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Tailwind CSS Navbar - Material Tailwind
Customise your web projects with our easy-to-use Navbar component for Tailwind CSS using Material Design guidelines.

Tailwind CSS Navbar

Use our responsive Tailwind CSS navbar for your website. It is a navigation tool, that helps users to easily access different sections or pages of a website or application.

The navbar is usually located at the top of a webpage or along the side and it can be static (remains in the same position regardless of page scrolling), or dynamic (changes in response to user interactions). You can add links, icons, links with icons, search bars, and brand text.

See below our simple navbar example that you can use in your Tailwind CSS project.

Navbar Examples:

Simple Navbar with Icons

Use this simple navbar example with navigational links and buttons that get the user's attention to perform specific actions, like "Log in".

<CodePreview id="navbar" link="navbar#navbar" component={<HTMLNavbarExamples.NavbarDefault/>}

  class="block w-full max-w-screen-xl px-4 py-2 mx-auto text-white bg-white border shadow-md rounded-xl border-white/80 bg-opacity-80 backdrop-blur-2xl backdrop-saturate-200 lg:px-8 lg:py-4">
  <div class="container flex items-center justify-between mx-auto text-blue-gray-900">
    <a href="#"
      class="mr-4 block cursor-pointer py-1.5 font-sans text-base font-medium leading-relaxed text-inherit antialiased">
      Material Tailwind
    <div class="hidden lg:block">
      <ul class="flex flex-col gap-2 mt-2 mb-4 lg:mb-0 lg:mt-0 lg:flex-row lg:items-center lg:gap-6">
          class="flex items-center p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal gap-x-2 text-blue-gray-900">
          <svg width="16" height="15" viewBox="0 0 16 15" fill="none" xmlns="">
              d="M5 0.5C4.73478 0.5 4.48043 0.605357 4.29289 0.792893C4.10536 0.98043 4 1.23478 4 1.5C4 1.76522 4.10536 2.01957 4.29289 2.20711C4.48043 2.39464 4.73478 2.5 5 2.5H11C11.2652 2.5 11.5196 2.39464 11.7071 2.20711C11.8946 2.01957 12 1.76522 12 1.5C12 1.23478 11.8946 0.98043 11.7071 0.792893C11.5196 0.605357 11.2652 0.5 11 0.5H5ZM2 4.5C2 4.23478 2.10536 3.98043 2.29289 3.79289C2.48043 3.60536 2.73478 3.5 3 3.5H13C13.2652 3.5 13.5196 3.60536 13.7071 3.79289C13.8946 3.98043 14 4.23478 14 4.5C14 4.76522 13.8946 5.01957 13.7071 5.20711C13.5196 5.39464 13.2652 5.5 13 5.5H3C2.73478 5.5 2.48043 5.39464 2.29289 5.20711C2.10536 5.01957 2 4.76522 2 4.5ZM0 8.5C0 7.96957 0.210714 7.46086 0.585786 7.08579C0.960859 6.71071 1.46957 6.5 2 6.5H14C14.5304 6.5 15.0391 6.71071 15.4142 7.08579C15.7893 7.46086 16 7.96957 16 8.5V12.5C16 13.0304 15.7893 13.5391 15.4142 13.9142C15.0391 14.2893 14.5304 14.5 14 14.5H2C1.46957 14.5 0.960859 14.2893 0.585786 13.9142C0.210714 13.5391 0 13.0304 0 12.5V8.5Z"
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
          class="flex items-center p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal gap-x-2 text-blue-gray-900">
          <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
              d="M16 8.5C16 10.6217 15.1571 12.6566 13.6569 14.1569C12.1566 15.6571 10.1217 16.5 8 16.5C5.87827 16.5 3.84344 15.6571 2.34315 14.1569C0.842855 12.6566 0 10.6217 0 8.5C0 6.37827 0.842855 4.34344 2.34315 2.84315C3.84344 1.34285 5.87827 0.5 8 0.5C10.1217 0.5 12.1566 1.34285 13.6569 2.84315C15.1571 4.34344 16 6.37827 16 8.5ZM10 5.5C10 6.03043 9.78929 6.53914 9.41421 6.91421C9.03914 7.28929 8.53043 7.5 8 7.5C7.46957 7.5 6.96086 7.28929 6.58579 6.91421C6.21071 6.53914 6 6.03043 6 5.5C6 4.96957 6.21071 4.46086 6.58579 4.08579C6.96086 3.71071 7.46957 3.5 8 3.5C8.53043 3.5 9.03914 3.71071 9.41421 4.08579C9.78929 4.46086 10 4.96957 10 5.5ZM8 9.5C7.0426 9.49981 6.10528 9.77449 5.29942 10.2914C4.49356 10.8083 3.85304 11.5457 3.454 12.416C4.01668 13.0706 4.71427 13.5958 5.49894 13.9555C6.28362 14.3152 7.13681 14.5009 8 14.5C8.86319 14.5009 9.71638 14.3152 10.5011 13.9555C11.2857 13.5958 11.9833 13.0706 12.546 12.416C12.147 11.5457 11.5064 10.8083 10.7006 10.2914C9.89472 9.77449 8.9574 9.49981 8 9.5Z"
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
          class="flex items-center p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal gap-x-2 text-blue-gray-900">
