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proof-general failed to build #2565

hexchain opened this issue Feb 19, 2020 · 6 comments

proof-general failed to build #2565

hexchain opened this issue Feb 19, 2020 · 6 comments
is:update An effort to catch up with changes made elsewhere module:core:cli Pertains to the `$ doom` script module:lang/coq Pertains to Doom's :lang coq module status:resolved Issue was addressed internally


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What did you expect to happen?
proof-general can be successfully built and installed.

What actually happened?
The build failed with:

x There was an unexpected error:
  Type: doom-package-error
    Error with packages
    (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "/home/user/.emacs.d/bin/generic/proof-site")

Additional details:

  • Include a link to your private config
    It is a new config, only with ;;coq uncommented.
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/buffers.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/cache.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/cli.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/config.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/debug.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/files.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/fonts.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/format.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/help.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/packages.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/plist.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/projects.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/scratch.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/sessions.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/text.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/themes.el (source)...
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/core/autoload/ui.el (source)...
DOOM Initializing package.el
DOOM Initializing straight
DOOM Initializing doom-packages
DOOM Disabling package evil-snipe
DOOM Disabling package company-coq
DOOM Ignoring package vc
DOOM Ignoring package vc-annotate
DOOM Ignoring package smerge-mode
DOOM Ignoring package elisp-mode
> Synchronizing your config with Doom Emacs...
  > (Re)generating core autoloads...
    > Generating core autoloads...
    - Scanning core/autoload/buffers.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/cache.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/cli.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/config.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/debug.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/files.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/fonts.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/format.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/help.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/packages.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/plist.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/projects.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/scratch.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/sessions.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/text.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/themes.el
    - Scanning core/autoload/ui.el
    - Scanning modules/app/calendar/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/app/irc/autoload/irc.el
    - Scanning modules/app/irc/autoload/settings.el
    - Scanning modules/app/regex/autoload/export.el
    - Scanning modules/app/regex/autoload/regex.el
    - Scanning modules/app/rss/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/app/twitter/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/checkers/spell/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/checkers/syntax/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/company/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/helm/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/helm/autoload/helm.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/helm/autoload/posframe.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/ivy/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/ivy/autoload/hydras.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/ivy/autoload/ivy.el
    - Scanning modules/completion/ivy/autoload/posframe.el
    - Scanning modules/config/default/autoload/default.el
    - Scanning modules/config/default/autoload/files.el
    - Scanning modules/config/default/autoload/search.el
    - Scanning modules/config/default/autoload/text.el
    - Scanning modules/config/literate/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/evil/autoload/advice.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/evil/autoload/embrace.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/evil/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/evil/autoload/ex.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/evil/autoload/files.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/evil/autoload/textobjects.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/evil/autoload/unimpaired.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/file-templates/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/fold/autoload/fold.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/fold/autoload/hideshow.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/format/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/format/autoload/format.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/format/autoload/settings.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/god/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/multiple-cursors/autoload/evil-mc.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/rotate-text/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/snippets/autoload/settings.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/snippets/autoload/snippets.el
    - Scanning modules/editor/word-wrap/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/emacs/dired/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/emacs/electric/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/emacs/vc/autoload/hydra.el
    - Scanning modules/emacs/vc/autoload/vc.el
    - Scanning modules/email/mu4e/autoload/email.el
    - Scanning modules/email/mu4e/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/email/notmuch/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/email/wanderlust/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/assembly/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/cc/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/clojure/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/common-lisp/autoload/common-lisp.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/csharp/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/ess/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/faust/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/go/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/haskell/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/java/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/javascript/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/julia/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/kotlin/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/latex/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/lua/autoload/lua.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/lua/autoload/moonscript.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/markdown/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/nix/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/ocaml/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/contrib-dragndrop.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/contrib-ipython.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/contrib-present.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org-attach.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org-avy.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org-capture.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org-export.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org-link.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org-refile.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org-tables.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/org/autoload/org.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/php/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/plantuml/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/python/autoload/conda.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/python/autoload/pyenv.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/python/autoload/python.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/qt/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/racket/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/rest/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/ruby/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/rust/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/scala/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/scheme/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/sh/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/terra/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/web/autoload/css.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/web/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/lang/web/autoload/html.el
    - Scanning modules/term/eshell/autoload/commands.el
    - Scanning modules/term/eshell/autoload/company.el
    - Scanning modules/term/eshell/autoload/eshell.el
    - Scanning modules/term/eshell/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/term/eshell/autoload/prompts.el
    - Scanning modules/term/eshell/autoload/settings.el
    - Scanning modules/term/shell/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/term/term/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/term/vterm/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/debugger/autoload/debugger.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/debugger/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/editorconfig/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/ein/autoload/ein.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/ein/autoload/hydra.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/eval/autoload/eval.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/eval/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/eval/autoload/repl.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/eval/autoload/settings.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/gist/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/lookup/autoload/docsets.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/lookup/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/lookup/autoload/lookup.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/lookup/autoload/online.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/lsp/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/macos/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/magit/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/make/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/pass/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/pdf/autoload/pdf.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/prodigy/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/rgb/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/tmux/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/tools/tmux/autoload/tmux.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/doom-dashboard/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/fill-column/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/hydra/autoload/windows.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/modeline/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/nav-flash/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/neotree/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/popup/autoload/popup.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/popup/autoload/settings.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/pretty-code/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/treemacs/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/unicode/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/vc-gutter/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/vi-tilde-fringe/autoload.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/workspaces/autoload/evil.el
    - Scanning modules/ui/workspaces

