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This code performs kernel learning for a two-sample test via MMD.

  • does the main work in optimizing a kernel for a fixed dataset.
  • tests the kernel learned by learn_kernel.
  • has Theano implementations of the MMD and variance estimators, if you just want to use those in your own code.
  • does bandwidth selection for an RBF kernel on a given dataset, like the Blobs experiment from the paper.
  • makes a Jupyter notebook analyzing the results of


The hardest one is Shogun, version at least 6.0, needed for running the two-sample tests; this isn't actually required for, but is for evaluations. Make sure you install the modular Python interface (-DPythonModular=ON to cmake). The easiest way to get it is from conda-forge.

We also need a relatively recent version of Lasagne to run, along with some Python standards (scipy, pandas, etc.) and a few other packages. You can get everything but shogun with pip install -r requirements.txt.

Blobs experiment

To reproduce the figures from the Blobs experiment:

  • First, create the results files with This will take a while, since it's doing lots of replications:
for r in 1 2 4 6 8 10; do
  python -n 500 --blobs $r
  • To look at the powers and the bandwidths chosen for a single parameter setting, like Figure 2b of the paper, run e.g. python res_fixed/blobs/rat6/n500.h5 and then look at the Jupyter notebook created in the same folder.

  • To plot the rejection rates across different parameter settings, like Figure 2c of the paper, see the file fixed_overall.ipynb.

GAN model criticism

To replicate the GAN model criticism from the paper, first you'll need samples from a trained GAN.

The generate.sample_mnist_minibatch_gan function handles sampling from an Improved GAN model. Unfortunately, their repo doesn't currently include code for minibatch discrimination on MNIST. My fork has a file that does what the authors told me by email that they did: Or you can just get the trained model that I used.

(If you wanted to do this for your own data, you'd want to implement a function in generate to sample from it.)

Then, to learn an ARD kernel, I used:

THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu,lib.cnmem=1 python \
  --net-version scaling --max-ratio \
  --init-sigma-median --opt-sigma --num-epochs 10000 \
  --{n-train,n-test}=2000 --{,val-}batchsize=500 \
  --mnist-minibatch-gan PATH/TO/mnist_minibatch_count100_scaled_1.npz \
  --trim-edges --scaled --bw \

(10,000 iterations is overkill; it converges well before that. You might need to change the Theano flags for your device.)

To evaluate the power of the result:

python --n-reps 100 results/gan/ard_maxratio_bw_trim.npz

To evaluate the power of a plain RBF kernel with optimized sigma, do the same thing but with --net-version nothing. For the median-heuristic RBF kernel, do --net-version nothing --no-opt-sigma --num-epochs 0.