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szha opened this issue Jul 9, 2020 · 6 comments


szha opened this issue Jul 9, 2020 · 6 comments


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szha commented Jul 9, 2020

We at ONNX are working on the roadmap and I'm proposing that we adopt the numpy array API definition and eventually the array API standard from the outcome of this work group. ONNX is a model exchange standard for the deep learning frameworks. The array API comparison exercise here is very helpful and it would be great if we could include the ONNX in the comparison here.

The definition of array API functions can be found here.

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kgryte commented Jul 9, 2020

@szha Thanks for the links! I'll look into the ONNX array API functions, and at a minimum add it to the "join" dataset, which compares across all libraries.

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szha commented Jul 23, 2020

@kgryte did you get a chance to look at ONNX? Let me know if you need anything else.

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I suspect part of the hold up here is that ONNX doesn't use Sphinx, so the tooling may not be as easily adjusted. Still would be good to include in the overview.

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szha commented Sep 21, 2020

1 numpy cupy dask.array jax mxnet pytorch tensorflow onnx runtime ONNX Extra Operator
2 numpy.absolute absolute absolute absolute abs math.abs Abs AveragePool
3 numpy.add add add add add math.add Add BatchNormalization
4 numpy.all all all alltrue reduce_all Cast
5 numpy.allclose allclose allclose allclose allclose Compress
6 numpy.amax max max max amax math.reduce_max Constant
7 numpy.amin min min min amin math.reduce_min ConstantOfShape
8 numpy.angle angle angle angle angle angle math.angle Conv
9 numpy.any any any sometrue math.reduce_any ConvInteger
10 numpy.arange arange arange arange arange range range ConvTranspose
11 numpy.arccos arccos arccos arccos arccos acos math.acos Acos DepthToSpace
12 numpy.arccosh arccosh arccosh arccosh arccosh math.acosh Acosh DequantizeLinear
13 numpy.arcsin arcsin arcsin arcsin arcsin asin math.asin Asin Dropout
14 numpy.arcsinh arcsinh arcsinh arcsinh arcsinh math.asinh Asinh Elu
15 numpy.arctan arctan arctan arctan arctan atan math.atan Atan Erf
16 numpy.arctan2 arctan2 arctan2 arctan2 arctan2 atan2 math.atan2 EyeLike
17 numpy.arctanh arctanh arctanh arctanh arctanh math.atanh Atanh Flatten
18 numpy.argmax argmax argmax argmax argmax argmax math.argmax ArgMax GRU
19 numpy.argmin argmin argmin argmin argmin argmin math.argmin ArgMin Gather
20 numpy.argsort argsort argsort argsort argsort argsort GatherElements
21 numpy.around around round around around GatherND
22 numpy.array array array array array tensor make_ndarray Gemm
23 numpy.asarray asarray asarray asarray asarray convert_to_tensor GlobalAveragePool
24 numpy.atleast_1d atleast_1d atleast_1d atleast_1d atleast_1d GlobalLpPool
25 numpy.atleast_2d atleast_2d atleast_2d atleast_2d atleast_2d GlobalMaxPool
26 numpy.atleast_3d atleast_3d atleast_3d atleast_3d atleast_3d HardSigmoid
27 numpy.bincount bincount bincount bincount bincount math.bincount Hardmax
28 numpy.bitwise_and bitwise_and bitwise_and bitwise_and bitwise_and bitwise.bitwise_and
29 numpy.bitwise_or bitwise_or bitwise_or bitwise_or bitwise_or bitwise.bitwise_or If
30 numpy.bitwise_xor bitwise_xor bitwise_xor bitwise_xor bitwise_xor bitwise.bitwise_xor InstanceNormalization
31 numpy.broadcast_arrays broadcast_arrays broadcast_arrays broadcast_arrays broadcast_arrays broadcast_tensors LRN
32 numpy.broadcast_to broadcast_to broadcast_to broadcast_to broadcast_to broadcast_to Expand LSTM
33 numpy.ceil ceil ceil ceil ceil ceil math.ceil Ceil LeakyRelu
