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File metadata and controls

69 lines (60 loc) · 3.54 KB


Component to render a small pop-up "tip" once a trigger element is clicked. Clicking the target again should toggle the popover. Clicking outside of the popover will typically close it.


Similar to <Dropdown>, the <Popover> will render its children inside an overlay and the renderTrigger-prop renders the button that triggers the overlay.

import { Popover } from '@folio/stripes/components';

  renderTrigger={({ open, ref, toggle, }) => (
      {open ? 'Close' : 'Open'}
  Lorem ipsum delor sit amet...


By default, the <Popover> handles its open state internally. If you need to control the <Popover> externally, you can pass an open-prop which controls the visibility of the overlay and an onToggle-prop that handles flipping the open state.

const [open, setOpen] = useState(fale);

  onToggle={() => setOpen(!open)}
  renderTrigger={({ open, ref, toggle, }) => (
      {open ? 'Close' : 'Open'}
  Lorem ipsum delor sit amet...


Name Type Description Default Required
anchorRef func, object Pass a ref to an alternative anchor element. The anchor is the element that the popover attaches to. The <Popover> will automatically generate a ref that will be passed down to the trigger element via. the renderTrigger-prop. The default ref will be replaced by the ref passed to the anchorRef-prop.
children func, node Renders the contents of the popover overlay. Passing a function will enable accessing the same render-props that is passed to the renderTrigger-function. This is useful for e.g. passing down the toggle-function to a "close"-button inside the popover overlay. Yes
className string Applies a custom class name for the popover overlay.
modifiers object Pass modifiers for the internal <Popper>-component. See the <Popper>-documentation for more information.
noPadding bool Removes the default padding on the popover overlay. false
onToggle func A callback function for toggling the popover's open state. This is only relevant if you are manually controlling the open state externally.
offset number Sets the offset (px) from the popover overlay to the anchor/trigger element 5
open bool Controls the popover open state. This is only relevant if you need to be able to close the popover externally. Remember to also pass an onToggle-callback that toggles the external open state.
placement string Determines the placement of the popover overlay relative to the trigger button/anchor element. See the available placements in the basic usage example/story. bottom
popperProps object Pass additional props to the internal <Popper>-component. See the documentation for the <Popper>-component to learn more.
renderTrigger func Renders the trigger button/anchor element. The function will receive an object that contains a ref, an open state and a toggle-function. It's required to pass the ref down to either the toggle button or some anchor element.


Setting position of "top" and alignment of "end" will render the popover above the trigger, aligned with the 'end' of the target's bounding box.

<Popover position="top" alignment="end">
  <Button data-role="target">Top Popover3</Button>
  <p data-role="popover">Lorem ipsum delor sit amet...</p>