_args_js ) . ' );"';
$e = ' onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $date_onchange_href ) .
' + ' . implode( '+', $add_args_js ) . ' );' ) . '"';

$extraM .= $e;

Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions functions/GetStuList.fnc.php
Expand Up @@ -941,6 +941,8 @@ function makeParents( $student_id, $column )
return '';

$constraint = '';

if ( $_ROSARIO['makeParents'] )
$constraint = " AND sjp.STUDENT_RELATION IS NULL";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -980,7 +982,7 @@ function makeParents( $student_id, $column )
$img_title = $person['CUSTODY'] == 'Y' ? _( 'Custody' ) :
( $person['EMERGENCY'] == 'Y' ? _( 'Emergency' ) : '' );

$parents .= '<div>' . ( ! empty( $img ) ? button( $img, '', '', '" title="' . $img_title ) . '&nbsp;' : '' );
$parents .= '<div>' . ( ! empty( $img ) ? button( $img, '', '', '" title="' . AttrEscape( $img_title ) ) . '&nbsp;' : '' );

if ( isset( $_REQUEST['_ROSARIO_PDF'] ) )
Expand All @@ -992,10 +994,10 @@ function makeParents( $student_id, $column )
$popup_url = URLEscape( 'Modules.php?modname=misc/ViewContact.php&person_id=' .
$person['PERSON_ID'] . '&student_id=' . $student_id );

$parents .= '<a href="#" onclick=\'
"' . $popup_url . '",
$parents .= '<a href="#" onclick="' . AttrEscape( '
' . json_encode( $popup_url ) . ',
); return false;\'>' .
); return false;' ) . '">' .
$person['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $person['LAST_NAME'] .
Expand Down
16 changes: 5 additions & 11 deletions functions/Inputs.php
Expand Up @@ -497,12 +497,6 @@ function TinyMCEInput( $value, $name, $title = '', $extra = '' )

$wrapper = '<div class="tinymce-horizontal">';

$extra = str_replace(
[ 'class="', "class='" ],
[ 'class="tinymce ', "class='tinymce " ],

if ( mb_strpos( (string) $extra, 'required' ) !== false )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1595,8 +1589,8 @@ function NoInput( $value, $title = '' )
$value .
'</span>' . $ftitle;
return $value . $ftitle;

return $value . $ftitle;

Expand All @@ -1613,15 +1607,15 @@ function NoInput( $value, $title = '' )
function CheckBoxOnclick( $name, $title = '' )
$onclick_URL = "'" . PreparePHP_SELF(
$onclick_URL = PreparePHP_SELF(
isset( $_REQUEST[ $name ] ) && $_REQUEST[ $name ] == 'Y' ? [ $name => '' ] : [ $name => 'Y' ]
) . "'";

$input = '<input type="checkbox" name="' . AttrEscape( $name ) . '" value="Y"' .
( isset( $_REQUEST[ $name ] ) && $_REQUEST[ $name ] == 'Y' ? ' checked' : '' ) .
' onclick="ajaxLink(' . $onclick_URL . ');" />';
' onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $onclick_URL ) . ');' ) . '" />';

if ( $title != '' )
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions functions/Prompts.php
Expand Up @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ function DeletePrompt( $title, $action = 'Delete', $remove_modfunc_on_cancel = t
PopTable( 'header', _( 'Confirm' ) . ( mb_strpos( $action, ' ' ) === false ? ' '. $action : '' ) );

echo '<br /><div class="center">' . button( 'warning', '', '', 'bigger' ) .
'<h4>' . sprintf( _( 'Are you sure you want to %s that %s?' ), $action, $title ) . '</h4>
'<h4>' . sprintf( _( 'Are you sure you want to %s that %s?' ), $action, $title ) . '</h4>
<form action="' . $PHP_tmp_SELF . '" method="POST">' .
SubmitButton( _( 'OK' ), 'delete_ok', '' ) .
'<input type="button" name="delete_cancel" class="button-primary" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Cancel' ) ) . '"
onclick="ajaxLink(\'' . $PHP_tmp_SELF_cancel . '\');" />
onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $PHP_tmp_SELF_cancel ) . ');' ) . '" />
</div><br />';