          <svg width="14" height="15" viewBox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="">
              d="M2 0.5C1.46957 0.5 0.960859 0.710714 0.585786 1.08579C0.210714 1.46086 0 1.96957 0 2.5V4.5C0 5.03043 0.210714 5.53914 0.585786 5.91421C0.960859 6.28929 1.46957 6.5 2 6.5H4C4.53043 6.5 5.03914 6.28929 5.41421 5.91421C5.78929 5.53914 6 5.03043 6 4.5V2.5C6 1.96957 5.78929 1.46086 5.41421 1.08579C5.03914 0.710714 4.53043 0.5 4 0.5H2ZM2 8.5C1.46957 8.5 0.960859 8.71071 0.585786 9.08579C0.210714 9.46086 0 9.96957 0 10.5V12.5C0 13.0304 0.210714 13.5391 0.585786 13.9142C0.960859 14.2893 1.46957 14.5 2 14.5H4C4.53043 14.5 5.03914 14.2893 5.41421 13.9142C5.78929 13.5391 6 13.0304 6 12.5V10.5C6 9.96957 5.78929 9.46086 5.41421 9.08579C5.03914 8.71071 4.53043 8.5 4 8.5H2ZM8 2.5C8 1.96957 8.21071 1.46086 8.58579 1.08579C8.96086 0.710714 9.46957 0.5 10 0.5H12C12.5304 0.5 13.0391 0.710714 13.4142 1.08579C13.7893 1.46086 14 1.96957 14 2.5V4.5C14 5.03043 13.7893 5.53914 13.4142 5.91421C13.0391 6.28929 12.5304 6.5 12 6.5H10C9.46957 6.5 8.96086 6.28929 8.58579 5.91421C8.21071 5.53914 8 5.03043 8 4.5V2.5ZM8 10.5C8 9.96957 8.21071 9.46086 8.58579 9.08579C8.96086 8.71071 9.46957 8.5 10 8.5H12C12.5304 8.5 13.0391 8.71071 13.4142 9.08579C13.7893 9.46086 14 9.96957 14 10.5V12.5C14 13.0304 13.7893 13.5391 13.4142 13.9142C13.0391 14.2893 12.5304 14.5 12 14.5H10C9.46957 14.5 8.96086 14.2893 8.58579 13.9142C8.21071 13.5391 8 13.0304 8 12.5V10.5Z"
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
          class="flex items-center p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal gap-x-2 text-blue-gray-900">
          <svg width="16" height="15" viewBox="0 0 16 15" fill="none" xmlns="">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"
              d="M0 2.5C0 1.96957 0.210714 1.46086 0.585786 1.08579C0.960859 0.710714 1.46957 0.5 2 0.5H14C14.5304 0.5 15.0391 0.710714 15.4142 1.08579C15.7893 1.46086 16 1.96957 16 2.5V12.5C16 13.0304 15.7893 13.5391 15.4142 13.9142C15.0391 14.2893 14.5304 14.5 14 14.5H2C1.46957 14.5 0.960859 14.2893 0.585786 13.9142C0.210714 13.5391 0 13.0304 0 12.5V2.5ZM3.293 3.793C3.48053 3.60553 3.73484 3.50021 4 3.50021C4.26516 3.50021 4.51947 3.60553 4.707 3.793L7.707 6.793C7.89447 6.98053 7.99979 7.23484 7.99979 7.5C7.99979 7.76516 7.89447 8.01947 7.707 8.207L4.707 11.207C4.5184 11.3892 4.2658 11.49 4.0036 11.4877C3.7414 11.4854 3.49059 11.3802 3.30518 11.1948C3.11977 11.0094 3.0146 10.7586 3.01233 10.4964C3.01005 10.2342 3.11084 9.9816 3.293 9.793L5.586 7.5L3.293 5.207C3.10553 5.01947 3.00021 4.76516 3.00021 4.5C3.00021 4.23484 3.10553 3.98053 3.293 3.793ZM9 9.5C8.73478 9.5 8.48043 9.60536 8.29289 9.79289C8.10536 9.98043 8 10.2348 8 10.5C8 10.7652 8.10536 11.0196 8.29289 11.2071C8.48043 11.3946 8.73478 11.5 9 11.5H12C12.2652 11.5 12.5196 11.3946 12.7071 11.2071C12.8946 11.0196 13 10.7652 13 10.5C13 10.2348 12.8946 9.98043 12.7071 9.79289C12.5196 9.60536 12.2652 9.5 12 9.5H9Z"
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
    <div class="flex items-center gap-x-1">
        class="hidden px-4 py-2 font-sans text-xs font-bold text-center text-gray-900 uppercase align-middle transition-all rounded-lg select-none hover:bg-gray-900/10 active:bg-gray-900/20 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:inline-block"
        <span>Log In</span>
        class="hidden select-none rounded-lg bg-gradient-to-tr from-gray-900 to-gray-800 py-2 px-4 text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-bold uppercase text-white shadow-md shadow-gray-900/10 transition-all hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-gray-900/20 active:opacity-[0.85] disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:inline-block"
        <span>Sign in</span>
      class="relative ml-auto h-6 max-h-[40px] w-6 max-w-[40px] select-none rounded-lg text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-medium uppercase text-inherit transition-all hover:bg-transparent focus:bg-transparent active:bg-transparent disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:hidden"
      <span class="absolute transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 left-1/2">
        <svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2">
          <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M4 6h16M4 12h16M4 18h16"></path>

