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Releases: ethereum/fe


10 Jun 10:45
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v0.6.1-alpha Pre-release

0.6.0-alpha "Feldspar" (2021-06-10)

WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.


  • Support for pragma statement

    Example: pragma ^0.1.0 (#361)

  • Add support for tuple destructuring


    my_tuple: (u256, bool) = (42, true)
    (x, y): (u256, bool) = my_tuple


    1. Call expression can now accept generic arguments
    2. Replace stringN to String<N>


    s: String<10> = String<10>("HI")


    • Many analyzer errors now include helpful messages and underlined code.
    • Event and struct constructor arguments must now be labeled and in the order specified in the definition.
    • The analyzer now verifies that the left-hand side of an assignment is actually assignable. (#398)
  • Types of integer literal are now inferred, rather than defaulting to u256.

    contract C:
      def f(x: u8) -> u16:
        y: u8 = 100   # had to use u8(100) before
        z: i8 = -129  # "literal out of range" error
        return 1000   # had to use `return u16(1000)` before
      def g():

    Similar inference is done for empty array literals. Previously, empty array
    literals caused a compiler crash, because the array element type couldn't
    be determined.

    contract C:
      def f(xs: u8[10]):
      def g():

    (Note that array length mismatch is still a type error, so this code won't
    actually compile.) (#429)

  • The Map type name is now capitalized. Example:

    contract GuestBook:
        guests: Map<address, String<100>>


  • Convert all remaining errors to use the new advanced error reporting system (#432)

  • Analyzer throws an error if __init__ is not public. (#435)

Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

  • Refactored front-end "not implemented" errors into analyzer errors and removed questionable variants. Any panic is now considered to be a bug. (#437)


27 May 12:55
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v0.5.0-alpha Pre-release

0.5.0-alpha (2021-05-27) "Evenkite"


  • Add support for hexadecimal/octal/binary numeric literals.


    value_hex: u256 = 0xff
    value_octal: u256 = 0o77
    value_binary: u256 = 0b11


  • Added support for list expressions.


    values: u256[3] = [10, 20, 30]
    # or anywhere else where expressions can be used such as in a call
    sum: u256 = self.sum([10, 20, 30])


  • Contracts, events, and structs can now be empty.


    event MyEvent:
    contract MyContract:
    struct MyStruct:


  • External calls can now handle dynamically-sized return types. (#415)


  • The analyzer will return an error if a tuple attribute is not of the form item<index>. (#401)

Improved Documentation

Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

  • Using insta to validate Analyzer outputs. (#387)

  • Analyzer now disallows using context.add_ methods to update attributes. (#392)

  • () now represents a distinct type internally called the unit type, instead of an empty tuple.

    The lowering pass now does the following: Valueless return statements are given a () value and
    functions without a return value are given explicit () returns. (#406)

  • Add CI check to ensure fragment files always end with a new line (#4711)

v0.4.0-alpha "Diamond"

29 Apr 01:57
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Release Notes

🖥️ Download Binaries
📄 Draft Spec
ℹ️ Getting Started

Fe is moving fast. Read up on all the latest improvements.

WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

0.4.0-alpha "Diamond" (2021-04-28)


  • Support for revert messages in assert statements


    assert a == b, "my revert statement"

    The provided string is abi-encoded as if it were a call
    to a function Error(string). For example, the revert string "Not enough Ether provided." returns the following hexadecimal as error return data:

    0x08c379a0                                                         // Function selector for Error(string)
    0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020 // Data offset
    0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a // String length
    0x4e6f7420656e6f7567682045746865722070726f76696465642e000000000000 // String data


  • Added support for augmented assignments.


    contract Foo:
        pub def add(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
            a += b
            return a
        pub def sub(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
            a -= b
            return a
        pub def mul(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
            a *= b
            return a
        pub def div(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
            a /= b
            return a
        pub def mod(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
            a %= b
            return a
        pub def pow(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
            a **= b
            return a
        pub def lshift(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
            a <<= b
            return a
        pub def rshift(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
            a >>= b
            return a
        pub def bit_or(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
            a |= b
            return a
        pub def bit_xor(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
            a ^= b
            return a
        pub def bit_and(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
            a &= b
            return a


