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1130 lines (797 loc) · 32.6 KB



Released 2021-11-20


Installation breaks on Python 3.5 due to this bug in more-itertools. I've put a new upper bound on that dependency (only on 3.5) to fix this.

Other Changes

Loosened upper bound on the typing-inspect dependency to allow the latest versions.

Internal Changes

  • Bumped test dependencies.
  • Fixed Tox envs for linting and type checking, which were silently broken.
  • Added some more code comments.


Released 2021-09-04


Removed stray files that were supposed to be in another branch. Otherwise, this is identical to 0.10.3.


YANKED -- Install 0.10.4 instead

Released 2021-09-04


  • Passing a callable as a default value in dataclass mode is deprecated. It was a bad idea to begin with. I even expressed misgivings in the comments when I wrote it.
  • Using an instance of a Field as a type annotation is also deprecated, as it breaks in Python 3.10. The next version of binobj will move away from a Marshmallow style and more towards Python 3.7-esque dataclasses.


Fixed incorrect type annotation for the return value of the present callback to Field.

Other Changes

  • Added deprecation warnings for features to be removed in future versions.
  • Fixed build status badge in README.


Released 2021-05-08

New Features

The documentation is now available online!


  • Creating a dataclass with no fields now throws binobj.errors.NoDefinedFieldsError. Unfortunately, because dataclass is a decorator that executes after the class is created, we can't do the same with normal assigned fields.
  • Fixed wrong docstring for binobj.errors.NoDefinedFieldsError that said it was thrown when only assignments were used on a class marked with dataclass. It was supposed to be a ~binobj.errors.MixedDeclarationsError.
  • Fixed formatting and broken links in docstrings.

Internal Changes

  • Upgraded test dependencies.
  • Added a few more flake8 plugins for stricter linting of things.
  • Set minimum test coverage to 95%.
  • Split out packages used for unit tests and linting into separate files, as we were installing a bunch of stuff for the unit tests that weren't needed.
  • Standardized order and placement of the "New in version X" and "Changed in version X" directives. They are now always at the bottom of the thing being documented, in chronological order.


Released 2021-02-24

Internal Changes

  • Updated copyright year
  • Removed dev and test extras as it was confusing sites like and, plus it was never even documented in the first place.


Released 2021-01-12

New Features

Customize Struct Creation!

You can customize how a Struct is created by nesting a class named Meta into it, like so:

class MyStruct(binobj.Struct):
    class Meta:
        # Options in here

    # Define your fields out here as before

For now we only support passing fallback values for arguments not passed to a field, such as defaults, null values, etc.


class Person(binobj.Struct):
    first_name = StringZ(encoding="ibm500")
    middle_name = StringZ(encoding="ibm500")
    last_name = StringZ(encoding="ibm500")
    id = StringZ(encoding="ascii")

Now, you can pass a dictionary in a nested class called Meta with the names of the argument you wish to override and the value:

class Person(binobj.Struct):
    class Meta:
        argument_defaults = {
            # All strings will use EBCDIC as the text encoding if they don't
            # get passed an explicit value.
            "encoding": "ibm500"

    first_name = StringZ()
    middle_name = StringZ()
    last_name = StringZ()
    id = StringZ(encoding="ascii")

You can use the field class names as a prefix to provide different values for different field types. Suppose I want all integers to have a default value of 0, and all strings to have a default value of "":

class Person:
    class Meta:
        argument_defaults = {
            "encoding": "ibm500",
            "StringZ__default": "",
            "Int8__default": 0

    id = StringZ(encoding="ascii")
    first_name = StringZ()
    middle_name = StringZ()
    last_name = StringZ()
    age = Int8()
    num_children = Int8()


  • Fixed wrong type annotations for validate and present arguments of Field.
  • Fixed outdated docstring for null_value argument of Field.


