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38 lines (29 loc) · 1.41 KB

File metadata and controls

38 lines (29 loc) · 1.41 KB


  1. (optional) Run GenerateContributorsFile, passing it a GitHub API token (bazel run //webapi:GenerateContributorsFile -- [ -t TOKEN ]), to generate, then commit that file. The file can be found under: /bazel-bin/webapi/GenerateContributorsFile.runfiles/io_dasch_knora_api/
  2. (optional) Push and merge PR to main.
  3. Github CI will start a CI build for the new tag and publish artifacts to Docker Hub.
  4. On Github - Tag the commit with the version string, e.g., vX.X.X and create a release.
  5. Run gren (see the instruction at the end)
  6. Publish documentation.

-> in general, releases should be cut at least once per month and on the last working day of the month. -> before a major release, create a minor one if not already present.

Installing and running 'gren'

$ npm install github-release-notes -g

Generate a GitHub token, with repo scope, at this link. Then add this line to ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.zshrc)

export GREN_GITHUB_TOKEN=your_token_here

To generate the release notes for the latest release, go to Github and make a release by giving it a tag in the form of vX.X.X.


# Navigate to your project directory
cd ~/Path/to/repo
# Run the task
gren release --override --milestone-match="xxxx-xx"