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Releases: emissary-ingress/emissary

Emissary Ingress 2.3.1

10 Jun 17:23
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 2.3.1 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Bugfix: A regression was introduced in 2.3.0 that leaked zipkin default config fields into the
    configuration for the other drivers (lightstep, etc...). This caused Emissary-ingress to crash on
    startup. This issue has been resolved to ensure that the defaults are only applied when driver is
    zipkin (#4267)

  • Security: We have backported patches from the Envoy 1.19.5 security update to Emissary-ingress's
    1.17-based Envoy, addressing CVE-2022-29224 and CVE-2022-29225. Emissary-ingress is not affected
    by CVE-2022-29226, CVE-2022-29227, or CVE-2022-29228; as it does not support internal
    , and does not use Envoy's built-in OAuth2 filter.

Emissary Ingress Chart 7.4.1

Emissary Ingress 2.3.0

06 Jun 19:12
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 2.3.0 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Security: Completely remove gdbm, pip, smtplib, and sqlite packages, as they are unused.

  • Feature: It is now possible to set propagation_modes in the TracingService config when using
    lightstep as the driver. (Thanks to Paul!) (#4179)

  • Feature: It is now possible to set crl_secret in Host and TLSContext resources to check peer
    certificates against a certificate revocation list. (#1743)

  • Feature: Previously, a LogService would always have Emissary-ingress communicate with the
    external log service using the envoy.service.accesslog.v2.AccessLogService API. It is now
    possible for the LogService to specify protocol_version: v3 to use the newer
    envoy.service.accesslog.v3.AccessLogService API instead. This functionality is not available if
    you set the AMBASSADOR_ENVOY_API_VERSION=V2 environment variable.

  • Bugfix: When CORS is specified (either in a Mapping or in the Ambassador Module), CORS
    processing will happen before authentication. This corrects a problem where XHR to authenticated
    endpoints would fail.

  • Bugfix: In 2.x releases of Emissary-ingress when there are multiple Mappings that have the same across multiple namespaces, their old config would not properly be removed from
    the cache when their config was updated. This resulted in an inability to update configuration for
    groups of Mappings that share the same name until the Emissary-ingress pods restarted.

  • Bugfix: It is now possible for a TracingService to specify collector_endpoint_version: HTTP_JSON_V1 when using xDS v3 to configure Envoy (which has been the default since
    Emissary-ingress 1.14.0). The HTTP_JSON_V1 value configures Envoy to speak to Zipkin using
    Zipkin's old API-v1, while the HTTP_JSON value configures Envoy to speak to Zipkin using
    Zipkin's new API-v2. In previous versions of Emissary-ingress it was only possible to use
    HTTP_JSON_V1 when explicitly setting the AMBASSADOR_ENVOY_API_VERSION=V2 environment variable
    to force use of xDS v2 to configure Envoy.

Emissary Ingress Chart 7.4.0

06 Jun 19:10
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🎉 Emissary Ingress Chart 7.4.0 🎉

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  • Update change Emissary chart image to version v2.3.0 CHANGELOG
  • Add "lifecycle" option to main container. This can be used, for example, to add a lifecycle.preStop hook. Thanks to Eric Totten for the contribution!
  • Add ambassador_id to listener manifests rendered when using createDefaultListeners: true with AMBASSADOR_ID set in environment variables. Thanks to Jennifer Reed for the contribution!
  • Feature: Added configurable IngressClass resource to be compliant with Kubernetes 1.22+ ingress specification.

Emissary Ingress 2.2.2

25 Feb 20:55
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 2.2.2 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Change: You may now choose to enable TLS Secret validation by setting the
    AMBASSADOR_FORCE_SECRET_VALIDATION=true environment variable. The default configuration does not
    enforce secret validation.

  • Bugfix: Kubernetes Secrets that should contain an EC (Elliptic Curve) TLS Private Key are now
    properly validated. (4134)

Ambassador 1.14.3

25 Feb 22:03
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🎉 Ambassador 1.14.3 🎉

Ambassador is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Security: Upgraded Envoy to address security vulnerabilities CVE-2021-43824, CVE-2021-43825,
    CVE-2021-43826, CVE-2022-21654, and CVE-2022-21655.

Emissary Ingress Chart 7.3.2

25 Feb 20:54
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Ambassador Chart 6.9.4

25 Feb 21:52
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🎉 Ambassador Chart 6.9.4 🎉

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  • Update Ambassador API Gateway chart image to version v1.14.3: CHANGELOG
  • Update Ambassador Edge Stack chart image to version v1.14.3: CHANGELOG

Emissary Ingress 2.2.1

22 Feb 21:24
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🎉 Emissary Ingress 2.2.1 🎉

Emissary Ingress is an open source, Kubernetes-native microservices API gateway built on the Envoy Proxy.

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  • Change: Support for the Envoy V2 API is deprecated as of Emissary-ingress v2.1, and will be
    removed in Emissary-ingress v3.0. The AMBASSADOR_ENVOY_API_VERSION environment variable will be
    removed at the same time. Only the Envoy V3 API will be supported (this has been the default since
    Emissary-ingress v1.14.0).

  • Bugfix: The Ambassador Agent now correctly supports requests to cancel a rollout.

Emissary Ingress Chart 7.3.1