Sticky Navbar

This component example presents a cleaner design navbar styled with sticky top-0, making it stick to the top of the viewport as the page scrolls down. Users can easily navigate through the website while engaging with the content, and the sticky navbar makes sure that navigation options are always within reach.

<CodePreview id="sticky-navbar" link="navbar#sticky-navbar" className="mt-4" component={<HTMLNavbarExamples.StickyNavbar/>}

<div class="grid min-h-[140px] w-full place-items-center overflow-x-scroll rounded-lg p-6 lg:overflow-visible">
  <div class="-m-6 max-h-[768px] w-[calc(100%+48px)] overflow-scroll">
      class="sticky top-0 z-10 block w-full max-w-full px-4 py-2 text-white bg-white border rounded-none shadow-md h-max border-white/80 bg-opacity-80 backdrop-blur-2xl backdrop-saturate-200 lg:px-8 lg:py-4">
      <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-blue-gray-900">
        <a href="#"
          class="mr-4 block cursor-pointer py-1.5 font-sans text-base font-medium leading-relaxed text-inherit antialiased">
          Material Tailwind
        <div class="flex items-center gap-4">
          <div class="hidden mr-4 lg:block">
            <ul class="flex flex-col gap-2 mt-2 mb-4 lg:mb-0 lg:mt-0 lg:flex-row lg:items-center lg:gap-6">
              <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-normal leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
                <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
              <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-normal leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
                <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
              <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-normal leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
                <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
              <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-normal leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
                <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
          <div class="flex items-center gap-x-1">
              class="hidden px-4 py-2 font-sans text-xs font-bold text-center text-gray-900 uppercase align-middle transition-all rounded-lg select-none hover:bg-gray-900/10 active:bg-gray-900/20 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:inline-block"
              <span>Log In</span>
              class="hidden select-none rounded-lg bg-gradient-to-tr from-gray-900 to-gray-800 py-2 px-4 text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-bold uppercase text-white shadow-md shadow-gray-900/10 transition-all hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-gray-900/20 active:opacity-[0.85] disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:inline-block"
              <span>Sign in</span>
            class="relative ml-auto h-6 max-h-[40px] w-6 max-w-[40px] select-none rounded-lg text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-medium uppercase text-inherit transition-all hover:bg-transparent focus:bg-transparent active:bg-transparent disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:hidden"
            <span class="absolute transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 left-1/2">
              <svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6" fill="none" stroke="currentColor"
                <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M4 6h16M4 12h16M4 18h16"></path>
    <div class="max-w-screen-md py-12 mx-auto">
        class="relative flex flex-col mb-12 overflow-hidden text-gray-700 bg-white shadow-md rounded-xl bg-clip-border">
        <img alt="nature" class="h-[32rem] w-full object-cover object-center"
          src=";ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&amp;auto=format&amp;fit=crop&amp;w=2717&amp;q=80" />
        class="mb-2 block font-sans text-4xl font-semibold leading-[1.3] tracking-normal text-blue-gray-900 antialiased">
        What is Material Tailwind
      <p class="block font-sans text-base antialiased font-normal leading-relaxed text-gray-700">
        Can you help me out? you will get a lot of free exposure doing this
        can my website be in english?. There is too much white space do less
        with more, so that will be a conversation piece can you rework to
        make the pizza look more delicious other agencies charge much lesser
        can you make the blue bluer?. I think we need to start from scratch
        can my website be in english?, yet make it sexy i&apos;ll pay you in
        a week we don&apos;t need to pay upfront i hope you understand can
        you make it stand out more?. Make the font bigger can you help me
        out? you will get a lot of free exposure doing this that&apos;s
        going to be a chunk of change other agencies charge much lesser. Are
        you busy this weekend? I have a new project with a tight deadline
        that&apos;s going to be a chunk of change. There are more projects
        lined up charge extra the next time.