  • A new parser implementation, which provides more helpful error messages
    with fancy underlines and code context. (#346)

  • Added support for tuples with base type items.


    contract Foo:
        my_num: u256
        pub def bar(my_num: u256, my_bool: bool) -> (u256, bool):
            my_tuple: (u256, bool) = (my_num, my_bool)
            self.my_num = my_tuple.item0
            return my_tuple



  • Properly reject invalid emit (#211)

  • Properly tokenize numeric literals when they start with 0 (#331)

  • Reject non-string assert reasons as type error (#335)

  • Properly reject code that creates a circular dependency when using create or create2.

    Example, the follwing code is now rightfully rejected because it tries to create an
    instance of Foo from within the Foo contract itself.

    contract Foo:
      pub def bar()->address:
        return address(foo)


Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

  • AST nodes use Strings instead of &strs. This way we can perform incremental compilation on the AST. (#332)
  • Added support for running tests against solidity fixtures.
    Also added tests that cover how solidity encodes revert reason strings. (#342)
  • Refactoring of binary operation type checking. (#347)

v0.3.0-alpha "Calamine"

24 Mar 10:49
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Release Notes

📄 Draft Spec
ℹ️ Getting Started

Fe is moving fast. Read up on all the latest improvements.

WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

0.3.0-alpha "Calamine" (2021-03-24)


  • Add over/underflow checks for multiplications of all integers (#271)

  • Add full support for empty Tuples. (#276)

    All functions in Fe implicitly return an empty Tuple if they have no other return value.
    However, before this change one was not able to use the empty Tuple syntax () explicitly.

    With this change, all of these are treated equally:

    contract Foo:
      pub def explicit_return_a1():
      pub def explicit_return_a2():
        return ()
      pub def explicit_return_b1() ->():
      pub def explicit_return_b2() ->():
        return ()
      pub def implicit_a1():
      pub def implicit_a2() ->():
  • The JSON ABI builder now supports structs as both input and output. (#296)

  • Make subsequently defined contracts visible.

    Before this change:

    # can't see Bar
    contract Foo:
    # can see Foo
    contract Bar:

    With this change the restriction is lifted and the following becomes possible. (#298)

    contract Foo:
        bar: Bar
        pub def external_bar() -> u256:
    contract Bar:
        foo: Foo
        pub def external_foo() -> u256:
  • Perform checks for divison operations on integers (#308)

  • Support for msg.sig to read the function identifier. (#311)

  • Perform checks for modulo operations on integers (#312)

  • Perform over/underflow checks for exponentiation operations on integers (#313)


  • Properly reject emit not followed by an event invocation (#212)

  • Properly reject octal number literals (#222)

  • Properly reject code that tries to emit a non-existing event. (#250)

    Example that now produces a compile time error:

    emit DoesNotExist()
  • Contracts that create other contracts can now include __init__ functions.

    See #284 (#304)

  • Prevent multiple types with same name in one module. (#317)

    Examples that now produce compile time errors:

    type bar = u8
    type bar = u16


    struct SomeStruct:
        some_field: u8
    struct SomeStruct:
        other: u8


    contract SomeContract:
        some_field: u8
    contract SomeContract:
        other: u8

    Prevent multiple fields with same name in one struct.

    Example that now produces a compile time error:

    struct SomeStruct:
        some_field: u8
        some_field: u8

    Prevent variable definition in child scope when name already taken in parent scope.

    Example that now produces a compile time error:

    pub def bar():
        my_array: u256[3]
        sum: u256 = 0
        for i in my_array:
            sum: u256 = 0
  • The CLI was using the overwrite flag to enable Yul optimization.


    # Would both overwite output files and run the Yul optimizer. 
    $ fe my_contract.fe --overwrite

    Using the overwrite flag now only overwrites and optimization is enabled with the optimize flag. (#320)

  • Ensure analyzer rejects code that uses return values for __init__ functions. (#323)

    An example that now produces a compile time error:

    contract C:
        pub def __init__() -> i32:
            return 0
  • Properly reject calling an undefined function on an external contract (#324)

Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

  • Added the Uniswap demo contracts to our testing fixtures and validated their behaviour. (#179)
  • IDs added to AST nodes. (#315)
  • Failures in the Yul generation phase now panic; any failure is a bug. (#327)

v0.2.0-alpha "Borax"

27 Feb 09:38
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v0.2.0-alpha "Borax" Pre-release

Release Notes

📄 Draft Spec
ℹ️ Getting Started

Fe is moving fast. Read up on all the latest improvements.