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Accounting/DailyTransactions.php
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function _programMenu( $program )
'totals' => _( 'Daily Totals' ),
'onchange="ajaxLink(\'' . $link . '\' + this.value);" autocomplete="off"',
'onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $link ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '" autocomplete="off"',

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions modules/Attendance/Administration.php
Expand Up @@ -522,8 +522,8 @@
'"#" onclick=\'javascript:addHTML("' . str_replace( '"', '\"', _makeCodeSearch() ) .
'","code_pulldowns"); return false;\''
'"#" onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'addHTML(' . json_encode( _makeCodeSearch() ) .
',\'code_pulldowns\'); return false;' ) . '"'
) . '</td><td><div id="code_pulldowns">' . $code_pulldowns . '</div></td>' .
'<td class="align-right">' . $current_student_link . '</td></tr></table>';

Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion modules/Attendance/Administration_fast.old.php
Expand Up @@ -212,7 +212,14 @@
'">' . _( 'Current Student' ) . '</a></td><td>';

DrawHeader( PrepareDate( $date, '_date' ), '<table><tr><td>' . $current_student_link . button( 'add', '', "# onclick='javascript:addHTML(\"" . str_replace( '"', '\"', _makeCodeSearch() ) . "\",\"code_pulldowns\"); return false;'" ) . '</td><td><div id="code_pulldowns">' . $code_pulldowns . '</div></td></tr></table>' );
PrepareDate( $date, '_date' ),
'<table><tr><td>' . $current_student_link .
'"#" onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'addHTML(' . json_encode( _makeCodeSearch() ) . ',\'code_pulldowns\'); return false;' ) . '"'
) . '</td><td><div id="code_pulldowns">' . $code_pulldowns . '</div></td></tr></table>' );

$_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] = 'list';
Search( 'student_id', $extra );
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Attendance/DailySummary.php
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
'absence' => _( 'Absence Summary' ),
'onchange="ajaxLink(\'' . $report_link . '\' + this.value);" autocomplete="off"',
'onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $report_link ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '" autocomplete="off"',

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Attendance/Percent.php
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
'true' => _( 'Average Attendance by Day' ),
'onchange="ajaxLink(\'' . $report_link . '\' + this.value);" autocomplete="off"',
'onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $report_link ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '" autocomplete="off"',

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Attendance/TakeAttendance.php
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
issetVal( $_REQUEST['school_period'] ),
'autocomplete="off" onchange=\'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( PreparePHP_SELF( [], [ 'school_period' ] ) ) . ' + "&school_period=" + this.value);\''
'autocomplete="off" onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( PreparePHP_SELF( [], [ 'school_period' ] ) ) . ' + "&school_period=" + this.value);' ) . '"'

if ( SchoolInfo( 'NUMBER_DAYS_ROTATION' ) !== null )
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions modules/Grades/Assignments.php
Expand Up @@ -522,11 +522,12 @@
if ( $is_assignment
|| ! $assignment_type_has_assignments )
$delete_url = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
$delete_url = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&modfunc=delete&assignment_type_id=' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] .
'&assignment_id=' . $_REQUEST['assignment_id'] ) . "'";
'&assignment_id=' . $_REQUEST['assignment_id'] );

$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) . '" onClick="javascript:ajaxLink(' . $delete_url . ');" />';
$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) .
'" onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $delete_url ) . ');' ) . '" />';

Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions modules/Grades/Grades.php
Expand Up @@ -507,15 +507,15 @@
$stu_RET = GetStuList( $extra );
//echo '<pre>'; var_dump($stu_RET); echo '</pre>';