Navbar With Search

This navbar component example includes an interactive search input field and a corresponding search button, alowing users to search content directly from the navbar. This feature helps users to quickly access information without navigating away from the current view.

<CodePreview id="navbar-with-search" link="navbar#navbar-with-search" className="mt-4" component={<HTMLNavbarExamples.NavbarWithSearch/>}

  class="block w-full max-w-screen-xl px-4 py-2 mx-auto text-white bg-white border shadow-md rounded-xl border-white/80 bg-opacity-80 backdrop-blur-2xl backdrop-saturate-200 lg:px-8 lg:py-4">
  <div class="container flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between mx-auto text-blue-gray-900">
    <a href="#"
      class="mr-4 block cursor-pointer py-1.5 font-sans text-base font-medium leading-relaxed text-inherit antialiased">
      Material Tailwind
    <div class="hidden lg:block">
      <ul class="flex flex-col gap-2 mt-2 mb-4 lg:mb-0 lg:mt-0 lg:flex-row lg:items-center lg:gap-6">
          class="flex items-center p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal gap-x-2 text-blue-gray-900">
          <svg width="16" height="15" viewBox="0 0 16 15" fill="none" xmlns="">
              d="M5 0.5C4.73478 0.5 4.48043 0.605357 4.29289 0.792893C4.10536 0.98043 4 1.23478 4 1.5C4 1.76522 4.10536 2.01957 4.29289 2.20711C4.48043 2.39464 4.73478 2.5 5 2.5H11C11.2652 2.5 11.5196 2.39464 11.7071 2.20711C11.8946 2.01957 12 1.76522 12 1.5C12 1.23478 11.8946 0.98043 11.7071 0.792893C11.5196 0.605357 11.2652 0.5 11 0.5H5ZM2 4.5C2 4.23478 2.10536 3.98043 2.29289 3.79289C2.48043 3.60536 2.73478 3.5 3 3.5H13C13.2652 3.5 13.5196 3.60536 13.7071 3.79289C13.8946 3.98043 14 4.23478 14 4.5C14 4.76522 13.8946 5.01957 13.7071 5.20711C13.5196 5.39464 13.2652 5.5 13 5.5H3C2.73478 5.5 2.48043 5.39464 2.29289 5.20711C2.10536 5.01957 2 4.76522 2 4.5ZM0 8.5C0 7.96957 0.210714 7.46086 0.585786 7.08579C0.960859 6.71071 1.46957 6.5 2 6.5H14C14.5304 6.5 15.0391 6.71071 15.4142 7.08579C15.7893 7.46086 16 7.96957 16 8.5V12.5C16 13.0304 15.7893 13.5391 15.4142 13.9142C15.0391 14.2893 14.5304 14.5 14 14.5H2C1.46957 14.5 0.960859 14.2893 0.585786 13.9142C0.210714 13.5391 0 13.0304 0 12.5V8.5Z"
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
          class="flex items-center p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal gap-x-2 text-blue-gray-900">
          <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="">
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              d="M16 8.5C16 10.6217 15.1571 12.6566 13.6569 14.1569C12.1566 15.6571 10.1217 16.5 8 16.5C5.87827 16.5 3.84344 15.6571 2.34315 14.1569C0.842855 12.6566 0 10.6217 0 8.5C0 6.37827 0.842855 4.34344 2.34315 2.84315C3.84344 1.34285 5.87827 0.5 8 0.5C10.1217 0.5 12.1566 1.34285 13.6569 2.84315C15.1571 4.34344 16 6.37827 16 8.5ZM10 5.5C10 6.03043 9.78929 6.53914 9.41421 6.91421C9.03914 7.28929 8.53043 7.5 8 7.5C7.46957 7.5 6.96086 7.28929 6.58579 6.91421C6.21071 6.53914 6 6.03043 6 5.5C6 4.96957 6.21071 4.46086 6.58579 4.08579C6.96086 3.71071 7.46957 3.5 8 3.5C8.53043 3.5 9.03914 3.71071 9.41421 4.08579C9.78929 4.46086 10 4.96957 10 5.5ZM8 9.5C7.0426 9.49981 6.10528 9.77449 5.29942 10.2914C4.49356 10.8083 3.85304 11.5457 3.454 12.416C4.01668 13.0706 4.71427 13.5958 5.49894 13.9555C6.28362 14.3152 7.13681 14.5009 8 14.5C8.86319 14.5009 9.71638 14.3152 10.5011 13.9555C11.2857 13.5958 11.9833 13.0706 12.546 12.416C12.147 11.5457 11.5064 10.8083 10.7006 10.2914C9.89472 9.77449 8.9574 9.49981 8 9.5Z"
