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Stripes CLI User Guide

Note: When serving or building an existing app module that has dependencies on unreleased versions of other Stripes modules, be sure to use the npm-folioci registry. This applies whether you've installed the CLI from npm-folio or npm-folioci.

Using the CLI

Stripes CLI is invoked with the stripes command. When Stripes CLI is installed globally, Yarn will make the stripes command available in your path. To run a given command, run stripes followed by the desired command name.


$ stripes serve


See the README for installation and upgrade instructions.

Note: FOLIO platforms and most, if not all, FOLIO UI modules already include Stripes CLI as a devDependency. Therefore no global installation is necessary when invoking package scripts that reference "stripes" commands.


Any option can be passed to the CLI either on the command line, as an environment variable, or in a .stripesclirc configuration file.

Options passed on the command line are prefixed with -- in the form of --optionName value.

$ stripes serve --port 8080


  • Boolean options are considered true by simply passing the option name. No value is required.
  • To explicitly set a Boolean option to false, prefix the option name with --no- as in --no-optionName.
  • Options that take an array as their argument work by consuming values from the command-line until the next "--" is found.
  • String arguments can be wrapped in quotes when spaces are desired. This is helpful for descriptions.

Example passing array values for modules and false for install:

$ stripes workspace --modules ui-users stripes-core stripes-components --no-install

If for some reason "stripes core" (with a space) were the name of the module, it could be quoted as one of the array arguments:

$ stripes workspace --modules ui-users "stripes core" stripes-components --no-install

Standard input

Some commands support passing an option via standard input (stdin). Where supported, stdin is typically accepted as a whitespace-delimited (including line breaks) list of values.

For example, a file containing the module descriptor ids, one per line, can be piped to a command using stdin.

File: my-modules


The above file can be piped to mod enable to enable multiple module descriptor ids for a tenant:

$ cat my-modules | stripes mod enable --tenant diku

Various commands produce output that is suitable for piping to related commands. For example, perm list will output a list of permission names, one on each line. This can be optionally be filtered and piped to perm assign.

$ stripes perm list --user jack | grep hello-world | stripes perm assign --user jill

Support for stdin is indicated in a command option's notes in the command reference.

Option Description Type Notes
--ids Module descriptor ids array supports stdin


Every command in Stripes CLI includes a description, list of options with descriptions, and often example usages. To view help for any command, simply pass the --help option to the command.

$ stripes serve --help


Related CLI commands are often grouped together. This for organizational purposes.

Example "sub-commands" of the platform command:

$ stripes platform clean
$ stripes platform pull

Interactive commands

Some commands may require additional input before continuing. When necessary, a command may prompt the user with questions. This interactive input can be disabled entirely by passing --no-interactive. This is useful when the CLI is part of an automated script.

$ stripes app create "Hello World" --no-interactive

Note: This will force default values, if available, to be used. When no suitable defaults are available, the command may fail or produce unexpected results. Please verify behavior first.


Frequently used options can be saved to a .stripesclirc configuration file to avoid entering them each time. Stripes CLI will use the configuration file found in the current working directory, or the first one found walking up the tree. The default configuration file format is JSON.

Any supported command-line positional or option can be defined. For example:

  "configFile": "stripes.config.js",
  "port": 8080

Module export

In addition to JSON, the CLI configuration may be authored as a JavaScript module export. This is useful for generating options dynamically or defining CLI plugins. When defining a JavaScript module export, be sure to use the .js file extension.

Example .stripesclirc.js:

const environment = process.env.NODE_ENV;
let url;

if (environment === 'sandbox') {
  url = '';
} else {
  url = '';

module.exports = {
  okapi: url,
  tenant: 'fs',
  install: true,

Environment variables

Any CLI option can be set using environment variables prefixed with STRIPES_. For example, to specify the --port option, use an environment variable named STRIPES_PORT.


CLI Context

CLI operations may vary depending on the context in which the command is run. By identifying a context, the CLI can validate the command is appropriate and, in some cases, modify workflow as needed. Context is determined by the package.json in the working directory. Use the status command to view the current context.


