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Maintenance API TypeScript wrapper

This library wraps the Maintenance API in a TypeScript library. It includes everything needed for establishing a secure connection to the maintenance API and is focused on ease of use.

How to use

import {
} from "@equinor/mad-maintenance-api-ts-wrapper";

// Example token fetcher. Get this from your auth provider
const getMaintenanceApiToken = async () => {
    return "SomeToken";

// Set up maintenance api with correct url and token
    baseUrl: "",
    tokenFetcher: getMaintenanceApiToken,

// Endpoints are structured similarly as in the maintenance api docs.
const apiResult = await Plants.TagAndEquipment.lookupTag({
    plantId: "123",
    tagId: "34XV1234",
    includeMeasuringPoints: true,

// Maitnenance API returns a union type containing ProblemDetails in the case of internal errors.
// We can filter this out using the provided filter method:
const properResult = filterMaintenanceApiProblem(apiResult);


Updating the wrapper is a matter of first running codegen on an updated OpenAPI spec, ensuring that it builds and tests correctly and then you're done. Use the steps under as a guide


Run yarn generate:maintenance-api /path/to/schema.json to generate the library from the Maintenance API schema. You will need to download the schema from the Maintenance API docs to your machine before doing this.


Though the package has its own version, the wrapper itself also has a version that refers to the actual api version being used. You will have to manually update this version in src/lib/generated/core/OpenAPI.ts. This ensures that the package.json version can be version bumped in case we correct some errors without making it look like we are changing the Maintenance API spec version.


Run yarn build:maintenance-api to build the library.

Running unit tests

Run yarn test:maintenance-api to execute the unit tests via Jest.