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Import module

>>> from electronvolt import *

Rest mass of an electron

>>> me
9.1093837015e-31 * kg

Rest energy of the electron, in SI units

>>> me * c**2
8.187105776823886e-14 * m**2 * s**-2 * kg

In mega electronvolts

>>> me * c**2 / MeV

This matches the electron rest energy on Wikipedia.


Install via pip install electronvolt.

Alternatively, run this module online

  • Typically loads within 3 minutes.
  • Shift+enter to run a block of code. Run first block to initialize the calculator.

Units and Constants

Name Symbol Value Unit
Math Constants
pi 3.141592653589793
Euler's number euler 2.718281828459045
Metric Prefixes
yotta 1 e+24
zetta 1 e+21
exa 1 e+18
peta 1 e+15
tera 1 e+12
giga 1 e+09
mega 1000000
kilo 1000
hecto 100
deca 10
deci 0.1
centi 0.01
milli 0.001
micro 1 e-06
nano 1 e-09
pico 1 e-12
femto 1 e-15
atto 1 e-18
zepto 1 e-21
yocto 1 e-24
Common Prefixes
hundred 100
thousand 1000
million 1000000
billion 1 e+09
trillion 1 e+12
SI Base Units
second s 1 s
meter m 1 m
kilogram kg 1 kg
ampere A 1 A
kelvin K 1 K
mole mol 1 mol
candela cd 1 cd
minute 60 s
hour 3600 s
day 86400 s
week 604800 s
year 31557600 s
millisecond ms 0.001 s
microsecond us 1 e-06 s
nanosecond ns 1 e-09 s
kilometer km 1000 m
decimeter dm 0.1 m
centimeter cm 0.01 m
millimeter mm 0.001 m
micrometer um 1 e-06 m
nanometer nm 1 e-09 m
picometer pm 1 e-12 m
femtometer fm 1 e-15 m
hertz Hz 1 s-1
kilohertz kHz 1000 s-1
megahertz MHz 1000000 s-1
gigahertz GHz 1 e+09 s-1
terahertz THz 1 e+12 s-1
Classical Mechanics
gravitational acceleration g 9.80665 m s-2
newton N 1 kg m s-2
pascal Pa 1 kg m-1 s-2
joule J 1 kg m2 s-2
watt W 1 kg m2 s-3
Planck constant h 6.62607015 e-34 kg m2 s-1
reduced Planck constant hbar 1.05457181765 e-34 kg m2 s-1
Avogadro constant NA 6.02214076 e+23 mol-1
Boltzmann constant kB 1.380649 e-23 kg m2 s-2 K-1
ideal gas constant R 8.31446261815324 kg mol-1 K-1 m2 s-2
coulomb C 1 s A
volt V 1 kg A-1 m2 s-3
farad F 1 kg-1 A2 m-2 s4
Ohm 1 kg A-2 m2 s-3
tesla T 1 kg A-1 s-2
weber Wb 1 kg m2 s-2 A-1
henry H 1 kg A-2 m2 s-2
speed of light c 299792458 m s-1
vacuum magnetic permeability mu0 1.25663706212 e-06 kg A-2 m s-2
vacuum electric permittivity epsilon0 8.8541878128 e-12 kg-1 m-3 s4 A2
Coulomb constant k 8987551792.26078 kg m3 s-4 A-2
elementary charge e 1.602176634 e-19 s A
Imperial Units
inch ('in' is a python keyword) in_ 0.0254 m
foot ft 0.3048 m
yard yd 0.9144 m
mile mi 1609.344 m
acre 4046.8564224 m2
nautical mile NM 1852 m
knot kn 0.514444444444445 m s-1
US gallon gal 0.003785411784 m3
pound-mass lb 0.45359237 kg
pound-force lbf 4.4482216152605 kg m s-2
slug 14.59390293720637 kg
blob 175.1268352464764 kg
Common Units
kilometer per hour kph 0.277777777777778 m s-1
miles per hour mph 0.44704 m s-1
gram 0.001 kg
liter L 0.001 m3
pound per square inch psi 6894.757 kg m-1 s-2
kilowatt-hour kWh 3600000 kg m2 s-2
hectare ha 10000 m2
Atomic Physics
electron rest mass me 9.1093837015 e-31 kg
proton mass mp 1.67262192369 e-27 kg
neutron mass mn 1.67492749804 e-27 kg
atomic mass unit u 1.6605390666 e-27 kg
atomic mass of hydrogen mH 1.6735327848 e-27 kg
atomic mass of helium mHe 6.64647698905 e-27 kg
Quantum Mechanics
Stefan-Boltzmann constant sigma 5.67037441918 e-08 kg K-4 s-3
Bohr radius a0 5.29177210906 e-11 m
hydrogen ground state energy hground -2.1798723611 e-18 kg m2 s-2
fine-structure constant alpha 0.007297352569278
Rydberg constant Rydberg 10973731.56807162 m-1
Radioactive Decays
becquerel Bq 1 s-1
curie Ci 3.7 e+10 s-1
millicurie mCi 37000000 s-1
microcurie uCi 37000 s-1
Nuclear Physics
electronvolt eV 1.602176634 e-19 kg m2 s-2
kilo-electronvolt keV 1.602176634 e-16 kg m2 s-2
mega-electronvolt MeV 1.602176634 e-13 kg m2 s-2
giga-electronvolt GeV 1.602176634 e-10 kg m2 s-2
tera-electronvolt TeV 1.602176634 e-07 kg m2 s-2
electronvolt per speed of light eVpc 5.34428599268 e-28 kg m s-1
mega-electronvolt per c MeVpc 5.34428599268 e-22 kg m s-1
electronvolt per c squared eVpc2 1.78266192163 e-36 kg
mega-electronvolt per c squared MeVpc2 1.78266192163 e-30 kg
gravitational constant G 6.6743 e-11 kg-1 m3 s-2
astronomical unit au 149597870700 m
light-year ly 9460730472580800 m
parsec pc 3.08567758149 e+16 m
megaparsec Mpc 3.08567758149 e+22 m
Hubble parameter H0 2.3333610884 e-18 s-1

More Demo

Import ufloat from uncertainties

>>> from uncertainties import ufloat

Rest mass of an electron

>>> me = ufloat(9.1093837015, 0.0000000028) * 1e-31 * kg

Rest energy of the electron

>>> me * c**2
(8.1871057768+/-0.0000000025)e-14 * kg * s**-2 * m**2

This matches the electron rest energy on the same Wikipedia page.