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File metadata and controls

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Design Documentation

Action Module

The action module contains various directives, components, and pipes which can be used with ease by other parts of the library.


Array Tranformation

Any pipe relating to the transformation of arrays must be placed in the folder called "array-transformation". Examples include reversing or sorting an array.


Any pipe relating to formatting must be placed in the folder called "formatting". Examples include returning a string depending on the value of a boolean or returning a formatted date.

String Transformation

Any pipe relating to the transformation of strings must be placed in the folder called "string-transformation". For example, a pipe that truncates a string after a certain amount of characters.

Viewer Module

Resource View Component

The ResourceViewComponent initially gets a resource and passes the retrieved information to its child components to deal with the values. As the user adds more values, edits existing ones etc., these changes are reflected in ResourceViewComponent.resPropInfoVals. This means the ResourceViewComponent.resource that was initially retrieved still represents the state of the past since its values are not updated. Therefore, ResourceViewComponent.resPropInfoVals is used solely to represent a resource's values in the template.

When updating, adding, or deleting an XML text value, an additional request is performed to retrieve the resource's standoff link values which are then updated in ResourceViewComponent.resPropInfoVals.

CRUD UI Components

The viewer module provides components to perform CRUD operations. These are split into two groups called value and operation components. The value components deal with the specifics of each value type supported by DSP-API, the operation components deal with the actual CRUD operations. With the current design, an operation component can be written in a generic way so that it supports all value types. Therefore, there is no need to write value specific operation components.

Value Components

Abstract Base Class

An Angular component per value type has been created. Each of these components is a subclass of the abstract class BaseValueComponent. A value component knows how to display a value of a given type in the UI and how to update it or create a new value interacting with a user in the UI.

The base class defines the following members (some of them are declared as abstract and have to be implemented in the value components.):

  • @Input abstract displayValue?: ReadValue: value to be displayed and/or updated, if any. The value has to be a subclass of ReadValue.
  • @Input mode: 'read' | 'update' | 'create' | 'search': sets the mode of the value component.
  • @Input() valueRequiredValidator?: controls if the value should be required. Defaults to true.
  • members abstract valueFormControl: FormControl for the value and abstract commentFormControl: FormControl its comment.
  • abstract getInitValue(): any: gets the value from the displayValue, if any.
  • getInitComment: : string | null gets the comment from displayValue, if any.
  • standardValidatorFunc(val: any, comment: string, commentCtrl: FormControl): ValidatorFn: generates a validator that checks if the value changed by the user is different from the existing version (in update mode): the comment has to at least be different from the previous version for the value to be valid.
  • standardValueComparisonFunc(initValue: any, curValue: any): boolean: method called by standardValidatorFunc that checks two given values for equality. This method has to be overridden for complex types (e.g., an interval, which is represented as an object).
  • abstract customValidators: ValidatorFn[]: contains validators for type checking (e.g, to check that a number is an integer).
  • resetFormControl(): void resets the values in the FormControls and the validators for the given mode and displayValue.
  • abstract getNewValue(): CreateValue | false gets a new value from the form.
  • abstract getUpdatedValue(): UpdateValue | false gets an updated value from the form.
  • isEmptyVal(): boolean: checks if the value is empty.

Each value component contains the necessary logic to convert between a ReadValue and the representation in the UI as well as to convert between an edited value in the UI and a UpdateValue or CreateValue.


Each value component creates a form and sets the appropriate validators that can be data type specific. By default, a value is required and cannot be empty, i.e., the Validators.required is set. The default behaviour can be changed by setting @Input: valueRequiredValidator to false, in which case empty values are allowed.

Note that the method getNewValue() will filter out empty values, i.e., return false instead of an instance of CreateValue.

This is used in the event that a user should be able to submit a form without filling out every form field.

