About TomoPhantom

TomoPhantom is recommended for various image processing tasks that require extensive numerical testing: image reconstruction, denoising, deblurring, etc. In particular, TomoPhantom is best-suited for testing various tomographic image reconstruction (TIR) methods. For TIR algorithms testing, the popular Shepp-Logan phantom is not always a good choice due to its piecewise-constant nature. This toolbox provides a simple modular approach to efficiently build customisable 2D-4D phantoms consisting of piecewise-constant, piecewise-smooth, and smooth analytical objects as well as their analytical Radon transforms . @@ -34,11 +38,7 @@ Tomophantom is distributed as a Python conda package for Linux/Windows/Mac OS's: ``` conda install -c httomo tomophantom ``` -Please see more detailed information on [installation](INSTALLATION.md) and development environments. - - -#### License: -TomoPhantom is released under [Apache License v.2](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). Note that some demos where ['ASTRA-toolbox'](http://www.astra-toolbox.com/) is used are of GPLv3 license and also BSD-3 license for [TomoPy](http://tomopy.readthedocs.io/en) package. +Please see more detailed information on Installation and development environments. ### Related software projects on GitHub: - [xdesign](https://github.com/tomography/xdesign) XDesign is an open-source Python package for generating configurable simulation phantoms for benchmarking tomographic image reconstruction.