  • APP - Identified by the value of the stripes.type property in package.json. The CLI will automatically generate a virtual platform when serving an UI app module in isolation.
  • PLATFORM - Identified by a package.json containing one or more @folio/ dependencies, but no stripes object.
  • WORKSPACE - CLI is run from a directory containing a Yarn workspace package.json.
  • EMPTY - No package.json detected. Suitable for creating new UI apps or platforms.
  • CLI - Command is run from the Stripes CLI directory.


Stripes UI modules are meant to be built together with other modules in a platform that shares common build infrastructure. A platform consists of a package.json and a tenant configuration typically named stripes.config.js. See the Stripes Sample Platform for a good example.

The platform that Stripes CLI uses is influenced by the CLI context and constructed in the following order:

  1. Base configuration: When a file argument like stripes.config.js is provided, this will be used as the base. Otherwise, the CLI will use its own internal defaults that contain no modules.

  2. Virtual configuration: In the APP context, the CLI will apply the current app as a module and generate an alias for the app to be run in isolation. In the PLATFORM or APP context, the CLI will then add modules for all aliases defined, but only when an explicit module configuration is absent from stripes.config.js, or no stripes.config.js has been provided.

  3. Command configuration: Any relevant options passed in on the command line are applied to the configuration last.

Tip: Use the status command (optionally with a file and/or other config options) to view the CLI's generated platform configuration in the current context.


Workspaces are used to associate platform modules with local code repositories in a development environment. Workspaces are not limited to @folio scope modules. At build time, any defined modules will be linked by yarn.

There are two methods of adding workspaces in the CLI:

  1. workspace command - This command will checkout from github any requested components into a workspace. See the workspace command for more detail.

  2. Top-level package.json file - This file is auto-generated by the workspace command, but it can be created manually as well and yarn will respect it when calling yarn install. See yarn workspaces for more information.

Note that in order for local code repositories to be used for a reference made in another module or platform package.json file, the local code repository version must fall in the requested version range. Otherwise, yarn will fetch from the remote repository instead.

Development prerequisites

The subsequent development sections assume an existing Okapi backend, such as the FOLIO testing-backend Vagrant box, is installed and running locally for front-end development. With Vagrant installed, you can set up FOLIO testing-backend with the following commands:

$ mkdir testing-backend
$ cd testing-backend
$ vagrant init folio/testing-backend
$ vagrant up

The FOLIO testing-backend vagrant box includes the default tenant, "diku". See this stripes document for information updating your Vagrant box.

As an alternative to using a local Vagrant box for Okapi, you can develop against an external Okapi instance. To do this, specify the URL of your Okapi using the --okapi option with each command. This can also be passed via a .stripesclirc configuration file.

  "okapi": "http://your-okapi-host:and-port",
  "tenant": "your-tenant-id"

App development

As a UI app developer, it is often preferred to develop your app independent from an entire platform. This allows you to focus on your app's own code and not worry about how it is built or integrated within FOLIO. The Stripes CLI provides all the necessary configuration to develop both new and existing apps in isolation.

Prerequisites: An Okapi backend is required. See development prerequisites

Creating your app

From a suitable directory, run the following to generate stripes boilerplate code:

$ stripes app create "Hello World"

This generates a skeleton Stripes UI app with sample routes and settings. The CLI will transform the provided app name, "Hello World", to follow naming conventions where the ui- prefix or @folio scope is used.

Creating app...
  "appName": "hello-world",
  "appDescription": "an example app",
  "appDir": "ui-hello-world",
  "uiAppName": "ui-hello-world",
  "packageName": "@folio/hello-world",
  "displayName": "Hello World",
  "appRoute": "/helloworld",
  "componentName": "HelloWorld"

The CLI will automatically run yarn install on the directory afterwards. To prevent this, set the install option to false by passing --no-install. Then cd to the app's directory and run yarn install manually.

From here you can immediately start running your app, but it is best to properly post the app's module descriptor to Okapi and assign permissions. First login to Okapi:

stripes okapi login diku_admin --okapi http://localhost:9130 --tenant diku

To generate the Stripes boilerplate code and post the module descriptor to Okapi in one command:

$ stripes app create "Hello World" --assign diku_admin

In the above command, after creating an app and installing dependencies, --assign will first post the module descriptor to Okapi and then enable the module for the tenant. Next, it will assign the new app's default permissions to the user diku_admin. See assigning permissions below for details on how to perform these operations independently, or to add permissions later on during development.