Simple and Complex Values

BaseValueComponent handles most of the logic needed for simple values such as an integer or a URI value. A value is considered simple if it can be represented with a primitive type in the FormControl. An integer value, for instance, can simply be represented as a number in TypeScript. Complex types, however, have to be represented as an object in the FormControl. An interval, for example, is an object with a start and end that is set in the FormControl. To handle this complexity in the template, the interface ControlValueAccessor has to be implemented. ControlValueAccessor allows the delegation of the complexity to a dedicated component that can communicate with the FormControl.

Complex values have a so-called "wrapped component" implementing ControlValueAccessor in which they pass the complex value to.

An integer value can be handled directly in the value component's template:

<input matInput [formControlName]="'intValue'" class="value" placeholder="Int value" type="number">

In the case of an interval, the value component delegates the complex value to a dedicated component:

<dsp-interval-input [formControlName]="'intervalValue'" class="value" placeholder="Interval value"></dsp-interval-input>

IntervalInputComponent thus receives an object Interval that it handles in its value setter and getter to communicate with the parent FormControl's value:

  get value(): Interval | null {
    const userInput = this.form.value;
    if (userInput.start !== null && userInput.end !== null) {
      return new Interval(userInput.start, userInput.end);
    return null;

  set value(interval: Interval | null) {
    if (interval !== null) {
      this.form.setValue({start: interval.start, end: interval.end});
    } else {
      this.form.setValue({start: null, end: null});

IntervalInputComponent defines its own FormControls for the interval's start and end. Since these are primitive values (numbers), they can be handled directly in the template.

In some cases, primitive values also need to be handled using ControlValueAccessor. This is necessary in the case of the color value because a third-party lib is used.

Operation Components

Operation components work with any value. They control the value components' inputs displayValue and mode. They are responsible for the communication with the DSP-API using @dasch-swiss/dsp-js when updating or creating a value.

DisplayEditComponent is an operation component that displays an existing value and makes it editable if the user has the necessary permissions.

It works for all value types by choosing the apt value component in its template:

<span [ngSwitch]="valueTypeOrClass">
    <dsp-text-value-as-string class="parent-value-component" #displayVal *ngSwitchCase="'ReadTextValueAsString'" [mode]="mode" [displayValue]="displayValue"></dsp-text-value-as-string>
    <dsp-text-value-as-html class="parent-value-component" #displayVal *ngSwitchCase="'ReadTextValueAsHtml'" [mode]="mode" [displayValue]="displayValue"></dsp-text-value-as-html>
    <dsp-int-value class="parent-value-component" #displayVal *ngSwitchCase="constants.IntValue" [mode]="mode" [displayValue]="displayValue"></dsp-int-value>

The value component's selector is chosen from valueTypeOrClass. Since all value components share the same interface, they can all be handled alike.

Value components may have additional specific inputs for configuration that can be handled in DisplayEditComponent's template as well ,e.g., additional configuration of how do display a date.

Integration of CKEditor

General Setup

To edit XML, the viewer module relies on CKEditor. TextValueAsXMLComponent integrates the CKEditor library for Angular. In addition, a custom build of CKEditor is needed which is accessible on GitHub. To make a new custom build, follow the instructions.

Note that currently only the standard mapping is supported.

Handling Internal Links When Displaying Text

When a text created with CKEditor is shown in read-mode, click and hover events on internal links can be reacted to by applying the directive TextValueHtmlLinkDirective with the selector dspHtmlLink. Internal links have the class "salsah-link".

Search Module

The search module allows different ways of searching in order to make simple or complex searches in DSP-API. This module contains various components you can use to search and all of them can either be used individually or in combination with one another using the search panel.


This is a fully-customizable panel that allows you to assemble the search components and the filters you need in a configurable way. You can set the following parameters defined as @Inputs in dsp-search-panel:

  • route: string; url-route for search results
  • filterbyproject: string; project iri to limit search results to a specific project
  • projectfilter: boolean; provides a drop-down menu of all available projects allowing the user to choose which project to search in
  • advanced: boolean; additional menu with advanced search
  • expert: boolean; additional menu with expert search / Gravsearch "editor"

If everything is set to false or undefined, the search-panel will be a simple full-text search.

