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The Data Science Modules Textbook

Authors: Alex Nakagawa, Chris Pyles

  • Developed using Jupyter Book. Anything that you can't find in this README can be referenced in the docs.


Detailed build instructions can be found in

The basic file structure for this repository is as follows:

├── _bibliography
├── _build
├── _data
├── _includes
├── _layouts
├── _sass
├── _site
├── assets
├── content
└── scripts

You will make all of your changes directly in the content directory. The content directory contains all of the Markdown (.md) and Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb), which are later built and converted into html and css files.

Create New Pages

  • Create any changes you'd like to make within new Markdown (.md) files
  • In order for your page to show up in the table of contents bar, you will also have to edit the sidebar file as well
    • _data/toc.yml

Pasting Over Existing Notebooks

Building the Site and Pushing Changes to Github Pages

When you are finished editing all changes in content, we do the following to build all of the necessary files and push to Github.

cd ..
jupyter-book build modules-textbook

cd modules-textbook
git commit -m '[ANY MESSAGE YOU'D LIKE]'
git push origin master