Released 2020-09-24

Other Changes

  • Loosened version requirement of typing-inspect package.
  • Upgraded some test dependencies
  • Improved behavior of make clean
  • Made MyPy settings stricter


Released 2020-09-20


  • Optional[X] notation to mark a field as nullable never worked; it does now.
  • __binobj_struct__.num_own_fields wasn't getting set for structs with their fields declared by assignment. As such, mixed field declarations (PEP 526 and assignment) silently passed, resulting in undefined behavior.
  • MixedDeclarationsError is now thrown as expected when a struct mixes assignment and PEP 526 field declarations.
  • typing.Union is now correctly rejected when a struct attempts to use it as if it were a binobj.Union. Using it will trigger a InvalidTypeAnnotationError as it was supposed to from the beginning.


pip has declared that Python 3.5 support will end January 2021. In keeping with the recently established compatibility rules, binobj will not make an effort to maintain Python 3.5 compatibility past then either.

Other Changes

Deleted some dead code.


Released 2020-09-08


0.9.0 was not installable on Python 3.5 due to a trailing comma that is valid syntax on 3.6+.

Compatibility Notice

Support for Python 3.5 is un-deprecated. I will continue to support it until one of the following occurs, whichever is first:

  • A significant bug is encountered that cannot be fixed while maintaining compatibility.
  • pip drops support for it.

Going forward, this will be the new policy for dropping support for any version of Python.


Released 2020-09-08

This is a significant release with an embarrassing number of bugfixes and a few new features enhancing field declarations, null value handling, and how absent fields are represented.

New Features

Dataclass Annotations

The most exciting feature in this release is the ability to use PEP 526 type annotations to declare fields on Python 3.6 and higher. Whereas before you had to assign class variables in the declarations, you can now do this:

class MyStruct(binobj.Struct):
    # Preferred: use a class object
    foo: UInt16

    # You can define default values like this
    bar: StringZ = ""

    # You can pass struct classes -- no need for a `Nested` wrapper. Forward
    # references using strings are *not* supported.
    sub_struct: MyOtherStruct

    # Instances are allowed but are less readable and will anger certain linters.
    # Be careful not to *assign* the field instance!
    baz: Timestamp64(signed=False)

    # You can pass functions for default values just as if you were calling the
    # constructor, but this looks confusing and is **not recommended**. This may
    # throw an exception in the future if I decide it's too egregious.
    bam: StringZ = lambda: os.sep

    # To make BinObj ignore a plain class variable, mark it with ClassVar.
    my_class_variable: ClassVar[int] = 123

There are a few restrictions:

  • If you use the dataclass class decorator you must use PEP 526 type annotations for all fields in the struct.
  • You can't use this on Python 3.5.

More flexible size

  • All fields now accept a Field[int] object for the size argument in the constructor, as well as a string naming a field (useful for subclasses where the size field is in the superclass).
  • A field whose size depends on another field can now use DEFAULT for null_value.

null_value doesn't need to be bytes

null_value now accepts deserialized values in addition to raw byte strings.

# This used to be your only option:
field = String(size=8, encoding="utf-16-le", null_value=b"N\x00U\x00L\x00L\x00")

# You now can do this as well:
field = String(size=8, encoding="utf-16-le", null_value="NULL")

New Argument: not_present_value

Instead of being hard-coded to return NOT_PRESENT when a field is missing, this new field argument allows returning a user-defined value. The default is still NOT_PRESENT.

>>> my_field = UInt8(not_present_value=-1, present=lambda *_a, **_k: False)
>>> my_field.from_bytes(b"")


  • The repr() of a Field now includes the field name.
  • Added new exception CannotDetermineNullError.


  • When a Field throws ImmutableFieldError it now includes its name in the error message. It was accidentally omitted before.
  • A variable-sized field using DEFAULT for its null value would crash with a TypeError upon serialization if it depended on another field for its size.
  • Fixed wrong type annotation in size argument for Field and also its property.
  • String didn't handle the case when its length was dictated by another field. It'd blow up with a TypeError when serializing. Deserializing worked, though.
  • If null_value was DEFAULT the field would never load as None. This has been broken for a really long time.
  • null_value when loading has been completely broken for quite some time; it now works for all fields except unsized ones such as StringZ.

Breaking Changes

Passing DEFAULT for null_value of an unsized field such as StringZ will throw a CannotDetermineNullError. This resolves the asymmetric behavior where using DEFAULT throws an error when dumping but erroneously tries to load whatever's next in the stream when loading, resulting in unpredictable behavior.