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          <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
          class="flex items-center p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal gap-x-2 text-blue-gray-900">
          <svg width="16" height="15" viewBox="0 0 16 15" fill="none" xmlns="">
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              d="M0 2.5C0 1.96957 0.210714 1.46086 0.585786 1.08579C0.960859 0.710714 1.46957 0.5 2 0.5H14C14.5304 0.5 15.0391 0.710714 15.4142 1.08579C15.7893 1.46086 16 1.96957 16 2.5V12.5C16 13.0304 15.7893 13.5391 15.4142 13.9142C15.0391 14.2893 14.5304 14.5 14 14.5H2C1.46957 14.5 0.960859 14.2893 0.585786 13.9142C0.210714 13.5391 0 13.0304 0 12.5V2.5ZM3.293 3.793C3.48053 3.60553 3.73484 3.50021 4 3.50021C4.26516 3.50021 4.51947 3.60553 4.707 3.793L7.707 6.793C7.89447 6.98053 7.99979 7.23484 7.99979 7.5C7.99979 7.76516 7.89447 8.01947 7.707 8.207L4.707 11.207C4.5184 11.3892 4.2658 11.49 4.0036 11.4877C3.7414 11.4854 3.49059 11.3802 3.30518 11.1948C3.11977 11.0094 3.0146 10.7586 3.01233 10.4964C3.01005 10.2342 3.11084 9.9816 3.293 9.793L5.586 7.5L3.293 5.207C3.10553 5.01947 3.00021 4.76516 3.00021 4.5C3.00021 4.23484 3.10553 3.98053 3.293 3.793ZM9 9.5C8.73478 9.5 8.48043 9.60536 8.29289 9.79289C8.10536 9.98043 8 10.2348 8 10.5C8 10.7652 8.10536 11.0196 8.29289 11.2071C8.48043 11.3946 8.73478 11.5 9 11.5H12C12.2652 11.5 12.5196 11.3946 12.7071 11.2071C12.8946 11.0196 13 10.7652 13 10.5C13 10.2348 12.8946 9.98043 12.7071 9.79289C12.5196 9.60536 12.2652 9.5 12 9.5H9Z"
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center">
    <div class="items-center hidden gap-x-2 lg:flex">
      <div class="relative flex w-full gap-2 md:w-max">
        <div class="relative h-10 w-full  min-w-[288px]">
          <input type="search" placeholder="Search"
            class="peer h-full w-full rounded-[7px] border border-blue-gray-200 border-t-transparent !border-t-blue-gray-300 bg-transparent px-3 py-2.5 pl-9 font-sans text-sm font-normal text-blue-gray-700 outline outline-0 transition-all placeholder:text-blue-gray-300 placeholder-shown:border placeholder-shown:border-blue-gray-200 placeholder-shown:border-t-blue-gray-200 focus:border-2  focus:!border-blue-gray-300 focus:border-t-transparent focus:outline-0 disabled:border-0 disabled:bg-blue-gray-50" />