In toplevel form:
autoloads.el:1992:50:Warning: reference to free variable ‘rotate-text-words’
autoloads.el:1992:50:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘rotate-text-words’

In end of data:
autoloads.el:3505:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be
defined: restart-emacs, +evil/next-end-of-method, +org/toggle-fold,
+org/close-fold, outline-hide-subtree, lsp-deferred, magit-version,
doom-modeline-def-modeline, doom-modeline-def-segment,
doom-modeline-set-modeline, vi-tilde-fringe-mode, +workspace-p,
perspective-p, +workspace-contains-buffer-p, persp-contain-buffer-p,
+workspace-current, get-current-persp

(let* ((plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe)) (recipe (plist-get plist :recipe)) (package (plist-get plist :package)) (type (plist-get plist :type)) (local-repo (plist-get plist :local-repo))) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output))))))
(straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output))))))
(catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output)))))))
(cl--block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output))))))))
(cl-block nil (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output)))))))
(while --dolist-tail-- (setq recipe (car --dolist-tail--)) (cl-block nil (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output))))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))
(let ((--dolist-tail-- recipes) recipe) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq recipe (car --dolist-tail--)) (cl-block nil (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e ...)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
(dolist (recipe recipes) (cl-block nil (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output))))))))
(let* ((recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)) (built nil) (straight-use-package-pre-build-functions (cons (lambda (pkg) (cl-pushnew pkg built :test (function equal))) straight-use-package-pre-build-functions))) (dolist (recipe recipes) (cl-block nil (straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe recipe) recipe) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e ...))))))) (nreverse built))
(doom-with-package-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output))))))
(and t (doom-with-package-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal (quote doom-package-error) (list package e (straight--process-get-output)))))))
(let* ((built (and t (doom-with-package-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package (intern package)) ((debug error) (signal ... ...))))))) (if built (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Installed %d packages") (length built)))) (progn (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote info) "No packages need to be installed")))) nil)))
(let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (let* ((built (and t (doom-with-package-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e (straight-use-package ...) (... ...)))))) (if built (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Installed %d packages") (length built)))) (progn (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class ... "No packages need to be installed")))) nil))))
(let ((pinned (doom-package-pinned-list))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (let* ((built (and t (doom-with-package-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list) (recipe package type local-repo) (condition-case e ... ...))))) (if built (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class ... "Installed %d packages") (length built)))) (progn (doom--format-print (doom--format (format ...))) nil)))))
(let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads) (doom-cli-packages-install) (doom-cli-packages-build) (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads) t)
(let (success) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file (car --dolist-tail--))) (delete-file file) (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Synchronizing your config with Doom Emacs...")))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads) (doom-cli-packages-install) (doom-cli-packages-build) (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads) t))
(let ((if-necessary-p (cdr (assq (quote if-necessary-p) --alist--))) (inhibit-envvar-p (cdr (assq (quote inhibit-envvar-p) --alist--))) (prune-p (cdr (assq (quote prune-p) --alist--)))) :bare t (let (success) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file (car --dolist-tail--))) (delete-file file) (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Synchronizing your config with Doom Emacs...")))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads) (doom-cli-packages-install) (doom-cli-packages-build) (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads) t)))
