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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



sudo gem install cocoapods


EvolvKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'EvolvKit'


EvolvKit is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.

How to use the EvolvKit SDK


Participant: The end user of the application, the individual who's actions are being recorded in the experiment. Allocation: The set of configurations that have been given to the participant, the values that are being experimented against. Candidate The specific group of variants in the allocation. Variant The different values each variable can have.

For a complete example of how to use this SDK see our example app.

Import the SDK

  1. Import the Evolv SDK.
import EvolvKit

Participant Initialization

  1. Build an EvolvParticipant instance.
let participant = EvolvParticipant.builder().build()


let participant = EvolvParticipant.builder().(userId: <custom_id>).build()

Note: If you do not set the participant's userId, the builder will create a unique id for you.

Client Initialization

  1. Build an EvolvConfig instance.
let config: EvolvConfig = EvolvConfig.builder(environmentId: <environment_id>, httpClient: <http_client>).build()
  1. Initialize the EvolvClient.
let client: EvolvClient = EvolvClientFactory.createClient(config: config)

Confirm the Allocation

  1. The call to ‘confirm’ should send a confirmation for every candidate that a user has been allocated into with the corresponding experiment. Evolv SDK will keep a record of every candidate that requested a variant. When ‘confirm’ is called, Evolv will send confirmation for those candidates.

Note: After the client has been initialized, it is important to confirm the participant into the experiment. This action records the participant's allocation and sends the information back to Evolv.

Value Subscription

You may want to use a value from your allocation without blocking the execution of your application. If this is true, you can subscribe to a value and apply any actions as a result of it asynchronously.

  1. Subscribe to a value from Evolv.
client.subscribe(forKey: <key_for_value>, defaultValue: <default_value>, closure: <closure>)

Note: The return value's type is decided by the provided default value's type. If there is an issue retrieving the requested value, the default value will be returned in its place. If you have a previous allocation stored the value will be retrieved and then your code will be executed. When the new allocation is retrieved if the value differs from the previously stored allocation then your code will be ran again with the new value. If your code results in an Exception it will be thrown.

Custom Events (optional)

Sometimes you may want to record certain events that occurred during the participant's session. An example of an event thats important to record is a "conversion" event. If you implemented the SDK in a shopping app, you could send the "conversion" event when the participant presses the checkout button.

  1. Emit a custom event.
client.emitEvent(forKey: <event_type>)


  1. Emit a custom event with an associated score.
client.emitEvent(forKey: <event_type>, score: <score>)

Contaminate the Allocation (optional)

Sometimes it may be necessary to contaminate the participant's allocation. Meaning, that you may not want that participant's session to be recorded into the experiment.

  1. Contaminate the participant's allocation.

Custom Allocation Store (optional)

Once a participant has been allocated into an experiment you may want to retain the allocations they received. To do this, create a custom allocation store by implementing the EvolvAllocationStore interface. You can supply the custom allocation store to the client when you build the EvolvConfig.

  1. Supply the allocation store to the client.
let config = EvolvConfig.builder(environmentId: <environment_id>, httpClient: <http_client>)
    .set(allocationStore: <custom_store>)

let client = EvolvClientFactory.createClient(config: config,
                                             participant: EvolvParticipant.builder().set(userId: "sandbox_user").build())

Optional Configurations

There are several optional configurations available through the EvolvConfig builder, check out the EvolvConfig documentation to see what options are available.

About Evolv and the Evolv Product

Evolv Delivers Autonomous Optimization Across Web & Mobile.

You can find out more by visiting: