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Releases: dashpay/dash


02 Mar 02:56
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v19.0.0-rc.4 Pre-release

This is a release candidate and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by Windows and macOS binaries will be delivered in the near future.

Notable changes

A new testnet only LLMQ has been added. This LLMQ is of the type LLMQ_25_67; this LLMQ is only active on testnet.
This LLMQ will not remove the LLMQ_100_67 from testnet; however that quorum (likely) will not form and will perform no role.
See the diff for specific parameters of the LLMQ.

This LLMQ will become active at the height of 847000. This will be a breaking change and a hard fork for testnet
This LLMQ is not activated with the v19 hardfork; as such testnet will experience two hardforks. One at height 847000,
and the other to be determined by the BIP9 hard fork process.

Versions below 19.0.0-rc.4 will NOT sync past height 847000 due to the new LLMQ


23 Feb 00:36
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v19.0.0-rc.2 Pre-release

This is a release candidate and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by

Notable changes include the fact that RC1 will fail to sync once the testnet / main net hard fork for v19 is active; RC2 should handle the hard fork correctly; see #5218


20 Feb 17:48
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v19.0.0-rc.1 Pre-release

This is a release candidate and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by

Notable changes TBD; MacOS and Windows binaries will be released in the near future.


15 Feb 05:58
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v19.0.0-beta.6 Pre-release

This is a beta and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by


06 Feb 21:52
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v19.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release

This is a beta and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by

Dash Core 18.2.1 Release Announcement

17 Jan 18:11
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We are happy to announce the release of 18.2.1. This release includes binaries that you can download below.

About this release

Dash Core 18.2.1 is a hotfix version of the Dash Core 18.2.x series. This release fixes an issue in the previously released, then rescinded v18.2.0. You can find detailed release notes at To see what was introduced in v18.2.0 see the release notes at

This release is optional for all nodes.

Verification of Downloads

This release was signed by (GPG fingerprint: 2959 0362 EC87 8A81 FD3C 202B 5252 7BED ABE8 7984).

It is important to verify the binaries you download by following one of these guides:


Thanks go out to all Dash Core contributors, everyone who submitted issues, reviewed pull requests, or helped translate on Transifex, and also to Bitcoin Core developers.


12 Jan 23:57
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v19.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release

This is a beta and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by


10 Jan 23:26
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v19.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

This is a beta and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by

Dash Core 18.1.1 Release Announcement

08 Jan 05:38
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We are happy to announce the release of 18.1.1. This release includes binaries that you can download above.

About this release

This release fixes an issue where outdated qfcommit messages replayed to the network were validated and propagated to other nodes rather than dropped. This patch updates the behavior so that old qfcommits will no longer be relayed.

Dash Core 18.1.1 is a hot fix version of the Dash Core 18.x.x series. You can find detailed release notes at

This release is highly recommended for all nodes, especially masternodes. Failure to upgrade is likely to result in PoSe bans for masternodes.

Verification of Downloads

This release was signed by (GPG fingerprint: 2959 0362 EC87 8A81 FD3C 202B 5252 7BED ABE8 7984).

It is important to verify the binaries you download by following one of these guides:


Thanks go out to all Dash Core contributors, everyone who submitted issues, reviewed pull requests or helped translate on Transifex, and also to Bitcoin Core developers.


04 Jan 01:27
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v19.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release

This is a beta and is not meant for production. It is only meant for testnet / devnet deployments.

This release was signed by

Notable changes since v18.2.0: TBD

Release notes will be released in the near future.

P2P and network changes

Removal of reject network messages from Dash Core (BIP61)

The command line option to enable BIP61 (-enablebip61) has been removed.

This feature has been disabled by default since Dash Core version 0.19.0.
Nodes on the network can not generally be trusted to send valid ("reject")
messages, so this should only ever be used when connected to a trusted node.
Please use the recommended alternatives if you rely on this deprecated feature:

  • Testing or debugging of implementations of the Dash P2P network protocol
    should be done by inspecting the log messages that are produced by a recent
    version of Dash Core. Dash Core logs debug messages
    (-debug=<category>) to a stream (-printtoconsole) or to a file

  • Testing the validity of a block can be achieved by specific RPCs:

    • submitblock
    • getblocktemplate with 'mode' set to 'proposal' for blocks with
      potentially invalid POW
  • Testing the validity of a transaction can be achieved by specific RPCs:

    • sendrawtransaction
    • testmempoolaccept
  • Wallets should not use the absence of "reject" messages to indicate a
    transaction has propagated the network, nor should wallets use "reject"
    messages to set transaction fees. Wallets should rather use fee estimation
    to determine transaction fees and set replace-by-fee if desired. Thus, they
    could wait until the transaction has confirmed (taking into account the fee
    target they set (compare the RPC estimatesmartfee)) or listen for the
    transaction announcement by other network peers to check for propagation.


Dash Core will no longer create an unnamed "" wallet by default when no wallet is specified on the command line or in the configuration files.
For backwards compatibility, if an unnamed "" wallet already exists and would have been loaded previously, then it will still be loaded.
Users without an unnamed "" wallet and without any other wallets to be loaded on startup will be prompted to either choose a wallet to load, or to create a new wallet.

Automatic wallet creation removed

Dash Core will no longer automatically create new wallets on startup. It will
load existing wallets specified by -wallet options on the command line or in
dash.conf or settings.json files. And by default it will also load a
top-level unnamed ("") wallet. However, if specified wallets don't exist,
Dash Core will now just log warnings instead of creating new wallets with
new keys and addresses like previous releases did.

New wallets can be created through the GUI (which has a more prominent create
wallet option), through the dash-cli createwallet or dash-wallet create commands, or the createwallet RPC.

Updated RPCs

  • masternodelist New mode recent was added in order to hide banned masternodes for more than one SuperblockCycle. If the mode recent is used, then the reply mode is JSON (can be additionally filtered)