34 numpy.clip clip clip clip clip clip_by_value Clip LogSoftmax
35 numpy.concatenate concatenate concatenate concatenate concatenate cat concat Concat Loop
36 numpy.conj conj conj conj conj conj math.conj LpNormalization
37 numpy.copysign copysign copysign copysign copysign LpPool
38 numpy.corrcoef corrcoef corrcoef corrcoef corrcoef MaxPool
39 numpy.cos cos cos cos cos cos math.cos Cos MaxRoiPool
40 numpy.cosh cosh cosh cosh cosh cosh math.cosh Cosh MaxUnpool
41 numpy.count_nonzero count_nonzero count_nonzero count_nonzero count_nonzero math.count_nonzero Multinomial
42 numpy.cov cov cov cov cov NonMaxSuppression
43 numpy.cross cross cross cross cross linalg.cross NonZero
44 numpy.cumprod cumprod cumprod cumproduct cumprod cumprod math.cumprod OneHot
45 numpy.cumsum cumsum cumsum cumsum cumsum cumsum math.cumsum CumSum PRelu
46 numpy.deg2rad deg2rad deg2rad deg2rad deg2rad QLinearConv
47 numpy.degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees QLinearMatMul
48 numpy.diag diag diag diag diag diag linalg.diag QuantizeLinear
49 numpy.diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal linalg.diag_part RNN
50 numpy.divide divide divide divide div math.divide Div RandomNormal
51 dot dot dot dot RandomNormalLike
52 numpy.dstack dstack dstack dstack dstack ConcatFromSequence RandomUniform
53 numpy.einsum einsum einsum einsum einsum einsum einsum Einsum RandomUniformLike
54 numpy.empty empty empty empty empty empty Reciprocal
55 numpy.empty_like empty_like empty_like empty_like empty_like empty_like ReduceL1
56 numpy.equal equal equal eq math.equal Equal ReduceL2
57 numpy.exp exp exp exp exp exp math.exp Exp ReduceLogSum
58 numpy.expand_dims expand_dims expand_dims expand_dims unsqueeze expand_dims Unsqueeze ReduceLogSumExp
59 numpy.expm1 expm1 expm1 expm1 expm1 expm1 math.expm1 ReduceMax
60 numpy.eye eye eye eye eye eye eye Identity ReduceMean
61 numpy.fft.fft fft.fft fft.fft fft fft signal.fft ReduceMin
62 numpy.fft.fft2 fft.fft2 fft.fft2 fft2 signal.fft2d ReduceProd
63 numpy.fft.fftn fft.fftn fft.fftn fftn signal.fft3d ReduceSum
64 numpy.fft.fftshift fft.fftshift fft.fftshift fftshift signal.fftshift BitShift ReduceSumSquare
65 numpy.fft.ifft fft.ifft fft.ifft ifft ifft signal.ifft Relu
66 numpy.fft.ifft2 fft.ifft2 fft.ifft2 ifft2 signal.ifft2d Resize
67 numpy.fft.ifftn fft.ifftn fft.ifftn ifftn signal.ifft3d ReverseSequence
68 numpy.fft.ifftshift fft.ifftshift fft.ifftshift ifftshift signal.ifftshift BitShift RoiAlign
69 numpy.fft.irfft fft.irfft fft.irfft irfft irfft signal.irfft Scan
70 numpy.fft.irfft2 fft.irfft2 fft.irfft2 irfft2 signal.irfft2d Scatter (deprecated)
71 numpy.fft.irfftn fft.irfftn fft.irfftn irfftn signal.irfft3d ScatterElements
72 numpy.fft.rfft fft.rfft fft.rfft rfft rfft signal.rfft ScatterND
73 numpy.fft.rfft2 fft.rfft2 fft.rfft2 rfft2 signal.rfft2d Selu
74 numpy.fft.rfftn fft.rfftn fft.rfftn rfftn signal.rfft3d SequenceAt
75 numpy.fix fix fix fix fix SequenceConstruct
76 numpy.flip flip flip flip flip flip reverse SequenceEmpty
77 numpy.fliplr fliplr fliplr fliplr fliplr SequenceErase
78 numpy.flipud flipud flipud flipud flipud SequenceInsert
79 numpy.floor floor floor floor floor floor math.floor Floor SequenceLength
80 numpy.floor_divide floor_divide floor_divide floor_divide floor_divide math.floordiv Shape
81 numpy.fmax fmax fmax fmax fmax Shrink
82 numpy.fmin fmin fmin fmin fmin Sigmoid
83 numpy.fmod fmod fmod fmod fmod fmod Size
84 numpy.frexp frexp frexp frexp frexp Slice
85 numpy.full full full full full full fill Softmax
86 numpy.full_like full_like full_like full_like full_like full_like Softplus
87 numpy.greater greater greater gt math.greater Greater Softsign
88 numpy.greater_equal greater_equal greater_equal ge math.greater_equal SpaceToDepth
89 numpy.histogram histogram histogram histogram histc SplitToSequence
