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Simple and powerful strongly typed read-through caching extensions for .NET's IDistributedCache

.NET Core NuGet


Capper provides extension methods for IDistributedCache which encapsulate the business logic (and drastically simplify the implementation) of read-through caching.

It is partly inspired by the way Dapper provides light, unopinionated strongly typed ORM extensions to SqlConnection (i.e. Capper is Dapper for caching).

Because it utilises IDistributedCache, Capper supports either in-memory (default) or durable caches.


The library is in general availability and is available as a NuGet package.


Adding read through caching to your .NET application has never been easier.


Install the NuGet package with a package manager.

Before Capper (without caching)

private readonly AnimalRepository repository;

public AnimalController(AnimalRepository repository)
    this.repository = repository;

public async Task<Animal> Get(string id)
    return await repository.GetAsync(id);

After Capper

private readonly AnimalRepository repository;
private readonly IDistributedCache cache;

public AnimalCacheController(AnimalRepository repository, IDistributedCache cache)
    this.repository = repository;
    this.cache = cache;

public async Task<Animal> Get(string id)
    return await cache.ReadThroughAsync(id,
        async () => await repository.GetAsync(id));

Adding durability (Redis in this case)

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
        options.Configuration = "";
        options.InstanceName = "Animals";


Customising cache entry serialization / deserialziation

public class JsonCacheSerializer : ICacheSerializer
    public T Deserialize<T>(byte[] serialized)
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serialized));

    public byte[] Serialize<T>(T deserialized)
        return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deserialized));

public async Task<Animal> Get(string id)
    return await cache.ReadThroughAsync(id,
        async () => await repository.GetAsync(id),
        new JsonCacheSerializer());

Using Capper with Dapper

public async Task<Animal> Get(string id)
    return await cache.ReadThroughAsync(animalId, async () =>
        await connection.QuerySingleAsync<Animal>($"SELECT TOP 1 FROM Animals WHERE Id = @AnimalId", new { AnimalId = animalId })

Using multiple caches in the same application

public interface IAnimalCache : IDistributedCache {}
public class AnimalCache : MemoryDistributedCache, IAnimalCache
    public AnimalCache(IOptions<MemoryDistributedCacheOptions> optionsAccessor) : base(optionsAccessor)

public interface IVehicleCache : IDistributedCache {}
public class VehicleCache : RedisCache, IVehicleCache
    public VehicleCache(IOptions<RedisCacheOptions> optionsAccessor) : base(optionsAccessor)

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IAnimalCache, AnimalCache>();
    services.AddSingleton<IVehicleCache, VehicleCache>();