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A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL tools, scripts, slides, and short examples. inspired by the other awesome lists.

Extensions and Tools

  • Citus - Citus horizontally scales PostgreSQL across commodity servers using sharding and replication. Its query engine parallelizes incoming SQL queries across these servers to enable real-time responses on large datasets.
  • ldap2pg - manage roles and ACL.
  • PL/V8 - Content for starting and do quick consults about PL/V8.
  • PGBouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL.
  • pgpool-II - Connection pooler, load balancer, replicator, also implementing parallel query.
  • PGStrom (GPU Process) - Designed to off-load several CPU intensive workloads to GPU devices.
  • PostgREST - Standalone web server that tuns your database directly into a RESTful API.
  • pgloader - Load data into PostgreSQL. Any Data.
  • pgbundle - Manage your PostgreSQL extensions with Pgbundle.
  • pgcli - Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
  • Barman - Backup and recovery manager.
  • psql2csv - Run a query in psql and output the result as CSV.
  • pome - A Postgres Metrics Dashboard which can be deployed as a binary.
  • pg_bulkload - It's a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL.

SQL plan visualizers


Useful scripts
Useful Examples
Useful slides