Assigning permissions

The new app created above contains the following permissions sets that Okapi needs to know about via module descriptor. Once Okapi has the new app's module descriptor, the app can be assigned to a tenant, and permissions assigned to a user. Doing so eliminates the need for setting --hasAllPerms during development.

"permissionSets": [
    "permissionName": "module.hello-world.enabled",
    "displayName": "UI: Hello World module is enabled",
    "visible": true
    "permissionName": "settings.hello-world.enabled",
    "displayName": "Settings (hello-world): display list of settings pages",
    "subPermissions": [
    "visible": true

To push your app's module descriptor, use the mod add command from within the app's directory.

$ stripes mod add

Next enable the module descriptor for your tenant:

$ stripes mod enable --tenant diku

Finally assign the app's default enabled permissions for a user:

$ stripes app perms | stripes perm assign --user diku_admin

See Stripes-core's Adding Permissions for more detail and on how to manually add permissions.

Running your app

After creating "Hello World" and installing dependencies, the new app is ready to run. Change to the new app directory and serve your new app using a development server:

$ stripes serve

To specify your own tenant ID or to use an Okapi instance other than the default http://localhost:9130, pass the --okapi and --tenant options or set them in .stripesclirc file.

$ stripes serve --okapi --tenant my-tenant-id

Note: When serving up a newly created app that either does not have a module descriptor in Okapi, or permissions assigned to the user, pass the --hasAllPerms option to display the app in the UI navigation. While handy for initial development, --hasAllPerms should not be used in production builds. See assigning permissions to eliminate the need for this.

$ stripes serve --hasAllPerms

Including another Stripes module

Now that our Hello World app is up and running on its own, we may want to bring in an existing app for testing or further development. The CLI makes this easy. The following will demonstrate how to add ui-users.

Create a new directory adjacent to ui-hello-world, call stripes workspace and select ui-users from the list.

$ mkdir workspace-hello-world
$ stripes workspace

Now, move ui-hello-world into your new workspace

$ mv ../ui-hello-world .

or on Windows:

$ move ..\ui-hello-world .

We should now have the following directory structure:


Next from the stripes directory, run:

$ yarn install

This will ensure proper linking of dependencies. Now simply start the app up again. From the ui-hello-world directory, run:

$ stripes serve

The FOLIO platform generated will now include ui-users! The same procedure can be followed to include non-app modules as well such as stripes-components and stripes-core.

Platform development

When developing multiple Stripes apps and/or core modules at the same time, it is often desired to work with a platform containing many FOLIO Stripes modules. See new development setup in stripes-core for more details. The Stripes CLI provides commands to simplify the creation of such platforms, consolidating several of the steps.

Prerequisites: An Okapi backend is required. See development prerequisites

Environment setup

The easiest way to manage all the apps within a platform is with a Yarn workspace. The CLI's workspace command will help set up a workspace-based development environment that is ready to go.

From a suitable directory, run the following:

$ stripes workspace

After prompting for modules, the workspace command will generate a directory named "stripes", clone all the selected modules, and install their dependencies. For any platforms chosen during module selection, such as stripes-sample-platform, a local Stripes configuration (stripes.config.js.local) will be generated.

If you do not see a recently-added module in the prompt list, you can fetch and refresh the list by running the following command:

$ stripes inventory --fetch

If a directory other than "stripes" is desired, use the --dir option.

$ stripes workspace --dir temp

To skip the interactive module selection, pass space-separated list of module names with the --modules option.

$ stripes workspace --modules ui-users stripes-components stripes-sample-platform

Note about workspaces: Although similar in that both "workspace" and "platform" may be used to mean "development environment", they are both independent things. A Yarn workspace is a method for managing a dependencies across multiple modules, whereas a FOLIO platform defines a collection of Stripes modules configured for FOLIO. One workspace may contain multiple platforms. Also, a platform can exist without a Yarn workspace.

Creating a platform

If you selected a platform such as stripes-sample-platform or platform-core at the time of creating a workspace, you are all set. Refer to stripes.config.js and package.json of the Stripes Sample Platform if you wish to create a platform manually.