Fulltext search

The full text search quickly finds all instances of a term in DSP-API. It can be restricted to a certain project.

Expert search

The expert search is a textarea which allows you to manually write Gravsearch queries if you are comfortable with the language and want more precise results. The textarea content contains a default Gravsearch query as an example for the user. It is possible to reset the field back to the default query.

Advanced search

The advanced search is a search form that allows for the specification of a resource class and and the values of its properties to create a Gravsearch query.


The advanced search consists of the following components:

  • AdvancedSearchComponent: Main form: Reset and submit buttons, buttons to add and remove properties.
    • SelectOntologyComponent: Select an ontology from a list.
    • ResourceAndPropertySelectionComponent: Parent component that contains SelectResourceClassComponent and SelectPropertyComponent for recursive reuse.
      • SelectResourceClassComponent: Select a resource class from a list.
      • SelectPropertyComponent: Select a property from a list.
        • SpecifyPropertyValueComponent: Specify a comparison operator and a value for a chosen property.
          • SearchBooleanValueComponent: Specify a Boolean value.
          • SearchDateValueComponent: Specify a date value.
          • SearchDecimalValueComponent: Specify a decimal value.
          • SearchIntegerValueComponent: Specify an integer value.
          • SearchLinkValueComponent: Specify the target of a link property.
          • SearchResourceComponent: Specify the class and/or properties of a linked resource (uses ResourceAndPropertySelectionComponent, see below).
          • SearchListValueComponent: Specify a list value.
            • SearchDisplayListComponent: Displays the children of a list node recursively.
          • TextValueComponent: Specify a text value.
          • UriValueComponent: Specify a URI value.

Component Interaction

The AdvancedSearchComponent' reacts to the selection of an ontology via the @Output of SelectOntologyComponent. When an ontology is selected, AdvancedSearchComponent initialises the resource classes and properties of the selected ontology. These are then displayed with SelectResourceClassComponent and SelectPropertyComponent respectively. When initialised, AdvancedSearchComponent only shows the ontology selection.

The choice of a resource class is optional. When a resource class is chosen, AdvancedSearchComponent reacts to this via the @Output of SelectResourceClassComponent. The properties of the chosen resource class are then displayed in SelectPropertyComponent. The selection of a resource class can be undone ("no selection").

When a property is chosen, a comparison operator can be specified. Once a comparison operator is specified other than "EXISTS", a value can be specified using SpecifyPropertyValueComponent. Depending on the value type of the property, SpecifyPropertyValueComponent chooses the apt component to let the user enter a value.

Recursive Use of ResourceAndPropertySelectionComponent

ResourceAndPropertySelectionComponent is used in the main form and in SearchResourceComponent's template (if the user chooses the operator Match for a linking property) to allow for searching linked resources by specifying their class and/or properties.

Only one level of recursion is allowed, i.e. linking properties on the linked resource cannot use the Match operator.

Sort criteria can only be chosen on the level of the main resource. The boolean @Input toplevel distinguishes the top level from the level below.

Form Validation

AdvancedSearchComponent creates the main form that is then passed down to the child components. Each child component that requires form validation creates an own form which is attached to the main form using addControl on the main FormGroup. When a component is destroyed or reinitialised, the component's form is removed using removeControl on the main FormGroup. Both adding and removing to and from the main FormGroup have to be performed as async tasks to avoid check detection errors.

The query can only be submitted if the main form is valid. Some additional logic is handled in AdvancedSearchComponent's method validateForm.

Query Generation

AdvancedSearchComponent gets the IRI of the specified resource class, if any. It also gets an array of properties with their values (PropertyWithValue[]) to search for. These are then converted to a Gravsearch query using a service.