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190 lines (156 loc) · 9.96 KB


Query Syntax

Browsing can be performed in two directions - forward and backward. Browsing around combines results from these two queries.

Direction Query Description
forward callNumber > F Request with that query will return all records after the specified anchor in ascending alphabetical order
forward_including callNumber >= F Request with that query will return all records after the specified anchor in ascending alphabetical order including it
backward callNumber < F Request with that query will return all records before the specified anchor in ascending alphabetical order
backward_including callNumber <= F Request with that query will return all records before the specified anchor in ascending alphabetical order including it
around callNumber < F or callNumber > F Request with that query will return all records around the anchor
around_including callNumber < F or callNumber >= F Request with that query will return all records around the anchor including it

where the callNumber is the name of field for browsing, F is the anchor value

Call-Number Browsing

Call Number Browse API

Shelving Order Browsing

In some cases we need to browse items by shelving order directly.
If browsing by call-number will browse with little precision to find approximate records that the user wants to see. Shelving order browsing using for cases where we know exact record to browse. (For example if we have previous record and want to browse in backward direction)

Direction Query
forward itemEffectiveShelvingOrder > F
backward itemEffectiveShelvingOrder < F

where the itemEffectiveShelvingOrder is the name of field for browsing, F is the item shelving order value


Numeric representation of item.effectiveShelvingOrder is used to narrow down the number of results in response. It increases the response time significantly because by default there is no other way to sort instances in the index by effective shelving key. This can be explained by the structure of the instance record. For Elasticsearch it contains all fields from the instance and corresponding items\holding as inner arrays. This results in fields like item.effectiveShelvingOrder to store multiple values. For correct browsing one of the values must be chosen every time depending on the user input. Script-based sorting solves this problem because the right value from the array can be chosen by the binary search algorithm from the core Collections class. Sorting of items before indexing operation reduces the overall complexity of script sorting.

The implemented solution contains two parts:

  1. instance resource index preparation contains such steps as:
  • Sorting inner items by effectiveShelvingOrder. It's allows to have a prepared sorted list of shelf keys for browsing
  • Calculating the long representation of the shelf key per each item using the following algorithm
  1. Search query and result processing consist of the following steps:
  • Creating the exists query that is used to browse only on instances that contain effectiveShelvingOrder field values
  • Creating a painless script for Script Based sorting depending on the direction for browsing (for around and around-including two queries are sent in the one msearch request)
  • Multiplying the incoming size by the value from the configuration. It's required to perform proper records collapsing
  • Processing received search hits from Elasticsearch by the mod-search service:
    • All records before are populated by the shelf-key value that can be faced between the results (for example, if one instance contains two items with call-numbers A11 and A12 and the next - B12, B13 only first values from effectiveShelvingOrder arrays will be found by Elasticsearch script. The A12 value must be populated in search results too because this is a valid call-number value);
    • Adjacent records with the same effectiveShelvingOrder are collapsed together according to the acceptance criteria of the story
    • If it is the browsing around or around including - the anchor value is highlighted with the boolean flag
      • isAnchor (This can be disabled by passing query parameter - highlightMatch=false)
    • Extra records exceeding the requested limit are removed (for browsing around and around including limit is calculated from the query parameters - size and precedingRecordsCount)

String to number algorithm

This algorithm helps in the runtime to reduce the number of records for Script-Based Sorting for Elasticsearch. It consists of the following parts:

  • Cleaning the input string by removing the invalid characters (see supported character). Only 52 characters can be supported without overflowing result long value.
  • Input string is trimmed to size equal to 10 (it's the maximum amount of characters without overflowing result long value)
  • For each value the unique long value is generated:
    • only 10 first characters can be used, then the long value will be overflowed
    • all unsupported value are removed from string
    • Each character value is calculated by following formula ({integer value} * 52 ^ (10 - {character position})

Supported characters:

Char value Num value
! 1
# 2
+ 3
, 4
- 5
. 6
/ 7
0 8
1 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16
9 17
: 18
; 19
= 20
? 21
@ 22
A 23
B 24
C 25
D 26
E 27
F 28
G 29
H 30
I 31
J 32
K 33
L 34
M 35
N 36
O 37
P 38
Q 39
R 40
S 41
T 42
U 43
V 44
W 45
X 46
Y 47
Z 48
\ 49
_ 50
~ 51

Call-Number Browsing Optimization

Range queries can significantly reduce the response time if the lower/upper boundary is specified. The optimized query for call-number browsing forward will look like:

callNumber >= F and callNumber <= G

This query will work assuming that the number of records between F and G is more than call-number browsing page

Elasticsearch range aggregation allow retrieving the number of resources per specified interval (not that this aggregation includes the from value and excludes the to value for each range). As a result, the intervals and corresponding resources are saved into a list of range values:

Field Type Description
key String Digits and letters, used as the lower boundary for browsing
keyAsLong long Numeric representation of the key
count long Number of instances that found in the interval between current and next value

mod-search caches this list and found in it the correct lower/upper boundary for call-number browsing depending on the browsing direction and number of instances to return.


Let's assume that the Elasticsearch index provided to mod-search following intervals:

Key Count
A 20
B 30
C 10
D 25
  • If a user is browsing by query callNumber >= B and size equal to 10, then the service will provide an upper boundary for that query the key - C because interval B contains more than 10 records.
  • _If a user is browsing by query callNumber > CZ and size equal to 100, then the service won't return the upper boundary because size exceeds the sum of instances after CZ. The Interval C-D is ignored because the anchor value is larger than the key, and only an open interval D - can be considered.

An optimization can be disabled by passing environment variable to mod-search container: CN_BROWSE_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLED = false