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File metadata and controls

95 lines (78 loc) · 9.71 KB

Available Form Types

There are several form types available (updated continuously).

Name Group Description
Text Text Fields Default input text field.
Hidden Hidden Fields A hidden input field.
Text Area Text Fields Default textarea field.
Integer Text Fields HTML5 Number field.
Checkbox Other Fields Default (single) checkbox field.
Submit Buttons Submit Button.
Country Choice Fields Create a drop down with a default country selection.
Choice Choice Fields Create a (sortable) drop down, multi drop down, multi-checkboxes, multi-radios, checkout choice meta for enhanced choice customization
Dynamic Choice Choice Fields Create a drop down, multi drop down, multi-checkboxes, multi-radios. Populate Data from a custom Service.
Html Tag Other Fields Create a label, or headline element (tags can be defined via parameter)
Snippet Other Fields Place a custom (localized) snippet in your form.
Dynamic Multi File Other Fields Multi-File Upload field.
Date Date and Time Fields A field that allows the user to modify date information via a variety of different HTML elements. Now supports usage of text- or html5-datetype
Date Time Date and Time Fields This field type allows the user to modify data that represents a specific date and time (e.g. 1984-06-05 12:15:30).
Time Date and Time Fields This can be rendered as a text field, a series of text fields (e.g. hour, minute, second) or a series of select fields. The underlying data can be stored as a DateTime object, a string, a timestamp or an array.
Birthday Date and Time Fields Can be rendered as a single text box, three text boxes (month, day and year), or three select boxes.
reCAPTCHA v3 Security Fields Add an invisible Spam protection to your form.

Available Container Form Types

There are several container form types available. Read more about the Container Type here.

Name Group Description
Repeater Container Create repeatable field collections
Fieldset Container Create grouped field blocks


Name Description
NotBlank Validates that a value is not blank - meaning not equal to a blank string, a blank array or null
Email Validates that a value is a valid email address. The underlying value is cast to a string before being validated.
Length Validates that a given string length is between some minimum and maximum value.
Url Validates that a value is a valid URL string.
Regex Validates that a value matches a regular expression.
IP-Address Validates that a value is a valid IP address.
Range Validates that a given number is between some minimum and maximum number.
Card Scheme This constraint ensures that a credit card number is valid for a given credit card company.
BIC This constraint is used to ensure that a value has the proper format of a Business Identifier Code (BIC).
Iban This constraint is used to ensure that a bank account number has the proper format of an International Bank Account Number (IBAN).
Date Validates that a value is a valid date, meaning either a DateTime object or a string (or an object that can be cast into a string) that follows a valid YYYY-MM-DD format.
DateTime Validates that a value is a valid "datetime", meaning either a DateTime object or a string (or an object that can be cast into a string) that follows a specific format.
Time Validates that a value is a valid time, meaning an object implementing DateTimeInterface or a string (or an object that can be cast into a string) that follows a valid HH:MM:SS format.

Enable / Disable Form Types

It's possible to enable or disable specific form types.

Enable specific Elements

Only the hidden Element is available.

                - 'hidden'

Disable specific Elements

All Fields except the hidden Element are available.

                - 'hidden'

Note: If you're using both config elements at the same time, no field will show up (assuming that you're using the example from above)

Extended Type Configuration

Html Tag Type

To define your custom html tags, add this to your `config/config.yaml':

        - ['h1','h1']
        - ['h2','h2']
        - ['label','label']
        - ['p','p']

Data Injection

If you want to add data to your text fields, based on a specific condition (a query parameter in request for example) you may want to check out form data injectors.