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Releases: decentralized-identity/sidetree


03 Jul 18:45
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v0.3.0 Pre-release
v0.3.0 Protocol Breaking Persistent Store Breaking Configuration Change
Core service Yes Yes No
Bitcoin microservice No No Yes
IPFS microservice No No No

Core service

  1. Implemented protocol rule of 1 operation per DID per batch.
  2. Implemented persistence for operations pending to be batched and anchored.
  3. Implemented anchor file schema validation.
  4. Implemented caching of blockchain time to improve performance.
  5. Merkle root in anchor file is now a multihash.
  6. Added logging for every request.
  7. Code refactoring - Removed duplicated code among services.
  8. Tests - Improved speed of MongoDB tests & removed jasmine-ts dependency.
  9. Tests - Removed interfaces from code coverage for a more accurate reporting.
  10. Documentation - Removed all references of REST API versioning.
  11. Documentation - Updated implementation architecture diagram.
  12. Documentation - Removed explicit protocol parameter values.

Bitcoin microservice

  1. This service now works directly with the official Bitcoin Core client, removed dependency on BCoin.

IPFS microservice

  1. Removed versioning in REST API path.


11 Jun 17:14
Choose a tag to compare
v0.2.0 Pre-release
v0.2.0 Protocol Breaking Persistent Store Breaking
Core service Yes No
Bitcion microservice Yes No
IPFS microservice Yes No

Core service

  1. Added better handling of bad CAS fetch requests.
  2. Fixed bugs in where transaction rollback is failing when block-reorganization occurs.

Bitcoin microservice

  1. Service now depends on Bcoin instead of Bitcore.
  2. Fixed bugs in where transaction rollback is failing when block-reorganization occurs.

IPFS microservice

  1. Added better handling of bad CAS fetch requests.
  2. Added max size constraint on Anchor and Batch files.