90 numpy.hstack hstack hstack hstack hstack ConcatFromSequence StringNormalizer
91 numpy.hypot hypot hypot hypot hypot TfIdfVectorizer
92 numpy.imag imag imag imag imag imag math.imag ThresholdedRelu
93 numpy.inner inner inner inner dot TopK
94 numpy.iscomplex iscomplex iscomplex iscomplex is_complex Upsample (deprecated)
95 numpy.isfinite isfinite isfinite isfinite isfinite math.is_finite Xor
96 numpy.isinf isinf isinf isinf isinf IsInf Function
97 numpy.isnan isnan isnan isnan isnan math.is_nan IsNaN Celu
98 numpy.isreal isreal isreal isreal is_floating_point DynamicQuantizeLinear
99 numpy.ldexp ldexp ldexp ldexp ldexp GreaterOrEqual
100 numpy.less less less lt math.less Less LessOrEqual
101 numpy.less_equal less_equal less_equal le math.less_equal MeanVarianceNormalization
102 numpy.linalg.cholesky linalg.cholesky linalg.cholesky cholesky linalg.cholesky cholesky linalg.cholesky NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss
103 numpy.linalg.det linalg.det det linalg.det det linalg.det Det Range
104 numpy.linalg.eig eig linalg.eig eig linalg.eigh SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss
105 numpy.linalg.eigvalsh linalg.eigvalsh eigvalsh symeig linalg.eigvalsh
106 numpy.linalg.inv linalg.inv linalg.inv inv linalg.inv inverse linalg.inv
107 numpy.linalg.lstsq linalg.lstsq linalg.lstsq linalg.lstsq lstsq linalg.lstsq
108 numpy.linalg.matrix_power linalg.matrix_power matrix_power linalg.matrix_power matrix_power
109 numpy.linalg.matrix_rank linalg.matrix_rank matrix_rank linalg.matrix_rank matrix_rank rank
110 numpy.linalg.norm linalg.norm linalg.norm norm linalg.norm norm norm
111 numpy.linalg.pinv linalg.pinv pinv linalg.pinv linalg.pinv
112 numpy.linalg.qr linalg.qr linalg.qr qr linalg.qr qr linalg.qr
113 numpy.linalg.slogdet linalg.slogdet slogdet linalg.slogdet slogdet linalg.slogdet
114 numpy.linalg.solve linalg.solve linalg.solve solve linalg.solve solve linalg.solve
115 numpy.linalg.svd linalg.svd linalg.svd svd linalg.svd svd linalg.svd
116 numpy.linspace linspace linspace linspace linspace linspace linspace
117 numpy.log log log log log log math.log Log
118 numpy.log10 log10 log10 log10 log10 log10
119 numpy.log1p log1p log1p log1p log1p log1p math.log1p
120 numpy.log2 log2 log2 log2 log2 log2
121 numpy.logaddexp logaddexp logaddexp logaddexp logaddexp logsumexp math.reduce_logsumexp
122 numpy.logaddexp2 logaddexp2 logaddexp2 logaddexp2 logaddexp2
123 numpy.logical_and logical_and logical_and logical_and logical_and math.logical_and And
124 numpy.logical_not logical_not logical_not logical_not logical_not math.logical_not Not
125 numpy.logical_or logical_or logical_or logical_or logical_or math.logical_or Or
126 numpy.logical_xor logical_xor logical_xor logical_xor logical_xor math.logical_xor
127 numpy.logspace logspace logspace logspace logspace
128 numpy.matmul matmul matmul matmul matmul mm linalg.matmul MatMul, MatMulInteger
129 numpy.maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum max math.maximum Max
130 numpy.mean mean mean mean mean mean math.reduce_mean Mean
131 numpy.median median median median median
132 numpy.meshgrid meshgrid meshgrid meshgrid meshgrid meshgrid meshgrid
133 numpy.minimum minimum minimum minimum minimum min math.minimum Min
134 numpy.mod mod mod mod math.floormod Mod
135 numpy.moveaxis moveaxis moveaxis moveaxis moveaxis
136 numpy.multiply multiply multiply multiply mul math.multiply Mul
137 numpy.nan_to_num nan_to_num nan_to_num nan_to_num nan_to_num
138 numpy.nanmax nanmax nanmax nanmax nanmax
139 numpy.nanmin nanmin nanmin nanmin nanmin
140 numpy.nanprod nanprod nanprod nanprod nanprod
141 numpy.nansum nansum nansum nansum nansum
142 numpy.negative negative negative negative neg math.negative Neg
143 numpy.nextafter nextafter nextafter nextafter nextafter math.nextafter
