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Working with the Database


Using a repository (recommended)

Generally, when querying the database, follow the MikroORM recipes in the NestJS documentation, specifically the Repositories section. For most uses, you should be able to leverage NestJS to create and inject a repository into the service that needs it.

Query builder or raw SQL (as needed)

If a repository isn't flexible enough, get NestJS to inject an instance of EntityManager into your service. This supports a lot of non-ORM use cases (see documentation), but if it still doesn't have what you need, it can run raw SQL, like so:

import { EntityManager } from '@mikro-orm/postgresql';

export class MyService {
  constructor(private readonly em: EntityManager) {}

  async someMethod() {
    // Using it
    const [{ col1 }] = await this.em
      .execute<{ col1: number }[]>('SELECT 1 as col1;');


Add or modify a table

  1. Edit or add model(s) defined in the *.entity.ts file you're interested in.
  2. If you created a new entity, import it in src/mikro-orm.config.ts and reference it in the array.
  3. Run npx mikro-orm migration:create to create a migration file based on the diff between the current schema (read from migrations/schema.json) and the current entities (*.entity.ts).
  4. Review the new migration file created in migrations/ to make sure the SQL is what you want, and adjust it if necessary.
  5. Run the following commands to make sure your migration works correctly:
    docker compose up -V
    npx mikro-orm migration:up
    npx mikro-orm seeder:run
    npx mikro-orm migration:down
    npx mikro-orm migration:fresh --seed
    docker compose down -v
  6. Continue working on the rest of your feature.
  7. Commit your files and open a PR. When the PR is merged, the migration will be run in stage and then prod.

Extensions, functions, and other database changes

If you need to change the database in ways other than adding/removing tables and columns, for instance enabling extensions or defining functions or custom types, run npx mikro-orm migration:create --blank as above, and then edit the up() and optional down() method in the generated file in migrations/.