Running a platform

After creating a workspace with a selected platform, you can immediately serve it up. Change directories to your platform and run stripes serve with a tenant configuration file, such as stripes.config.js or stripes.config.js.local.

$ cd stripes/stripes-sample-platform
$ stripes serve stripes.config.js.local

Note: Stripes configuration is also accepted in JSON format.

Running tests for a platform

See the ui-testing readme.

TODO: Document CLI-specific operations that help with this.

Updating the platform

To pull the latest code changes from master for all cloned modules in your platform, run platform pull from either the platform directory, or the Yarn workspace directory.

$ stripes platform pull

When run from a platform directory, the CLI will pull the latest code for all aliased modules in the platform wherever they exist on the file system. When run from a workspace directory, the CLI will pull the latest code for all known Stripes apps/modules in the workspace directory.

Stripes configuration

A Stripes config file is used to describe a tenant's front-end module configuration for a platform. This file is often described in documentation as a JavaScript module export (stripes.config.js). However, it should be noted that JSON format is also accepted.

For example, this stripes.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  okapi: {
    url: 'http://localhost:9130',
    tenant: 'diku',
  config: {
  modules: {
    '@folio/trivial': {},
    '@folio/users': {},

Could be written as stripes.config.json in JSON format:

  "okapi": {
    "url": "http://localhost:9130",
    "tenant": "diku"
  "config": {
  "modules": {
    "@folio/trivial": {},
    "@folio/users": {}

Further, when using JSON format, the CLI also accepts this configuration piped via stdin. Therefore, given the above configuration files exist, each of these commands would produce the same output:

$ stripes build stripes.config.js
$ stripes build stripes.config.json
$ cat stripes.config.json | stripes build

The last example becomes useful when your Stripes configuration does not reside on disk and is instead emitted from another process.

Interacting with Okapi

Some CLI commands make requests to a running Okapi instance. For these to work, you must have a valid token. To obtain a token, use the okapi command to login:

$ stripes okapi login diku_admin --okapi http://localhost:9130 --tenant diku

Note: When working with Okapi, it is easiest to set okapi and tenant options in a .stripesclirc file or environment variables. Either method avoids the need to manually supply --okapi and --tenant with each command. The remaining examples in this section assume okapi and tenant are already set via config file or environment variable.

$ stripes okapi login diku_admin

If not supplied after the username, the CLI will prompt for a password. After a successful login, the token will be stored for use with future CLI commands.

To clear a previously saved token run:

$ stripes okapi logout

Managing UI modules

The CLI mod command can be used to manage Stripes UI modules for a tenant. All mod commands can operate on the app context of the current directory. Therefore, be sure to cd into the desired app directory when working with a single app. The mod enable and mod disable commands have recently added support for stdin and can work with multiple modules descriptor ids.

To view the current app's module descriptor:

$ stripes mod descriptor --full

To add a module to Okapi and enable it for a tenant:

$ stripes mod add
$ stripes mod enable --tenant diku

To enable multiple modules for a tenant given an existing file, my-modules, containing module descriptor ids:

$ cat my-modules | stripes mod enable --tenant diku

To remove a module from Okapi:

$ stripes mod remove

When a module is already associated with a tenant it cannot be removed without disabling it for the tenant first.

$ stripes mod disable --tenant diku

When updating a module descriptor in Okapi, the CLI provides a shortcut. The following will attempt to remove a module descriptor, and if necessary, disable it. After adding the new module descriptor, the module will be re-enabled for the tenant.

$ stripes mod update

Note: At this time, mod update will only attempt to disable/enable one tenant (typical development use-case). Multiple tenants will have to be disabled manually.

Managing UI permissions

Create new UI permissions with the following command:

$ stripes perm create ui-hello-world.example --push --assign diku_admin

This will update the current app's package.json with a new permission and invoke the mod add or mod update command as needed to push the new module descriptor to Okapi. Finally, the permission will be assigned to the username provided.

If the --push and --assign options are omitted (or the permissions were created manually in package.json), run the following commands to update Okapi and assign permissions to a user:

$ stripes mod update
$ stripes app perms | stripes perm assign --user diku_admin

General HTTP requests

In addition to commands like mod which are dedicated to specific module management operations, Stripes CLI also supports issuing HTTP requests to arbitrary Okapi endpoints with the okapi command's get, post, put, delete sub-commands. These can be useful for reading and writing data to Okapi modules for a given tenant. Be sure to supply --okapi and --tenant either on the command line or in a config file and use okapi login to obtain a valid token.

