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File metadata and controls

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Installation steps when submitting Spark applications through Apache Livy

This document details instructions to install Delight when using Apache Livy REST API, using the /sessions or the /batches routes.

This document assumes that you have created an account and generated an access token on the Delight website.

Add the following key-value pairs to the conf (Spark configuration properties) field:

spark.delight.accessToken.secret=<your access token>

A real-world example of submission instrumented with Delight would look like this:

POST /batches
  "file": "/test/spark-examples.jar",
  "className": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
  "driverMemory": "1G",
  "driverCores": 1,
  "executorCores": 3,
  "executorMemory": "20G",
  "numExecutors": 2,
  "name": "application-name",
  "conf": {
    "spark.jars.packages": "co.datamechanics:delight_<replace-with-your-scala-version-2.11-or-2.12>:latest-SNAPSHOT",
    "spark.jars.repositories": "",
    "spark.delight.accessToken.secret": "<your access token>",
    "spark.extraListeners": "co.datamechanics.delight.DelightListener"
  "args": ["1000"]

Delight provides information about memory usage for Spark version 3.0.0 and above. For this feature to work, you'll need the proc filesystem (procfs) and the command pgrep available in your runtime.

If you're running Apache Livy on AWS EMR, Google Dataproc, or Databricks, procfs and pgrep are available. On other systems, you may have to install them. pgrep is usually part of the procps package on UNIX operating systems.