144 numpy.nonzero nonzero nonzero nonzero nonzero nonzero
145 numpy.not_equal not_equal not_equal ne math.not_equal
146 numpy.ones ones ones ones ones ones ones
147 numpy.ones_like ones_like ones_like ones_like ones_like ones_like ones_like
148 numpy.outer outer outer outer outer ger
149 numpy.pad pad pad pad pad Pad
150 numpy.percentile percentile percentile percentile percentile
151 numpy.power power power power pow math.pow Pow
152 prod prod product prod prod math.reduce_prod
153 numpy.rad2deg rad2deg rad2deg rad2deg rad2deg
154 numpy.radians radians radians radians radians
155 numpy.ravel ravel ravel ravel ravel
156 numpy.real real real real real real math.real
157 numpy.reciprocal reciprocal reciprocal reciprocal math.reciprocal
158 numpy.remainder remainder remainder remainder remainder
159 numpy.repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat
160 numpy.reshape reshape reshape reshape reshape reshape reshape Reshape
161 numpy.result_type result_type result_type result_type result_type
162 numpy.rint rint rint rint rint math.rint
163 numpy.roll roll roll roll roll roll roll
164 numpy.rollaxis rollaxis rollaxis rollaxis rollaxis
165 numpy.rot90 rot90 rot90 rot90 rot90
166 numpy.round_ round_ round round_ round math.round Round
167 numpy.sign sign sign sign sign sign math.sign Sign
168 numpy.signbit signbit signbit signbit signbit
169 numpy.sin sin sin sin sin sin math.sin Sin
170 numpy.sinh sinh sinh sinh sinh sinh math.sinh Sinh
171 numpy.sort sort sort sort sort sort
172 numpy.split split split split split split Split
173 numpy.sqrt sqrt sqrt sqrt sqrt sqrt math.sqrt Sqrt
174 numpy.square square square square square square math.square
175 numpy.squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze Squeeze
176 numpy.stack stack stack stack stack stack stack ConcatFromSequence
177 numpy.std std std std std std math.reduce_std
178 numpy.subtract subtract subtract subtract math.subtract Sub
179 numpy.sum sum sum sum sum sum math.reduce_sum Sum
180 numpy.take take take take take
181 numpy.tan tan tan tan tan tan math.tan Tan
182 numpy.tanh tanh tanh tanh tanh tanh math.tanh Tanh
183 numpy.tensordot tensordot tensordot tensordot tensordot tensordot tensordot
184 numpy.tile tile tile tile tile tile Tile
185 numpy.trace trace trace trace trace trace linalg.trace
186 numpy.transpose transpose transpose transpose transpose transpose transpose Transpose
187 numpy.tril tril tril tril tril tril
188 numpy.triu triu triu triu triu triu
189 numpy.true_divide true_divide true_divide true_divide true_divide math.truediv
190 numpy.trunc trunc trunc trunc trunc trunc truncatediv
191 numpy.unique unique unique unique unique unique Unique
192 numpy.var var var var var var math.reduce_variance
193 numpy.vdot vdot vdot vdot vdot
194 numpy.vstack vstack vstack vstack vstack ConcatFromSequence
195 numpy.where where where where where where where Where
196 numpy.zeros zeros zeros zeros zeros zeros zeros
197 numpy.zeros_like zeros_like zeros_like zeros_like zeros_like zeros_like zeros_like

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Thanks @szha! Question about scope: is ONNX in principle interested to add all the listed functions/operators, or are there sets of functionality that are out of scope?

Scrolling through the list one possible correction: ONNX's Identity probably maps to eye.

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szha commented Sep 23, 2020

@rgommers good catch. thanks. In terms of scope, the ONNX steering committee and operator SIG lead are generally in favor of supporting the operators in the array library standard first. We haven't committed to implementing all the above operators yet, and the community will need to review the draft standard first to decide.

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