Field._get_expected_size() has been made a public method. Use get_expected_size() instead. The private form will still work but is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

Other Changes

The .gitignore file now properly ignores autogenerated documentation files.


Released 2020-07-02

New Features

Official support for Python 3.9.


  • _do_load() could be given None for the loaded_fields argument even though the documentation explicitly stated that it was guaranteed to not be.
  • _do_dump() would get given bytes as its value argument if the field's default value was None.
  • The present callable was sometimes passed too few arguments, potentially resulting in a TypeError.
  • Dumping an unsized iterable in an Array no longer crashes.
  • Dumping a missing field whose default callable returns UNDEFINED now throws the expected MissingRequiredValueError exception instead of trying to serialize UNDEFINED.
  • Test on PyPy 3.6 like we claimed we were. Accidentally deleted that in the travis.yml file.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed load(), loads(), dump(), and dumps() methods which were deprecated in 0.6.2.
  • Array now skips over fields loading as NOT_PRESENT when loading.
  • Field is now a generic container class, which means all subclasses must define their value type. This only affects users that created their own subclasses.

Other Changes

  • PEP 484 type annotations have been added.
  • Timestamp and its subclasses no longer inherit from Integer.
  • _NamedSentinel has been eliminated. In keeping with PEP 484, sentinel values such as UNDEFINED and NOT_IMPLEMENTED are now enums. For more information on why, see Support for Singleton Types in Unions in the PEP 484 documentation.
  • from binobj.errors import * now only imports the exception classes.
  • Travis no longer supports PyPy 3.5 so we have to stop testing on it, but the tests pass on CPython 3.5 and PyPy 3.6 so I think you're okay for now.


Released 2020-04-30

Other Changes

  • __components__ and __validators__ were removed and consolidated into a single data structure called __binobj_struct__ with a stricter and more logical structure. This is a purely internal change and should not affect most users.
  • Better documentation.


Released 2019-11-25

New Features

  • Array now sets size if it's a fixed length and its components have fixed sizes as well. As a consequence, Struct.get_size() now returns a value if all arrays inside it are sized.
  • Nested also sets size if the struct it wraps is of a fixed size.
  • Struct.from_stream() and Struct.from_bytes() now support an additional argument, init_kwargs, that you can use to pass additional arguments to the struct's constructor. You can also use this to override a field's value.
  • Struct now provides a repr that shows all of its values, e.g.
MyStruct(foo=123, bar="456")


Fixed URL typos in documentation.


Support for Python 3.5 is deprecated. According to 3.5 release schedule, 3.5.9 was the last scheduled release on 2019-11-01.

Other Changes

  • Now testing the released Python 3.8 version instead of the development version.
  • Upgraded many testing dependencies.


Released 2019-11-25


For some bizarre reason package detection from the setup.cfg file stopped working in January 2019 and every single release since 0.5.2 hasn't had the source code in it, and the wheels have been empty. In other words, you could install binobj but import binobj would fail!

This tweaks so that you can use it again.


Botched release, removed from PyPI.


Released 2019-09-01

New Features

Add official support for PyPy 3.6.


Released 2019-04-13

New Features

Add official support for Python 3.8.

Other Changes

  • Minor documentation fixes.
  • Convert entire repo to use black for code formatting. I don't agree with all of its opinions but I do think it's better to be consistent everywhere.


Released 2019-03-05


The load, loads, dump, and dumps of Field classes are deprecated in favor of from_stream, from_bytes, to_stream, and to_bytes for consistency with the Struct methods.

Other Changes

  • Minor typo fixes in the documentation.
  • Changed imports in internal code to stop importing fields from binobj.
  • Upgraded test dependencies.


Released: 2019-02-22


  • Array used to dump all items in the iterable given to it, ignoring count. Now it respects count, and will throw an ArraySizeError if given too many or too few elements.
  • Timestamp and subclasses treated naive timestamps as in the local timezone when dumping, but when tz_aware is False timestamps were loaded in UTC instead of being converted to the local timezone. This asymmetric behavior has been corrected, and naive datetimes are always local.
  • Bytes would always write its const value, even if a different value was passed to it.
  • Bytes always treated its size as if it were an integer, and never supported other valid things like field names or objects, even though all other scalar fields do.
  • Bytes didn't support being unsized.
  • Bytes threw an UnserializableValueError if given anything other than bytes or a bytearray. This was not in line with the other fields' behavior where they would "let it crash" if given an invalid type.

