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File metadata and controls

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Development Guide for the Collection

0. Development environment setup

We use Python 3.8 for the collection development.

Development of the collection is best done if your repository is located in a path that concludes with ansible_collections/equinix/cloud. This is a requirement specific to Ansible. You can clone the repository using the following command:

git clone ansible_collections/equinix/cloud

You also need to export your METAL_AUTH_TOKEN in the environment variables:

export METAL_AUTH_TOKEN=<your_auth_token>

1. Running integration tests

At the repository root, execute make create-integration-config. This generates a YAML config file in tests/integration/integration_config.yml with your auth token and other test configurations.

After that, you can run individual tests as, for example:

ansible-test integration -vvvv metal_project
ansible-test integration -vvvv metal_device

You can run all the tests with make test. You can also run the tests in parallel (like in the CI) with make testall. The parallel run is faster but it's harder to read the output.

1.1. Debugging

Since Ansible is supressing stdout, it's really hard to debug values of variables in module code.

Ansbile devs recommend the "q" debugging library installed like pip install -U q, which is simple to use and logs to /tmp/q. For example:

(open tail -f /tmp/q in a terminal)

import q; q(some_var)

Just make sure you remove all the "q" calls before merging to main.

2. Adding a new module

The primary task for this collection is the addition of new modules with the aim of achieving parity with the Terraform Provider Equinix. Each Terraform resource should have a corresponding module, and each needed datasource should have an accompanying _info module.

For instance, the equinix_metal_device resource in Terraform Provider corresponds to the metal_device resource in this collection. In the same vein, the equinix_metal_device datasource correlates with the metal_device_info module in our collection.

Issues have been created for every plausible existing Terraform resource and datasource within this repository. If you decide to work on a new module, please assign the corresponding issue to yourself.

2.1. Module structure

The basic template for a resoruce is outlined in template/

2.2. Documentation and the Specdoc fields

Ansible module documentation requires three fields in the module script: DOCUMENTATION, EXAMPLES, and RETURN. A standardized method exists to generate Sphinx docs from these fields, resulting in a format like this, which can then be incorporated into

However, this approach often leads to duplication between the documentation of module parameters and the initialization of the Ansible module object, as similar information is required for the module object constructor.

To mitigate this redundancy and gain additional benefits, we utilize ansible-specdoc.

ansible-specdoc populates DOCUMENTATION, EXAMPLES and RETURN from SPECDOC_META variable in Ansible module Python code. The fields are populated/injected from a Makefile task and we only need to initialize the 3 fields with empty strings:


Our documentation efforts should primarily concentrate on the SPECDOC_META variable. This variable includes an options field where we can define the parameters of the Ansible module. These parameters are populated from the module_spec variable, a dictionary with parameter names as keys and SpecField objects as values.

For examples of SpecField usage in the collection, refer to existing modules. Additionally, the class definition is available in the ansible-specdoc repository.

SPECDOC_META has other parameters that are quite self-explanatory. Just note that the examples value, and the sample for SpecRetrunValue should both be lists.

The return_values should be formatted as a list of dictionaries. If the output of module called metal_project is

changed: [testhost] => {
    "backend_transfer_enabled": false,
    "changed": true,
    "customdata": {},
    "description": "",
    "id": "e4a49767-824d-4b60-a55e-d66f4baaf7ea",
    "invocation": {},
    "name": "ansible-integration-test-project-j9sa85k8-project2",
    "organization_id": "4d12f460-8c5e-43ea-986d-529d328815ee",
    "payment_method_id": ""

.. define return_values in module script (in Python code) as

return_values = [
    "backend_transfer_enabled": False,
    "changed": True,
    "customdata": {},
    "description": "",
    "id": "e4a49767-824d-4b60-a55e-d66f4baaf7ea",
    "name": "ansible-integration-test-project-csle6t2y-project1_renamed",
    "organization_id": "70c2f878-9f32-452e-8c69-ab15480e1d99",
    "payment_method_id": "845b45a3-c565-47e5-b9b6-a86204a73d29"

# .. and in SPECDOC_META:

SPECDOC_META = getSpecDocMeta(
    # ...
        "metal_project": SpecReturnValue(
            description='The module object',

All the samples will be rendered in markdown docs visible in the GitHub repo, only the first sample will be rendered in ansible-doc visible in Ansible Galaxy.

2.3. main() function

The collection is structured to maintain consistency in the main() function across all modules. Modifications to the main() logic are only necessary for non-standard behavior. For instance, the backend_transfer attribute of the Project resource cannot be specified in the API call that creates a Project. As a result, we need to extend the main() function of the metal_project module to accommodate this.

The module initialization leverages the parameter specification from SPECDOC_META.ansible_spec. This is where ansible-specdoc proves beneficial, as it eliminates the redundancy that would occur in the parameter specification documentation with standard Ansible use.

