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Paper: DOI

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Jupyter language kernel generator for DSLs developed using the Rascal Language Workbench.

Eclipse Plugin

To install Bacatá please use the following update site and select the Bacata feature.


  • Jupyter.
  • Rascal.
  • Salix (Optional): Clone and add the Salix project to your Eclipse workspace.


  • Install Bacatá
  • Set the following environment variables.
    • ECLIPSE_HOME: this variable points to the Contents folder of Eclipse.
      • Example: ECLIPSE_HOME = /Applications/Eclipse\
    • JUPYTER_HOME: this variable points to the Jupyter installation.
      • Example: JUPYTER_HOME = /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/jupyter

NOTE: Verify that the previous environment variables are available when you start Eclipse.


  • Right click on the root of your project and initiate a Rascal Console.
  • Import the Bacatá notebook module.
    • import bacata::Notebook_
  • Create a Kernel.
    • k = kernel("Calc", |home:///Documents/calc/src|, "CalcREPL::myRepl", salixPath=|home:///Documents/Rascal/salix/src|, logo = |home:///calc.png|);
  • Create a Notebook object.
    • nb = createNotebook(k);
  • Start the Jupyter notebook.
    • nb.serve();
  • After executing the previous command, you will obtain in the console the url in which Jupyter is running.
  • To stop the server use the following command.
    • nb.stop();

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Give examples


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

Say what the step will be

Give the example

And repeat

until finished

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo

Built With

  • Jupyter - The web framework used
  • Maven - Dependency Management


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


  • Mauricio Verano Merino - Initial work -
  • Jurgen Vinju
  • Tijs van der Storm

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc


DSL Dockerization using Bacatá

Set Up

In order to execute Notebooks for DSLs using Bacatá you need to fulfill the follow prerequisites:

Dockerfile generation

In order to Dockerize a Rascal DSL, you need a Rascal DSL Project with:

From Eclipse


From CommandLine

NOTE: From the command line syntactic auto-completion is not supported nor the Codemirror mode generation. java -Drascal.path="Path to Bacatá Rascal jar" -jar <Rascal jar> bacata::Generator docker <language Name> <Path to DSL project src folder> <module that contains REPL> <binding REPL adt> <path to the language logo>


The following command will work with a DSL implemented using the Rascal Language workbench called QL.

java -Drascal.path="/Users/mveranom/Downloads/bacata-rascal.jar" -jar /Users/mveranom/Downloads/rascal.jar bacata::Generator docker qlLanguage home:///Documents/RascalProjects/QL/src lang::ql::QLREPL qlREPL home:///ql-logo.jpg

After executing this command Bacatá generates the following artifacts in the root folder of the DSL project:

  • Dockerfile.
  • A folder called kernel that contains other folder with the name of the language.
    • kernel.json: this file contains the Jupyter Language kernel of the DSL that works with the Docker Bacata Image.
    • logo-64x64.png: this file is optional and represents the logo of the language.

Dockerfile Image Build

In order to create the Docker image that does the DSL Dockerization, the user needs to execute the following command two commands from the command line:

  1. cd dsl-project/
  2. docker build -t <name-of-image> .

The later command will read the Dockerfile and produces a Docker image with the DSL project source code.

<name-of-image>: is an identifier for the Docker image.


  1. cd Documents/RascalProjects/QL/
  2. docker build -t qlLanguage .

Dockerfile Image Execution

Now we are going to run the Docker image built in the previous step. To run the Docker image you have to execute this command in the command line:

docker run -p <port>:8888 <image-name>

The <port> is an available port in your machine. The <image-name> should be the same name used in the previous step.

After running this command, you will get some output:


Now, you have to follow the next two steps:

  1. Copy the token from the output
  2. Open a browser and type http://localhost:<port>

Then you will see an interface like this: