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File metadata and controls

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The Document Model

The document model is 99% stable, but the current documentation is still in progress.

The document model uses the whole or a part of the terminal area as a document, in a similar way than a webpage, where multiple widgets are present on a specific place in the screen, all active at the same time.

It is opposed to the inline mode (i.e. all other Terminal Kit's features), where widgets are instanciated one at a time, line after line.

Some widgets exist in both the inline mode and the document model, but with different features. Those differences will eventually disappear, once those document model widgets will be compatible with the inline mode and supersede the older one.

The document model is backed by screenBuffers.

It can manage multiple widgets each with its own redraw condition, even some that overlap, like a drop-down menu, it manages widget keyboard focus, event dispatching, widget cycling, with mouse support everywhere.

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