(closure ((plist :bare t :group "Maintenance") (aliases s refresh re) (name . sync) cl-struct-doom-cli-option-tags cl-struct-doom-cli-tags t) (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((if-necessary-p (cdr (assq (quote if-necessary-p) --alist--))) (inhibit-envvar-p (cdr (assq (quote inhibit-envvar-p) --alist--))) (prune-p (cdr (assq (quote prune-p) --alist--)))) :bare t (let (success) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file ...)) (delete-file file) (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Synchronizing your config with Doom Emacs...")))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads) (doom-cli-packages-install) (doom-cli-packages-build) (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads) t))))(nil)
funcall((closure ((plist :bare t :group "Maintenance") (aliases s refresh re) (name . sync) cl-struct-doom-cli-option-tags cl-struct-doom-cli-tags t) (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((if-necessary-p (cdr (assq (quote if-necessary-p) --alist--))) (inhibit-envvar-p (cdr (assq (quote inhibit-envvar-p) --alist--))) (prune-p (cdr (assq (quote prune-p) --alist--)))) :bare t (let (success) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let (...) (delete-file file) (delete-file ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class ... "Synchronizing your config with Doom Emacs...")))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file ...))) (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads) (doom-cli-packages-install) (doom-cli-packages-build) (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads) t)))) nil)
(if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command))
(let* ((cli (and t (doom-cli-get command)))) (if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command)))
doom-cli-execute("re" nil)
(and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time))))
(let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time)))))
(condition-case e (let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time))))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" (bold "Type:") (car e)) (print! (bold "Message:")) (print-group! (print! "%s" (get (car e) (quote error-message)))) (print! (bold "Data:")) (print-group! (if (cdr e) (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item ...) (print! "%S" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...))) (print! "n/a"))) (if (string-match-p (regexp-quote straight-process-buffer) (error-message-string e)) (progn (print! (bold "Straight output:")) (print-group! (print! "%s" (straight--process-get-output)))))) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! (concat "Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) switch to enable debug\n" "mode and (hopefully) generate a backtrace from this error:\n" "\n %s\n\n" "If you file a bug report, please include it!") (string-join (append (list (file-name-nondirectory load-file-name) "-d" command) args) " ")) (error ""))))
(cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract ... start-time))))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" (bold "Type:") (car e)) (print! (bold "Message:")) (print-group! (print! "%s" (get ... ...))) (print! (bold "Data:")) (print-group! (if (cdr e) (let ... ...) (print! "n/a"))) (if (string-match-p (regexp-quote straight-process-buffer) (error-message-string e)) (progn (print! ...) (print-group! ...)))) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! (concat "Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) switch to enable debug\n" "mode and (hopefully) generate a backtrace from this error:\n" "\n %s\n\n" "If you file a bug report, please include it!") (string-join (append ... args) " ")) (error ""))))))
(let ((help-p (cdr (assq (quote help-p) --alist--))) (debug-p (cdr (assq (quote debug-p) --alist--))) (yes-p (cdr (assq (quote yes-p) --alist--))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq (quote emacsdir) --alist--))) (doomdir (cdr (assq (quote doomdir) --alist--))) (localdir (cdr (assq (quote localdir) --alist--))) (command (cdr (assq (quote command) --alist--))) (args (cdr (assq (quote args) --alist--)))) :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (if command (progn (setq args (cons command args)))) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (print! (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This likely wasn't intentional, and\n" "is unnecessary to use this script. This will cause file permissions errors\n" "later if you use this Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time ...)))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" (bold "Type:") (car e)) (print! (bold "Message:")) (print-group! (print! "%s" ...)) (print! (bold "Data:")) (print-group! (if ... ... ...)) (if (string-match-p ... ...) (progn ... ...))) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! (concat "Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) switch to enable debug\n" "mode and (hopefully) generate a backtrace from this error:\n" "\n %s\n\n" "If you file a bug report, please include it!") (string-join ... " ")) (error "")))))))