WARNING: All current Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

0.2.0-alpha "Borax" (2021-02-27)


  • Add support for string literals.


    def get_ticker_symbol() -> string3:
        return "ETH"

    String literals are stored in and loaded from the compiled bytecode. (#186)

  • The CLI now compiles every contract in a module, not just the first one. (#197)

    Sample compiler output with all targets enabled:

    |-- Bar
    |   |-- Bar.bin
    |   |-- Bar_abi.json
    |   `-- Bar_ir.yul
    |-- Foo
    |   |-- Foo.bin
    |   |-- Foo_abi.json
    |   `-- Foo_ir.yul
    |-- module.ast
    `-- module.tokens
  • Add support for string type casts (#201)


    val: string100 = string100("foo")
  • Add basic support for structs. (#203)


    struct House:
        price: u256
        size: u256
        vacant: bool
    contract City:
        pub def get_price() -> u256:
            building: House = House(300, 500, true)
            assert building.size == 500
            assert building.price == 300
            assert building.vacant
            return building.price
  • Added support for external contract calls. Contract definitions now
    add a type to the module scope, which may be used to create contract
    values with the contract's public functions as callable attributes. (#204)


    contract Foo:
        pub def build_array(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256[3]:
            my_array: u256[3]
            my_array[0] = a
            my_array[1] = a * b
            my_array[2] = b
            return my_array
    contract FooProxy:
        pub def call_build_array(
            foo_address: address,
            a: u256,
            b: u256,
        ) -> u256[3]:
            foo: Foo = Foo(foo_address)
            return foo.build_array(a, b)
  • Add support for block, msg, chain, and tx properties: (#208)

    block.coinbase: address
    block.difficulty: u256
    block.number: u256
    block.timestamp: u256 u256
    msg.value: u256
    tx.gas_price: u256
    tx.origin: address

    (Note that msg.sender: address was added previously.)


    def post_fork() -> bool:
        return block.number > 2675000
  • The CLI now panics if an error is encountered during Yul compilation. (#218)

  • Support for contract creations.

    Example of create2, which takes a value and address salt as parameters.

    contract Foo:
        pub def get_my_num() -> u256:
            return 42
    contract FooFactory:
        pub def create2_foo() -> address:
            # value and salt
            foo: Foo = Foo.create2(0, 52)
            return address(foo)

    Example of create, which just takes a value parameter.

    contract Foo:
        pub def get_my_num() -> u256:
            return 42
    contract FooFactory:
        pub def create_foo() -> address:
            # value and salt
            foo: Foo = Foo.create(0)
            return address(foo)

    Note: We do not yet support init parameters. (#239)

  • Support updating individual struct fields in storage. (#246)


     pub def update_house_price(price: u256):
            self.my_house.price = price
  • Implement global keccak256 method. The method expects one parameter of bytes[n]
    and returns the hash as an u256. In a future version keccak256 will most likely
    be moved behind an import so that it has to be imported (e.g. from std.crypto import keccak256). (#255)


    pub def hash_single_byte(val: bytes[1]) -> u256:
        return keccak256(val)
  • Require structs to be initialized using keyword arguments.


    struct House:
        vacant: bool
        price: u256

    Previously, House could be instantiated as House(true, 1000000).
    With this change it is required to be instantiated like House(vacant=true, price=1000000)

    This ensures property assignment is less prone to get mixed up. It also makes struct
    initialization visually stand out more from function calls. (#260)

  • Implement support for boolean not operator. (#264)


    if not covid_test.is_positive(person):
  • Do over/underflow checks for additions (SafeMath).

