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Curtó & Zarza is the first GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) augmented dataset of faces. A key step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).


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Curtó & Zarza

Curtó is the first GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) augmented dataset of faces. A key step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

News: Since its first appearance in 2017, this work has attracted worldwide attention as one of the first techniques to generate AI artwork. The pieces have been showed in major NFT showcases with public applaud and following. Visit a VR display.

Links to Download:

Curtó & Zarza (4 GB). Preview.

DeCurtó+ (38 GB). Preview.

Alternate Links to Download:

Curtó & Zarza (4 GB). Curtó & Zarza (4 GB).

DeCurtó+ (38 GB).

128x128 DeCurtó+ (2 GB). Preview.

Curtó & Zarza

Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

School of Computer Science. Carnegie Mellon.

For more information about the dataset, visit the website:

If you use the dataset in a publication, please cite the paper below:

Curtó, J. D., Zarza, I. C., Torre, F., King, I., Lyu, M. R. High-resolution Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. 2017.

Please note that we do not own the copyrights to these images. Their use is RESTRICTED to non-commercial research and educational purposes.

Change Log

Version 1.0, released on 17/11/2017.

Version 1.1, released on 21/11/2017, add labels with attribute information.

Version 1.2, released on 19/01/2018, add supplementary samples and labels.

Version 1.3, released on 27/01/2018, add HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (trained on CelebA).

Version 2.0, released on 09/02/2018, add HDCGAN HQ Synthetic Samples (trained on CelebA).

Version 3.0, released on 17/04/2020, add DeCurtó+, a collection of 40,000+ HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (trained on CelebA-hq).

File Information from c

  • Samples (c/samples).
    • 14,248 cropped faces. Balanced in terms of ethnicity: African American, East-asian, South-asian and White. Mirror images included to enhance pose variation.
  • Labels (c/labels).
    • JSON files with attribute information: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Hair Color, Hair Style, Eyes Color, Facial Hair, Glasses, Visible Forehead, Hair Covered and Smile.
  • HDCGAN Synthetic Images (c/hdcgan).
    • 4,239 faces generated by HDCGAN trained on CelebA.
      • Samples (c/hdcgan/samples). Original 512x512 image size.
      • Resized Samples (c/hdcgan/samples_128). 128x128 image size.
  • Additional Images (c/extra).
    • Samples (c/extra/samples) and Labels (c/extra/labels). 3,384 cropped faces with labels, Ethnicity: White.

File Information from DeCurtó+

  • HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (DeCurto+/DeCurto01-04, DeCurto+/DeZarza01).
    • 44,896 faces generated by HDCGAN trained on CelebA-hq. Unfiltered images from epoch 161 to 221.
  • HDCGAN Synthetic Samples (DeCurto+/DeCurto+01-04, DeCurto+/DeZarza+01).
    • Subset of 16,222 samples from the corresponding folders above that are correctly classified as faces given the default parameters of opencv.


Curtó & Zarza is the first GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) augmented dataset of faces. A key step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).






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