(lambda (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((help-p (cdr (assq (quote help-p) --alist--))) (debug-p (cdr (assq (quote debug-p) --alist--))) (yes-p (cdr (assq (quote yes-p) --alist--))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq (quote emacsdir) --alist--))) (doomdir (cdr (assq (quote doomdir) --alist--))) (localdir (cdr (assq (quote localdir) --alist--))) (command (cdr (assq (quote command) --alist--))) (args (cdr (assq (quote args) --alist--)))) :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (if command (progn (setq args (cons command args)))) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (print! (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This likely wasn't intentional, and\n" "is unnecessary to use this script. This will cause file permissions errors\n" "later if you use this Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time ...)) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! ... ...))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" ... ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...) (if ... ...)) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! ... ...) (error ""))))))))(((command . "re")))
funcall((lambda (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((help-p (cdr (assq (quote help-p) --alist--))) (debug-p (cdr (assq (quote debug-p) --alist--))) (yes-p (cdr (assq (quote yes-p) --alist--))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq (quote emacsdir) --alist--))) (doomdir (cdr (assq (quote doomdir) --alist--))) (localdir (cdr (assq (quote localdir) --alist--))) (command (cdr (assq (quote command) --alist--))) (args (cdr (assq (quote args) --alist--)))) :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (if command (progn (setq args ...))) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (print! (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This likely wasn't intentional, and\n" "is unnecessary to use this script. This will cause file permissions errors\n" "later if you use this Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let (...) (and ... ...)) (user-error (print! ... ...) (print! ... ...) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! ...) (print-group! ... ... ... ... ... ...) (if debug-on-error nil ... ... ...))))))) ((command . "re")))
(if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command))
(let* ((cli (and t (doom-cli-get command)))) (if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command)))
doom-cli-execute(:main ("re"))
(let* ((load-prefer-newer t) (loaddir (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name))) (emacsdir (getenv "EMACSDIR")) (user-emacs-directory (abbreviate-file-name (or emacsdir (expand-file-name "../" loaddir))))) (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "core" user-emacs-directory) load-path)) (require (quote core)) (require (quote core-cli)) (defcli! :main ((help-p ["-h" "--help"] "Same as help command") (debug-p ["-d" "--debug"] "Turns on doom-debug-mode (and debug-on-error)") (yes-p ["-y" "--yes"] "Auto-accept all confirmation prompts") (emacsdir ["--emacsdir" dir] "Use the emacs config at DIR (e.g. ~/.emacs.d)") (doomdir ["--doomdir" dir] "Use the private module at DIR (e.g. ~/.doom.d)") (localdir ["--localdir" dir] "Use DIR as your local storage directory") &optional command &rest args) "A command line interface for managing Doom Emacs.\n\nIncludes package management, diagnostics, unit tests, and byte-compilation.\n\nThis tool also makes it trivial to launch Emacs out of a different folder or\nwith a different private module." :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (if command (progn (setq args (cons command args)))) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (print! (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This likely wasn't intentional, and\n" "is unnecessary to use this script. This will cause file permissions errors\n" "later if you use this Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time ...)) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! ... ...))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" ... ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...) (if ... ...)) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! ... ...) (error ""))))))) (doom-cli-execute :main (cdr (member "--" argv))) (setq argv nil))
eval-buffer(#<buffer load> nil "/home/user/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 5374
load-with-code-conversion("/home/user/.emacs.d/bin/doom" "/home/user/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t)
load("/home/user/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t t)
command-line-1(("-scriptload" "bin/doom" "--" "re"))