Other Changes

  • Validators are no longer called when setting a field value. This would cause crashes when a validator depends on two fields; if one is updated, the condition may no longer be true, even if the user would've updated both fields before dumping.
  • field_object.default will return const if const is defined but no default value was passed in. If you think about it, this makes far more sense than the original behavior where it returned UNDEFINED.
  • Added new example with CPIO archive reader.


Released: 2019-02-16

New Features

New field types were added:

  • Float16: half-precision floating-point numbers. While this has technically been supported since 0.4.3, it was never made explicit. Float16 only works on Python 3.6 and above. Attempting to use it on Python 3.5 will trigger a ValueError.
  • Timestamp, Timestamp32, and Timestamp64.


  • Integer accidentally used some positional arguments instead of keyword-only. Only a breaking change for people who used it directly (rare) and ignored the "only use keyword argumets" advice.
  • Integer wasn't catching OverflowError and rethrowing it as an UnserializableValueError like it was supposed to.
  • helpers.iter_bytes() would iterate through the entire stream if max_bytes was 0.
  • Struct.to_dict() didn't omit fields marked with discard.

Breaking Changes

  • Support for Python 3.4 was dropped (deprecated 0.5.1).
  • Zigzag integer encoding support was dropped (deprecated 0.5.0).
  • Removed the validation module and moved the decorator marker to decorators.
  • Struct.to_dict() now omits fields marked with discard. They used to be left in due to a bug that has now been fixed.
  • Float and String field class constructors have been changed to throw ConfigurationError instead of other exception types, to be more in line with the other fields.

Other Changes

  • Many many fixes and clarifications to documentation.
  • Changed default string encoding from Latin-1 to ISO 8859-1. They're synonyms for the same standard, but ISO 8859-1 is the official name. Behavior is identical.


Released: 2019-01-31

Fix typo in homepage URL. Otherwise identical to 0.5.1.


Released: 2019-01-31

This release is functionally identical to 0.5.0; changes are completely internal.

Breaking Changes

Setuptools < 30.3.0 (8 Dec 2016) will no longer work, as configuration has been moved to setup.cfg. Please install a newer version.


Support for Python 3.4 is deprecated and will be dropped in 0.6.0. Python 3.4 reaches end-of-life in March 2019 and will no longer be maintained. See PEP 429 for full details.

Other Changes

A lot of fixes for incorrect, partial, or outdated documentation.


Released: 2018-12-21


Comparing a Struct instance to UNDEFINED is now True if and only if the struct has all of its fields undefined. Previously a struct would never compare equal to UNDEFINED.


Zigzag integer encoding support will be dropped in 0.6.0. It was an experimental feature added when I was experimenting with different variable-length integer formats. It's highly specific to Protobuf and just doesn't seem useful to have here.

Breaking Changes

  • The endian and signed keyword arguments to VariableLengthInteger were deprecated in version 0.4.3 and have been removed.
  • The fill_missing argument to Struct.to_dict() was deprecated in version 0.4.0 and has been removed.
  • Struct no longer behaves as a MutableMapping. All dictionary mixin methods have been removed. This was deprecated in 0.4.1. Several behaviors were broken by this change, namely that
    • dict(struct_instance) no longer works and will cause a TypeError. Use struct_instance.to_dict().
    • Dictionary expansion like **struct_instance will also no longer work. Use **struct_instance.to_dict().

Other Changes

Trivial fixes to documentation to fix broken links.


Released: 2018-09-28


  • A fair number of documentation fixes -- better explanations, formatting fixes, broken internal links.
  • Fix bug in Makefile introduced in 0.4.4 where fields submodule wasn't detected as a dependency for testing and documentation building.
  • Work around installation crash while testing on Python 3.4, due to a known race condition in setuptools.

Other Changes

  • Dependencies:
    • Bump Python 3.6 testing version to 3.6.6.
    • Minimum required pytest version is now 3.1.
    • Now compatible with tox 3.x.
  • Use 3.7.0 as the default version for running stuff and testing.
  • Add deprecation warnings for (almost) all dictionary methods in Struct. They've been deprecated since 0.4.1 but I didn't add the warnings.


