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GAuth is small framework that makes authentication to Google Services easier by properly implementing the OAuth authentication flow described in Google's Developers website.

GAuth is not about to provide yet another Swift OAuth client but to easily integrate authentication to Google Services for the OAuth client already used in your project.

Cloning the repo

To give GAuth a shot follow this steps:

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Open the terminal and move to the GAuth folder.
  3. To setup all required dependencies run make setup.
  4. Open the GAuth.xcworkspace, build and run.


Add via CocoaPods by adding this to your Podfile:

pod 'GAuth'

If using Carthage, add following line into your Cartfile:

github "fabiomassimo/GAuth"

How to use it

Integrate GAuth by making your OAuthClient (OAuthSwift, SwiftyOAuth) conform to GoogleAuthenticatorOAuthClient.

Finally authorize your device via the GoogleAuthenticatorClient by passing the proper OAuth client.

See the example project (using OAuthSwift to see how it works in details.

Support for Limited Input Device Applications

GAuth cares to support all platforms therefore it also implements the Device Authentication Flow for devices that can not support the standard authorization flows (i.e. tvOS which does not include WebKit framework).


  • Include code example
  • Add more Google Service Scope.
  • Add Travis CI/Circle CI to the repo
  • Add support for Swift 3


GAuth's primary author is Fabio Milano, iOS Engineer at Touchwonders.

GAuth was inspired from the need of having a simple framework that could support all type of platforms and easily integrate with an existing OAuth client.


GAuth is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Make authentication with Google Services easier.







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