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159 lines (124 loc) · 6.57 KB

File metadata and controls

159 lines (124 loc) · 6.57 KB



SnakeQUANT is a quantification pipeline to generate scRNA-seq gene expression data for scEiaD. This is run previous to SnakePOP and SnakeSCEIAD. SnakeQUANT does the following:

  • Builds kallisto quantification indices for human, mouse, and macaque originating data
  • Generates both exonic and intronic gene quantification for RNA-velocity calculations. This is only run for 10x Droplet-based scRNA-seq
  • Generates transcript level quantification for well based scRNA-seq
  • For macaque data, quantifies data gainst both macaque and human indices and picks best(highest) expresion values for the two
  • Generate statistics like % mitochondiral gene expression for QC
  • The pipeline_data/clean_quant/all_species_full_sparse_matrix.Rdata removes cells which have > 10% mito gene expression (relative to full transcriptome quant)




SnakeQUANT requires a tab-separated sample metadata that contains the following columns:

  • sample_accession: an ID for each individual sample in scEiaD
  • run_accession: names of the 1 or more fastq.gz files that make up a sample
  • library_layout: PAIRED / SINGLE
  • organism: species
  • Platform: Sequencing technology(10x, SmartSEQ etc)
  • UMI: YES / NO

Example sample metadata files are in the data/ folder

Before the pipeline is run, make sure the relevant paths in config.yaml are changed:

  • fastq_path: absolute path to directory with run-level fastqs
  • quant_path: absolute path to where sample-level quantification files are stored

Pipeline step

Reference file generation

  • rule make_sample_name_prefixes: makes .txt file with all distinct prefixes used to grep for samples later on in the pipeline. Prefixes are the beginning character letters(no numbers) for a sample name ie SRS, E-MTAB.(references/samplename_patterns.txt)
  • rule download_annotation: get GTF based transcript annotation for each species from differnet sources. Links are hardcoding in ATM. files are stored in reference/gtf
  • rule make_mitochondiral_gene_lists: makes a list of mitchondrial genes for each species. files are stored in references/mito_genes/

Generation of quantification indices

rule get_velocity_files does quite a bit, all within the script src/get_velocity_annotation.R For Each species, 4 quantificaiton indices are made for differnet technologies: 10xv2, 10xv3, DropSeq and well(1 for all well techs). The reason separate indices are needed for the droplet tech is that generation of intron transcript sequnences is highly dependent on the read length which varies by technologies. For well based samples, initally both exonic and intronic transcript sequences are generated, but a python script src/ is called within the Rscript to remove intronic sequences to reduce index size.


Sample level quantification is written to the location specified by quant_path in config.yaml( currently /data/OGVFB_BG/new_quant_sciad). The sample level quant output is structured like this {quant_path}/quant/{sample_accession}/{technology}/{reference}. Only macaque samples have multiple values for reference(human, macaque).

rule kallisto_quant handles well based quant and geneated transcript level gene expression

Droplet based quantification

All quant is handled by bustool. A local installation of bustools is required. path to bustools binary must specfied as bustools_path in config.yaml. Quantification happens in the rule bustools_whitelist_correct_count. For 10x data, barcode whitelists were manually downloaded from . For DropSeq techonology a single whitelist is created by running bustools whitelist on all DropSeq samples and then merged to a single file (rule make_dropseq_whitelists). Couple notes about rule bustools_whitelist_correct_count - in the bustools capture step, it looks like the target transcript ids for spliced and unspliced are backwards, but they are not. - Previoulsy we were also running bustools correct. I had to drop this because it can create duplicate barcodes within the same sample, which really messes up the intronic quant.

Processing of Quant output

rule create_sparse_matrix

This rule creates a study level sparse matrix for droplet based technologies, and pulls in quant files generated by bustools_whitelist_correct_count stored in {quant_path}/... These are written to pipeline_data/clean_quant/{study_accession}. This rule performs several QC steps: - remove cells with less than 200 read - remove cells with more than 3000 reads - remove cells with % mitochondrial gene expression > 10% (this requires the mitochondrial gene lists generated earlier) The rule outputs both exonic and intronic quant, as well as a stats.tsv file. stats.tsv records how many cells are lost from QC.

rule merge_nonUMI_quant_by_organism

Takes sample level well-based quant and outputs organism level gene and transcript quantifcation. These are stored in {quant_path}/quant/{organism}

Species level merging of Droplet and Well data(rule combine_well_and_umi)

  • Merges droplet and well quant to the species level for both exonic and intronic quant and writes to pipeline_data/clean_quant/{organism}
  • creates study-barcode id for each cell
  • outputs a cell_info file to pipeline_data/cell_info/ that maps id to metadata.

Merging all quant together

Handled by src/blend_macaque_merge_across_reference.R. Outputs clean, species level quant to pipeline_data/clean_quant/{species} and single pan-species quant to pipeline_data/clean_quant.(two files, for exonic and intronic quant.)

Macaque blending

Macaque data quantified against human and macaque references are compared; for each gene where the human quant is both greater than the macaque quant, the human quant is added to the final macaque quant. Only human genes with expression about the 20th percentile of macaque gene expression(~ 9 reads) can be conisdered for this.

Mito stats

The script src/mito_stats.R generates information about sample-level % mitochondrial gene expression; for droplet, it reads in existing stats.tsv files from create_sparse_matrix. For well data, each sample is read in(this takes time and memory), and % mitochonrial expression is calculated