Released: 2018-08-04


  • StringZ failed to include the trailing null when reporting its size.
  • pylint was missing from the development dependencies.


Added present argument to Field that accepts a callable returning a boolean indicating if the field is present. This is useful for optional structures whose presence in a stream is dependent on a bit flag somewhere earlier in the stream:

class MyStruct(binobj.Struct):
    flags = fields.UInt8()
    name = fields.StringZ(present=lambda f, *_: f['flags'] & 0x80)

MyStruct.from_bytes(b'\0') == {
    'flags': 0,
    'name': fields.NOT_PRESENT,


Released: 2018-07-14


  • Loading floats didn't work at all because size wasn't set in the constructor.
  • Fixed minor typo in the documentation.

Other Changes

This release is a significant rearrangement of the code, but no behavior has changed.

binobj.fields was split from a module into a subpackage, with the following modules:

  • base: The Field base class and a few other things.
  • containers: The fields used to nest other schemas and fields, such as Array and Nested.
  • numeric: All fields representing numeric values, such as integers and


  • stringlike: All fields that are text strings or bytes.


Released: 2018-07-09


  • You no longer need to specify the signedness of variable-length integer fields, since those are hard-coded by the standards anyway.
  • Outdated documentation was missing some arguments in _do_load and _do_dump examples.


  • Added the Float32 and Float64 fields. These support 32- and 64-bit floating-point numbers stored in IEEE-754:2008 interchange format.
  • Added support for signed and unsigned LEB128 variable-length integers.


  • Passing the signed or endian keyword arguments to a VariableLengthInteger is now superfluous, and will cause a DeprecationWarning. These arguments will be removed in a future version.
  • Importing Field objects directly from binobj is deprecated. Import them from binobj.fields instead. This will reduce namespace clutter.
# Deprecated:
from binobj import String

# Do this instead:
from binobj.fields import String

Other Changes

  • Use the "Alabaster" theme for documentation instead of RTD.
  • Relax the dependency on bumpversion.


Released: 2018-06-07


Variable-length integer fields now set their size attribute if const is defined. Not doing so was apparently a deliberate decision, which I no longer understand.

Other Changes

  • Union now throws a ConfigurationError if it gets a Field class instead of an instance of a Field class. This would otherwise result in hard to debug TypeErrors being thrown when trying to load or dump.
  • Trying to use a computes decorator on a const field will trigger a ConfigurationError.
  • Bytes no longer crashes with an UndefinedSizeError if it isn't given a size. I'm not sure why I ever thought that Bytes should only be a fixed length.


Released: 2018-05-13


  • Struct size couldn't be calculated if the struct contained computed fields or had to use the default value for any field.
  • Setting the value of a computed or const field would persist until that field was deleted. Trying to modify a computed or const field will now trigger a ImmutableFieldError.
  • Accessing a field as an attribute no longer sets the field to its default value if the field hasn't been assigned yet. This made sense before computed fields were added, since ostensibly changing one field wouldn't affect any others.
  • Values assigned to a struct using dictionary notation were not validated.
  • len() now throws a MissingRequiredValueError exception if the struct size couldn't be computed. UndefinedSizeError is a configuration error and in retrospect made no sense to throw there.
  • A better error message is shown when accessing a Struct using a field name that doesn't exist.
  • Attempting to get the value of a field that hasn't been set yet via dictionary access used to throw a KeyError even if it was a computed field. Now it throws the expected MissingRequiredValueError.

Other Changes

  • Dictionary methods on Struct like get, setdefault, etc. are deprecated and should not be used anymore. They will be removed in 0.5.0.
  • Validator decorators now detect when they're being misused (i.e. called as @validator instead of @validator() and throw a helpful exception.
  • Bump tested CPython versions to the latest release, i.e. 3.4.7 -> 3.4.8, etc.
  • Bump PyPy3.5 5.10 to v6.0


Released: 2018-04-21


  • Removed unused __computed_fields__ property from Struct classes. It was accidentally left in.
  • Fixed WAV file generation in the examples. It was writing the frequency of the wave to the file, not the amplitude.
  • Miscellaneous tweaks and typo corrections in documentation.