    With this change all additions (e.g x + y) for signed and unsigned
    integers check for over- and underflows and revert if necessary. (#265)

  • Added a builtin function abi_encode() that can be used to encode stucts. The return type is a
    fixed-size array of bytes that is equal in size to the encoding. The type system does not support
    dynamically-sized arrays yet, which is why we used fixed. (#266)


    struct House:
        price: u256
        size: u256
        rooms: u8
        vacant: bool
    contract Foo:
        pub def hashed_house() -> u256:
            house: House = House(
            return keccak256(house.abi_encode())
  • Perform over/underflow checks for subtractions (SafeMath). (#267)

    With this change all subtractions (e.g x - y) for signed and unsigned
    integers check for over- and underflows and revert if necessary.

  • Support for the boolean operations and and or. (#270)


    contract Foo:
        pub def bar(x: bool, y: bool) -> bool:
            return x and y
    contract Foo:
        pub def bar(x: bool, y: bool) -> bool:
            return x or y

    Support for self.address.

    This expression returns the address of the current contract.


    contract Foo:
        pub def bar() -> address:
            return self.address


  • Perform type checking when calling event constructors

    Previously, the following would not raise an error even though it should:

    contract Foo:
        event MyEvent:
            val_1: string100
            val_2: u8
        pub def foo():
            emit MyEvent("foo", 1000)

    Wit this change, the code fails with a type error as expected. (#202)

  • Fix bug where compilation of contracts without public functions would result in illegal YUL. (#219)

    E.g without this change, the following doesn't compile to proper YUL

    contract Empty:
      lonely: u256
  • Ensure numeric literals can't exceed 256 bit range. Previously, this would result in a
    non user friendly error at the YUL compilation stage. With this change it is caught
    at the analyzer stage and presented to the user as a regular error. (#225)

  • Fix crash when return is used without value.

    These two methods should both be treated as returning ()

      pub def explicit_return():
      pub def implicit():

    Without this change, the explicit_return crashes the compiler. (#261)

Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

  • Renamed the fe-semantics library to fe-analyzer. (#207)
  • Runtime testing utilities. (#243)
  • Values are stored more efficiently in storage. (#251)


20 Jan 15:15
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v0.1.0-alpha Pre-release

📄 Draft Spec
ℹ️ Getting Started

0.1.0-alpha "Amethyst" (2021-01-20)

WARNING: This is an alpha version to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet intended to be used for anything serious. At this point Fe is missing a lot of features and has a lot of bugs instead.

This is the first alpha release and kicks off our release schedule which will be one release every month in the future. Since we have just started tracking progress on changes, the following list of changes is incomplete, but will appropriately document progress between releases from now on.


  • Added support for for loop, allows iteration over static arrays. (#134)

  • Enforce bounds on numeric literals in type constructors.

    For instance calling u8(1000) or i8(-250) will give an error because
    the literals 1000 and -250 do not fit into u8 or i8. (#145)

  • Added builtin copying methods clone() and to_mem() to reference types. (#155)


    # copy a segment of storage into memory and assign the new pointer
    my_mem_array = self.my_sto_array.to_mem()
    # copy a segment of memory into another segment of memory and assign the new pointer
    my_other_mem_array = my_mem_array.clone()
  • Support emitting JSON ABI via --emit abi.
    The default value of --emit is now abi,bytecode. (#160)

  • Ensure integer type constructor reject all expressions that aren't a numeric literal.
    For instance, previously the compiler would not reject the following code even though it could not be guaranteed that val would fit into an u16.

    pub def bar(val: u8) -> u16:
            return u16(val)

    Now such code is rejected and integer type constructor do only work with numeric literals such as 1 or -3. (#163)

  • Support for ABI decoding of all array type. (#172)

  • Support for value assignments in declaration.

    Previously, this code would fail:

    another_reference: u256[10] = my_array

    As a workaround declaration and assignment could be split apart.

    another_reference: u256[10]
    another_reference = my_array

    With this change, the shorter declaration with assignment syntax is supported. (#173)

Improved Documentation

  • Point to examples in the README (#162)
  • Overhaul README page to better reflect the current state of the project. (#177)
  • Added descriptions of the to_mem and clone functions to the spec. (#195)

Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

  • Updated the Solidity backend to v0.8.0. (#169)
  • Run CI tests on Mac and support creating Mac binaries for releases. (#178)