$type_onchange_URL = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
$type_onchange_URL = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&include_inactive=' . $_REQUEST['include_inactive'] .
'&include_all=' . $_REQUEST['include_all'] .
( $_REQUEST['assignment_id'] === 'all' ? '&assignment_id=all' : '' ) .
( UserStudentID() ? '&student_id=' . UserStudentID() : '' ) .
"&type_id=" ) . "'";
"&type_id=" );

$type_select = '<select name="type_id" id="type_id" onchange="ajaxLink(' .
$type_onchange_URL . ' + this.value);">';
$type_select = '<select name="type_id" id="type_id" onchange="' .
AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $type_onchange_URL ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '">';

$type_select .= '<option value=""' . ( ! $_REQUEST['type_id'] ? ' selected' : '' ) . '>' .
_( 'All' ) .
Expand All @@ -530,14 +530,14 @@

$type_select .= '</select><label for="type_id" class="a11y-hidden">' . _( 'Assignment Types' ) . '</label>';

$assignment_onchange_URL = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
$assignment_onchange_URL = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&include_inactive=' . $_REQUEST['include_inactive'] .
'&include_all=' . $_REQUEST['include_all'] .
'&type_id=' . $_REQUEST['type_id'] .
"&assignment_id=" ) . "'";
"&assignment_id=" );

$assignment_select = '<select name="assignment_id" id="assignment_id" onchange="ajaxLink(' .
$assignment_onchange_URL . ' + this.value);">';
$assignment_select = '<select name="assignment_id" id="assignment_id" onchange="' .
AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $assignment_onchange_URL ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '">';

$assignment_select .= '<option value="">' . _( 'Totals' ) . '</option>';

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions modules/Grades/InputFinalGrades.php
Expand Up @@ -1016,10 +1016,11 @@
RedirectURL( 'values' );

$mps_onchange_URL = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&include_inactive=' . $_REQUEST['include_inactive'] . "&mp=" ) . "'";
$mps_onchange_URL = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&include_inactive=' . $_REQUEST['include_inactive'] . "&mp=" );

$mps_select = '<select name="mp_select" id="mp_select" onchange="ajaxLink(' . $mps_onchange_URL . ' + this.value);">';
$mps_select = '<select name="mp_select" id="mp_select" onchange="' .
AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $mps_onchange_URL ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '">';

$allow_edit = false;

Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions modules/Grades/ReportCardComments.php
Expand Up @@ -169,11 +169,12 @@
$_REQUEST['course_id'] = key( $courses_RET ) . '';

$subject_onchange_URL = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
"&subject_id=" ) . "'";
$subject_onchange_URL = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
"&subject_id=" );

$subject_select = '<label for="subject_id" class="a11y-hidden">' . _( 'Subject' ) . '</label>
<select name="subject_id" onchange="ajaxLink(' . $subject_onchange_URL . ' + this.value);">';
<select name="subject_id" onchange="' .
AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $subject_onchange_URL ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '">';

//FJ Add No Courses were found error

Expand All @@ -191,12 +192,13 @@

$subject_select .= '</select>';

$course_onchange_URL = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
$course_onchange_URL = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&subject_id=' . $_REQUEST['subject_id'] .
"&course_id=" ) . "'";
"&course_id=" );

$course_select = '<label for="course_id" class="a11y-hidden">' . _( 'Course' ) . '</label>
<select name="course_id" onchange="ajaxLink(' . $course_onchange_URL . ' + this.value);">';
<select name="course_id" onchange="' .
AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $course_onchange_URL ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '">';

//FJ Add No Courses were found error

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions modules/Scheduling/Courses.php
Expand Up @@ -808,12 +808,13 @@

if ( $can_delete )
$delete_url = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
$delete_url = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&modfunc=delete&subject_id=' . $_REQUEST['subject_id'] .
'&course_id=' . $_REQUEST['course_id'] .
'&course_period_id=' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] ) . "'";
'&course_period_id=' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] );

