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Contributing to Fay

chrisdone edited this page Feb 2, 2013 · 6 revisions

When recompiling fay you need to recompile fay-base as well. It might best to do

fay$ git clone git://
fay$ cabal install . fay-base/

If you intend on submitting a pull request, whichever branch you choose to submit a pull request on, please ensure that it is properly rebased against master. This will ensure that the merge is clean and that you have checked that your contribution still works against the recent master. A typical workflow might be:

Set up a remote that you can use to track the main repository:

$ git remote add fay git://

Start our topic branch:

$ git branch my-topic-branch

Hack hack hack! Once changes committed, run git pull on master and try to rebase onto it to check whether your work is out of date.

$ git commit -a -m "My topic done."
$ git fetch fay
$ git rebase fay/master -i

Install with cabal install and run fay-tests. If there are no warnings and all tests pass, move on.

If there are any conflicts, resolve them. Install and run fay-tests again. Push changes to your Github fork:

$ git push origin my-topic-branch

Make a pull request on Github for my-topic-branch. Pull request gets merged in. Pull from the official Github remote:

$ git pull haskell master

Delete your topic branch:

$ git branch -D my-topic-branch

I'm all done!