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Releases: darrenburns/ward


04 Jun 15:27
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  • Exiting during a test or fixture will trigger a failure #165
  • Bump toml to 0.10.0 #164
  • Add coverage reporting with Codecov #167

Thanks @hoefling and @JoshKarpel!


11 May 15:25
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If tests are incorrectly parameterised (e.g. mismatch in each argument counts), they will now fail without running and won't be expanded into parameterised instances.

0.45.0b0 - adds `--show-diff-symbols` option

02 May 15:34
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The --show-diff-symbols option has been added, which allows you to present diffs using symbols rather than background colours. This improves accessibility and support for CI systems that don't support ANSI terminal output.

Screenshot 2020-05-02 at 16 33 23


02 May 14:46
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Workaround for a bug in virtualenv which means site.getsitepackages() is not available inside virtual envs. pypa/virtualenv#228


02 May 13:11
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Ward will no longer look in site-packages when discovering tests, preventing interference from third party packages that don't exclude tests from their distributions.

Thanks to @anlutro for this!

0.43.0b0 - `fixtures` subcommand

01 May 13:45
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Adds the fixtures subcommand. By default this command lists out all fixtures present in the project. For example, running ward fixtures gives us the following output:

Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 13 10 12

We can also run ward fixtures --show-dependency-tree to see the relationship between fixtures:

Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 14 44 08

Thanks to @JoshKarpel for this contribution!

0.42.0b0 - Tagging and querying with tag expressions

12 Mar 23:31
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You can now tag tests using the tags keyword argument of the @test decorator:

@test("simple addition", tags=["unit", "regression"])
def _():
    assert 1 + 2 == 3

To query these tags, you can use a tag expression.

ward --tags EXPR

More examples of tag expressions:

Tag Expression Meaning
slow tests tagged with slow
unit and integration tests tagged with both unit and integration
big and not slow tests tagged with big that aren't also tagged with slow
android or ios tests tagged with either android or ios

You can use parentheses in tag expressions to change precedence rules to suit your needs.

Thanks @thebigmunch for adding this feature.


12 Mar 02:22
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  • Migrates Ward to use Poetry instead of Flit/pip.
  • Removes chart output after tests run. The chart was causing me maintenance issues and I don't believe it's worth the effort for something that doesn't provide a great deal of value when it comes down to it.
  • Updates Makefile and contribution guide
  • Updates GitHub Actions to make use of Poetry for dependency management and releasing to PyPI.


12 Mar 01:04
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A release earlier today (11 March 2020) introduced an issue where Ward would raise an exception when a non-comparison based assertion failed. This release fixes that issue.


11 Mar 16:14
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User is informed if Ward finds and uses their pyproject.toml. Thanks to @mandarvaze.