$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) . '" onClick="javascript:ajaxLink(' . $delete_url . ');" />';
$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) .
'" onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $delete_url ) . ');' ) . '" />';

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Scheduling/RequestsReport.php
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
'unfilled' => _( 'Unfilled Requests' ),
'onchange="ajaxLink(\'' . $report_link . '\' + this.value);" autocomplete="off"',
'onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $report_link ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '" autocomplete="off"',

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Scheduling/ScheduleReport.php
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
'master' => _( 'Master Schedule Report' ),
'onchange="ajaxLink(\'' . $report_link . '\' + this.value);" autocomplete="off"',
'onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $report_link ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '" autocomplete="off"',

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions modules/School_Setup/Calendar.php
Expand Up @@ -950,15 +950,16 @@

//FJ bugfix erase calendar onchange
$calendar_onchange_URL = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] . "&calendar_id=" ) . "'";
$calendar_onchange_URL = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] . "&calendar_id=" );

$links = SelectInput(
'<span class="a11y-hidden">' . _( 'Calendar' ) . '</span>',
' onchange="ajaxLink(' . $calendar_onchange_URL . ' + document.getElementById(\'calendar_id\').value);" ',
' onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $calendar_onchange_URL ) .
' + document.getElementById("calendar_id").value);' ) . '" ',

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions modules/School_Setup/MarkingPeriods.php
Expand Up @@ -443,9 +443,10 @@

if ( $can_delete )
$delete_URL = "'" . URLEscape( $mp_href . "&modfunc=delete" ) . "'";
$delete_URL = URLEscape( $mp_href . "&modfunc=delete" );

$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) . '" onClick="javascript:ajaxLink(' . $delete_URL . ');" />';
$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) .
'" onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $delete_URL ) . ');' ) . '" />';
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Student_Billing/DailyTransactions.php
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function _programMenu( $program )
'totals' => _( 'Daily Totals' ),
'onchange="ajaxLink(\'' . $link . '\' + this.value);" autocomplete="off"',
'onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $link ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '" autocomplete="off"',

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions modules/Students/AssignOtherInfo.php
Expand Up @@ -234,10 +234,10 @@

echo '<table class="widefat center"><tr><td><div class="center">';

$category_onchange_URL = "'" . PreparePHP_SELF( $_REQUEST, [ 'category_id' ] ) . "&category_id='";
$category_onchange_URL = PreparePHP_SELF( $_REQUEST, [ 'category_id' ] ) . '&category_id=';

echo '<select name="category_id" id="category_id" onchange="ajaxLink(' .
$category_onchange_URL . ' + this.value);">';
echo '<select name="category_id" id="category_id" onchange="' .
AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $category_onchange_URL ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '">';

echo '<option value="">' . _( 'All Categories' ) . '</option>';

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions modules/Students/Student.php
Expand Up @@ -726,10 +726,11 @@

if ( $can_delete )
$delete_URL = "'" . URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&student_id=' . UserStudentID() . "&modfunc=delete" ) . "'";
$delete_URL = URLEscape( "Modules.php?modname=" . $_REQUEST['modname'] .
'&student_id=' . UserStudentID() . "&modfunc=delete" );

$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) . '" onClick="javascript:ajaxLink(' . $delete_URL . ');" />';
$delete_button = '<input type="button" value="' . AttrEscape( _( 'Delete' ) ) .
'" onclick="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $delete_URL ) . ');' ) . '" />';
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/Students/StudentFields.php
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function _fieldsCategoryMenu( $category )
'contact' => _( 'Contact Fields' ),
'onchange="ajaxLink(\'' . $link . '\' + this.value);" autocomplete="off"',
'onchange="' . AttrEscape( 'ajaxLink(' . json_encode( $link ) . ' + this.value);' ) . '" autocomplete="off"',

Expand Down

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