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108 lines (76 loc) · 4.53 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (76 loc) · 4.53 KB

Salvage Tools

Version numbers follow Semantic Versioning.


Shifting build workflow from travis to Github Actions

  • cron workflow implementing the image-based pipeline
  • tag workflow building and publishing image updates
  • both workflows proceed but do not finish on PRs

Move dockerfile into a folder

  • Create a docker folder for holding dockerfile and readme


Fixing a hiccup with the salvage_script

  • I had forgotten to remove a placeholder that was keeping the last date to use fixed
  • Removed now, image updated


Actual CI web interaction

  • I think?
  • I hope!

Stripped down web design

  • Just uses the basic rmarkdown::render_site


Website meets CI output

  • Minimal, but successful integration of output from the docker image into the website.
  • Now just given as the date of the last sample on the FTP.

Hookup with Zenodo

  • Addresses [#17]



  • Integration with
  • Starting point, set up with netlify
  • Not yet populated with the data summary

Ongoing work on the R script to make the data summary

  • Some basic functions are set up and running
  • Travis runs the script in the container that reads in and uses the db
  • Produce proper tables for output
  • They do pass through CI


Moving docker image building code to accessor repo

Shifting over to use of accessor here


Updated Dockerfile

  • Now allows for --build-arg options for all of the environment variables used in the bash scripts.
    • Most notable is i which allows for the toggling on or off of the interactive R session

Updated Docker images

Integration with Travis-CI

  • Daily cron job retrieves, converts, uploads, and tags the data
    • .travis.yml leverages the non-interactive image to build only the .csv files (no R session is started)
    • update_github_data.bash is what's run after_success for cron jobs only
      • Uses @dapperdeploy as the user bpt
      • Updates the main branch with the .csvs and .txt date log
      • Creates a tag based on the date, and deploys the tag as a release


Bug fixing of R functionality

  • Now fully integrated into Dockerfile such that created containers now have a list of data.frames

Isolation of mdb functionality from container_start.bash

  • Database procurement and unpackaging now occurs via a generalized script remote_mdb_to_local_csv.bash, which has core functionality that can be used in other situations.
  • container_start.bash runs remote_mdb_to_local_csv.bash and r_script.R, which sources the R functions and loads the database as a list.

Updated Docker image

Inclusion of this here NEWS


Initial Creation of salvage codebase

  • Dockerfile that creates salvage:0.1.0 image
  • Focal bash script (container_start.bash) creates the local .csvs from remote .accdb
  • Rough (not fully functional, not yet included) R functions for turning the .csvs into a list of data.frames