> Byte-compiling core autoloads file...
�[32m✓ Generated .local/autoloads.elc�[0m

Installing packages...
→ Building proof-general...
→ Building proof-general...done

Steps to reproduce:

  1. remove ~/.local/straight/build/proof-general
  2. run ./bin/doom re

System information:

  (version . "26.3")
  (build . "Aug 29, 2019")
  (buildopts "--prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --libexecdir=/usr/lib --localstatedir=/var --with-x-toolkit=gtk3 --with-xft --with-modules 'CFLAGS=-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt' CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now")
  (windowsys . batch)
  (version . "2.0.9")
  (build . "HEAD -> develop, origin/develop f645675e4 2020-02-19 09:22:57 -0500")
  (dir . "~/.config/doom/"))
  (type . gnu/linux)
  (config . "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu")
  (shell . "/bin/zsh")
  (uname . "Linux 5.5.3-zen1-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Tue, 11 Feb 2020 15:35:45 +0000 x86_64")
  (path "~/.opam/default/bin" "~/.local/share/google-cloud-sdk/bin" "~/.local/bin" "~/.go/bin" "~/.local/lib/nodejs/bin" "/usr/lib/ccache/bin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/local/sbin" "~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/bin" "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin" "/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin" "/usr/bin/site_perl" "/usr/bin/vendor_perl" "/usr/bin/core_perl" "/usr/lib/emacs/26.3/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"))
  (elc-files . 0)
  (modules :completion company ivy :ui doom doom-dashboard doom-quit hl-todo modeline nav-flash ophints (popup +all +defaults) vc-gutter vi-tilde-fringe window-select workspaces :editor (evil +everywhere) file-templates fold multiple-cursors rotate-text snippets :emacs dired electric ibuffer vc :checkers syntax :tools (eval +overlay) (lookup +docsets) lsp magit :lang coq data emacs-lisp markdown (org +dragndrop +present) sh :config (default +bindings +smartparens))
  (packages . "<(void-function sp-point-in-string)>")
  (elpa "n/a")
  (unpin . "<(void-function sp-point-in-string)>")))
@hexchain hexchain added the is:bug Something isn't working as intended label Feb 19, 2020
@hlissner hlissner added module:lang/coq Pertains to Doom's :lang coq module module:core:cli Pertains to the `$ doom` script status:unconfirmed Still under investigation. is:update An effort to catch up with changes made elsewhere status:pending-fix and removed is:bug Something isn't working as intended status:unconfirmed Still under investigation. labels Feb 20, 2020
@hlissner hlissner added status:resolved Issue was addressed internally and removed status:pending-fix labels Feb 20, 2020
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I'm hoping 8a5ffc3 will resolve this issue. Let me know if that isn't the case and I'll reopen it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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I don't know if what I did is correct, but I still see the error with the following steps:

  1. Remove .local/straight/build/proof-general/
  2. Run ./bin/doom re <- Error
  3. Run ./bin/doom re again <- No error

Not sure if the first error is critical, but PG functionality seems okay to me.

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You needed to update doom and its packages by running doom upgrade.

Otherwise, if you had used git pull instead, you'd need to do the following:

rm -f ~/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.*
cd ~/.emacs.d
doom sync  # alias for doom refresh
doom update

In any case, that second doom re should hopefully have fixed your issue.

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I did tried to upgrade doom using doom upgrade and I still got that error. The steps I mentioned above are my stupid attempts at reproducing the error. Sorry if it was totally wrong.

I have tried to execute git clean -fdx in ~/.emacs.d, remove ~/.emacs.d/.local, and then do ./bin/doom install. But I still got this error:

  → Cloning PG (for proof-general)...
  → Cloning PG (for proof-general)...done
  → Building proof-general...
  → Building proof-general...done
x There was an unexpected error:
  Type: doom-package-error
    Error with packages
    (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "/home/user/.emacs.d/bin/generic/proof-site")

GTrunSec pushed a commit to GTrunSec/doom-emacs that referenced this issue Mar 3, 2020
From ProofGeneral/PG@89829c2

Also removes pg-init hacks, as they no longer seem necessary after

Hopefully fixes doomemacs#2565
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vlaci commented Mar 4, 2020

I can reproduce this issue by having coq enabled in init.el in a fresh install of doom. If I re-run doom install, the issue goes away

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@vlaci Me too. I encountered an issue #2802 and decided to have a fresh install to solve it. Then I encountered this.

@github-actions github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Jan 31, 2021
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is:update An effort to catch up with changes made elsewhere module:core:cli Pertains to the `$ doom` script module:lang/coq Pertains to Doom's :lang coq module status:resolved Issue was addressed internally
None yet

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4 participants