Added support for adding validators on fields, both as methods in their Struct and passed in to the constructor. You can also have validator methods that validate the entire Struct just after loading or just before dumping.

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped support for Python 3.3, which has been deprecated. Please upgrade to a newer version of Python.
  • VariableSizedFieldError was deprecated in 0.3.1. It has been removed and completely replaced by UndefinedSizeError.

Other Changes

  • Start testing on Python 3.7.
  • Assigning directly to the __values__ dict in a Struct is deprecated, as it circumvents validators. __values__ will be removed in a future release.


Released: 2018-03-28


  • Fixed bug where Bytes wasn't checking how many bytes it was writing when dumping.
  • Fixed bug where Field.size was incorrectly computed for fields where len(const) wasn't equivalent to the field size, e.g. for String fields using a UTF-16 encoding.

Other Changes

  • VariableSizedFieldError has been deprecated, and will be replaced by UndefinedSizeError. This is because the exception name and error message was misleadingly narrow in scope.
  • Removed undocumented loaded_fields and all_fields arguments from the loading and dumping methods in Struct. They were left in by mistake and never used.


Released: 2018-03-23


  • Fixed field redefinition detection. Subclassing wasn't supported in earlier versions but the code was still there.


  1. Array can now take another Field or a string naming a Field as its count argument. This lets you avoid having to write a halting function:
# As of 0.3.0:
class MyStruct(Struct):
    n_numbers = UInt16()
    numbers = Array(UInt16(), count=n_numbers)

# For earlier versions:

def halt_n_numbers(seq, stream, values, context, loaded_fields):
    return len(values) >= loaded_fields['n_numbers']

class MyStruct(Struct):
    n_numbers = UInt16()
    numbers = Array(UInt16(), halt_check=halt_n_numbers)
  1. The new computes decorator gives you the ability to use a function to dynamically compute the value of a field when serializing, instead of passing it in yourself.
  2. New field type Union allows you to emulate C's union storage class using fields, structs, or any combination of the two.
  3. Added struct and obj keyword arguments to ConfigurationError to give more flexibility in what errors it and its subclasses can be used for.

Breaking Changes



  • Changed development stage from alpha stage to beta.
  • Expanded documentation of existing code, fixed inter-module references.


Released: 2018-03-18


  1. Fixed argument names in overridden methods of some fields differing from their superclass' signature. Affects Integer, String, StringZ and VariableLengthInteger.
  2. Fixed to_dict() method of Struct so that it recurses and converts all nested fields and arrays into Python dicts as well. This means that the output of Struct.to_dict() is JSON-serializable if all fields are defined.
  3. Changed BytesIO in documentation to BufferedIOBase since FileIO is also a legitimate input type.
  4. Array halt functions can now reference the fields that have already been deserialized. This was supposed to be included in 0.1.0 but somehow was overlooked.

Breaking Changes

  • The fix for bug 2:
    • dict(struct) and struct.to_dict() no longer give identical results.
    • For nested structures, struct.to_dict() will return dictionaries where the old behavior would return instances of those Struct objects. This only matters if your code relied on nested structs being Struct objects.
  • The fix for bug 4 added additional a positional argument to _do_load, _do_dump, and the halt functions. This will break subclasses that define these functions, but the fix is minimal:
    • Add loaded_fields as the last argument to your halt functions as well as any overridden _do_load methods in custom fields.
    • Add all_fields as the last argument to _do_dump methods in custom fields.


  • Added WAV file example and unit tests.
  • Changed "end to end tests" file into a BMP file example since it was only using the BMP format anyway.
  • Added comprehensive tutorial on basics with a bit of intermediate stuff.


Released: 2018-03-04


  • StringZ can now load strings in character encodings that use more than one byte to represent null, e.g. UTF-16.
  • Fixed some typos in documentation.


  • String and its subclasses now take a pad_byte argument that pads strings with that byte if they're too short after encoding. For example:
>>> String(size=4, pad_byte=b' ').dumps('a')
b'a   '

Breaking Changes



Released: 2018-03-03

Initial release.