As implied by the code, a module initially attempts to locate a resource by its ID or name, with only one of id and name being specifiable. If precisely one such resource is identified and the desired state is present, its MUTABLE_ATTRIBUTES will be examined and updated as needed. If no matching resource is found and the desired state is present, the module will aim to create a new resource. The absent state is similarly handled in both scenarios. The changed flag is set accordingly. The exit JSON is formatted from the processed API response.

2.4. API routes

Rather than directly calling the Equinix API, the module code invokes semantic actions such as get_by_id, get_one_from_list, update_by_id, delete_by_id, create, and list. The specific API calls for each module type (resource type) are defined in separate files, with plugins/module_utils/metal/ being the reference for the Metal API.

The get_routes() function outlines specific API calls and their parameters for each (resource_type, action_type) pairing. If you're adding support for a new resource (i.e., creating a new module), you need to identify the relevant SDK functions and request classes from metal-python.

The specification looks like:

    ('metal_device', action.CREATE): spec_types.Specs(
        {'id': 'project_id'},

This indicates that the "create" action for "metal_device" will invoke the equinix_metal.DevicesApi(mpc).create_device method from metal-python. The project_id argument will be mapped to the positional parameter id, while the remaining relevant module arguments will be used to populate an object of the equinix_metal.CreateDeviceRequest class, which will then be passed to the create_device method.

The arguments in spec_types.Specs constructor are

  • client method for the resource action
  • mapping of Ansible-module arguments to HTTP Path variables (or positional arguments in the client method)
  • (optional) class for HTTP request body
  • (optional) superclass for HTTP request body (see next subsection)

For example, method create_device is defined as:

def create_device(
    id : Annotated[StrictStr, Field(..., description="ProjectUID")],
    create_device_request : Annotated  [CreateDeviceRequest,...],
) -> Device:

Having Ansible task specified as:
        hostname: my-device2
        operating_system: ubuntu_20_04
        project_id: 234db2b2-ee46-4673-93a8-de2c2bdba33b
        plan: c3.small.x86
        metro: sv
        state: present

The Specs object will ensure that when we call module.create("metal_device"), the create_device will be called as:


Note that project_id isn't used in CreateDeviceRequest but as the first positional parameter id of create_device. This is due to the second parameter (mapping dict) of spec_types.Specs.

For API methods that don't require a positional parameter (no parent resource), like creating a project (HTTP POST to /projects), an empty dict should be passed as the mapping. Additionally, there are API methods that don't have a JSON body (such as getters or delete methods). In these cases, the third parameter to Specs should be left unspecified. Examples of all these scenarios can be found in plugins/module_utils/metal/

2.4.1 Superclass for HTTP request body of an API call

Sometimes it's not enough to specify only a class for request body. For example, there's only one API route to create dedicated interconnection, VLAN Fabric interconnection and VRF interconnection. In other words, all the connection types are created in the same API endpoint, and it's the request body json that distinguishes which type of interconnection should be created. The generated Python SDK then offers separate classes for the different types. For interconnection it's DedicatedPortCreateInput, VlanFabricVcCreateInput, VrfFabricVcCreateInput. However, we can't pass instances of these classes to the InterconnectionsApi.create_project_interconnection, we need to wrap it in an instance of CreateOrganizationInterconnectionRequest, created like

input = CreateOrganizationInterconnectionRequest(actual_instance=VrfFabricVcCreateInput())

That's why we had to add the fourth parameters of spec_types.Specs. The fourth parameter ("superclass") is a wrapping class for the input class (specified in the third parameters). It shouldn't be frequently needed.

2.5. Attribute maps in

We convert resources from the Equinix API response to Ansible modules, which allows us to query the API and identify attribute differences for updates. API responses can contain nested dictionaries, but Ansible modules tend to be more flat. As a result, we must explicitly map attributes from API responses to module parameters.

The attribute mappings for the Metal API are defined in plugins/module_utils/metal/ Some attributes are directly mapped, others may have different names in the API response and Ansible module, and some may be more complex to extract. For instance, refer to METAL_DEVICE_RESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.

If you're developing support for a new module/resource, you'll need to add a corresponding ..._RESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP and augment the get_attribute_mapper function.

3. _info modules

Modules which end on _info are alternative of Terraform datasources. They query existing resources in Equinix API. You can see template for info module in template/

If you add a new _info module, you must add an entry to variable LIST_KEYS in plugins/module_utils/metal/ It's because responses to listing API methods have the resource lists in specifically names keys.

4. Generating documentation

Documentation is generated from the SPECDOC_META variable in module scripts by running the make docs command. This process:

  • Creates markdown in the docs/modules folder and reStructuredText in the docs/inventory folder (as ansible-specdoc does not support inventory plugins)
  • Generates based on existing modules and a template
  • Injects DOCUMENTATION, EXAMPLES, and RETURN into module plugins

The logic for generating documentation is implemented in scripts. To view the details, examine the Makefile target specification.