For example, to GET user 123, simply run the following command:

$ stripes okapi get /users/123

POST and PUT operations support passing the request body in via stdin. To POST the contents of my-user.json to /users issue the following command:

$ cat my-user.json | stripes okapi post /users

For more information and examples, refer to the okapi command in the command reference.

Generating a production build

To generate a build for production, it is best to use a clean platform install with no workspace or aliases defined. The following describes how to build platform-core:

$ git clone
$ cd platform-core
$ yarn install
$ stripes build stripes.config.js my-build-output

If source maps are desired, include them with the --sourcemap option.

$ stripes build stripes.config.js my-build-output --sourcemap

Note: Stripes configuration is also accepted in JSON format.

The generated build assets will be placed in the directory path provided (in this case, my-build-output). These files are ready to serve up from the file server of your choice. For testing purposes, you can serve up an existing Stripes build using the following command:

$ stripes serve --existing-build my-build-output

Analyzing bundle output

Sometimes it is useful to visualize the contents of the build to identify areas that could use some optimization. Stripes CLI includes the Webpack Bundle Analyzer to help with this. To enable the bundle analyzer, pass the --analyze option to the build command:

$ stripes build stripes.config.js my-build-output --analyze

Note: If running the analyzer with aliased modules, duplication is likely. It is best to run the analyzer on a platform-only install.

Reducing build output

One quick way to limit the build output, is to limit the number of languages included in the build. This is done by modifying a tenant's Stripes configuration. See filtering translations at build time of the Stripes developer guide on how to to this. The result will not only limit translation files, but also locale assets for react-intl and moment libraries.

Filtering languages can be done with the CLI by specifying the languages option which accepts an array of values.

$ stripes build stripes.config.js --languages en es

Using Webpack DLL

A technique you can use to pre-build dependencies that change less frequently so that subsequent builds can be more focused in what code needs to be transpiled and will therefore run more quickly. For more information see: DllPlugin documentation.

For example, you could choose to create a re-usable DLL for third-party dependencies and call it "vendor" (note that using the flag --skipStripesBuild is appropriate here as it will exclude Stripes-specific steps during the build. It should not be used when building a Stripes DLL):

$ stripes build --createDll react,react-dom,react-router --dllName vendor --skipStripesBuild

To then use that DLL in the final bundle, point to the manifest JSON file:

$ stripes build --useDll ./path/to/dll/vendor.json

The benefit is that if you make changes to your code, you only need to re-run the final bundle command above which bypasses the need to re-bundle the third-party dependencies, which reduces the build time. Note that in this case if you update the version of a third-party dependency, you will then need to run both commands for the change to affect the final bundle.

Viewing diagnostic output

The CLI's status command is a helpful starting point for diagnosing errors. Among other things, status will output which stripes-core is in use, the stripes config for the current context and list any aliases.

$ stripes status stripes.config.js

To view stripes-cli and stripes-core diagnostic output for any command while it is running, set the DEBUG environment variable to stripes*. For example:

$ export DEBUG=stripes*
$ stripes serve stripes.config.js

On Windows set the environment variable using the set command:

$ set DEBUG=stripes*

See the debugging section in the CLI developer guide for more information on DEBUG usage.

Observing Okapi requests

Monitoring Okapi requests for any Stripes CLI command is easy. Set the DEBUG environment variable to stripes-cli:okapi. This can be done by prefixing any CLI command with DEBUG=stripes-cli:okapi. For example:

$ DEBUG=stripes-cli:okapi stripes okapi login diku_admin

This will show what Okapi endpoints were called during a CLI command and how Okapi responded.

  stripes-cli:okapi ---> POST http://localhost:9130/authn/login +0ms
  stripes-cli:okapi <--- 201 Created +136ms
User diku_admin logged into tenant diku on Okapi http://localhost:9130

To avoid having to prefix every command, simply set the DEBUG environment variable accordingly.

$ export DEBUG=stripes-cli:okapi

On Windows:

$ set DEBUG=stripes-cli:okapi