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Fonts - Material Tailwind
Learn how to customize the font families for Material Tailwind.

Customizing Fonts - Material Tailwind

Customize the default font families for @material-tailwind/react and add your own custom fonts that you like to have for your project.

## Default Font Families

@material-tailwind/react provides a set of default font families that you can use.

const fontFamily = {
  sans: ["Roboto", "sans-serif"],
  serif: ["Roboto Slab", "serif"],
  body: ["Roboto", "sans-serif"],

## Customizing Font Families

You can customize the default font families for @material-tailwind/react very easy and straightforward, it's the same as customizing font families for tailwindcss.

You just need to customize the font family that you like through the fontFamily object for tailwind.config.js file.

module.exports = withMT({
  theme: {
    fontFamily: {
      sans: ["Open Sans", "sans-serif"],

For more information about tailwindcss font families customization, please check the TailwindCSS Documentation