            class="before:content[' '] after:content[' '] pointer-events-none absolute left-0 -top-1.5 flex h-full w-full select-none !overflow-visible truncate text-[11px] font-normal leading-tight text-gray-500 transition-all before:pointer-events-none before:mt-[6.5px] before:mr-1 before:box-border before:block before:h-1.5 before:w-2.5 before:rounded-tl-md before:border-t before:border-l before:border-blue-gray-200 before:transition-all before:content-none after:pointer-events-none after:mt-[6.5px] after:ml-1 after:box-border after:block after:h-1.5 after:w-2.5 after:flex-grow after:rounded-tr-md after:border-t after:border-r after:border-blue-gray-200 after:transition-all after:content-none peer-placeholder-shown:text-sm peer-placeholder-shown:leading-[3.75] peer-placeholder-shown:text-blue-gray-500 peer-placeholder-shown:before:border-transparent peer-placeholder-shown:after:border-transparent peer-focus:text-[11px] peer-focus:leading-tight peer-focus:text-gray-900 peer-focus:before:border-t-2 peer-focus:before:border-l-2 peer-focus:before:!border-gray-900 peer-focus:after:border-t-2 peer-focus:after:border-r-2 peer-focus:after:!border-gray-900 peer-disabled:text-transparent peer-disabled:before:border-transparent peer-disabled:after:border-transparent peer-disabled:peer-placeholder-shown:text-blue-gray-500"></label>
        <div class="!absolute left-3 top-[13px]">
          <svg width="13" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="">
              d="M9.97811 7.95252C10.2126 7.38634 10.3333 6.7795 10.3333 6.16667C10.3333 4.92899 9.84167 3.742 8.9665 2.86683C8.09133 1.99167 6.90434 1.5 5.66667 1.5C4.42899 1.5 3.242 1.99167 2.36683 2.86683C1.49167 3.742 1 4.92899 1 6.16667C1 6.7795 1.12071 7.38634 1.35523 7.95252C1.58975 8.51871 1.93349 9.03316 2.36683 9.4665C2.80018 9.89984 3.31462 10.2436 3.88081 10.4781C4.447 10.7126 5.05383 10.8333 5.66667 10.8333C6.2795 10.8333 6.88634 10.7126 7.45252 10.4781C8.01871 10.2436 8.53316 9.89984 8.9665 9.4665C9.39984 9.03316 9.74358 8.51871 9.97811 7.95252Z"
              d="M13 13.5L9 9.5M10.3333 6.16667C10.3333 6.7795 10.2126 7.38634 9.97811 7.95252C9.74358 8.51871 9.39984 9.03316 8.9665 9.4665C8.53316 9.89984 8.01871 10.2436 7.45252 10.4781C6.88634 10.7126 6.2795 10.8333 5.66667 10.8333C5.05383 10.8333 4.447 10.7126 3.88081 10.4781C3.31462 10.2436 2.80018 9.89984 2.36683 9.4665C1.93349 9.03316 1.58975 8.51871 1.35523 7.95252C1.12071 7.38634 1 6.7795 1 6.16667C1 4.92899 1.49167 3.742 2.36683 2.86683C3.242 1.99167 4.42899 1.5 5.66667 1.5C6.90434 1.5 8.09133 1.99167 8.9665 2.86683C9.84167 3.742 10.3333 4.92899 10.3333 6.16667Z"
              stroke="#CFD8DC" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
        class="select-none rounded-lg bg-gray-900 py-3 px-6 text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-bold uppercase text-white shadow-md shadow-gray-900/10 transition-all hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-gray-900/20 focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none"
      class="relative ml-auto h-6 max-h-[40px] w-6 max-w-[40px] select-none rounded-lg text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-medium uppercase text-inherit transition-all hover:bg-transparent focus:bg-transparent active:bg-transparent disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:hidden"
      <span class="absolute transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 left-1/2">
        <svg xmlns="" class="w-6 h-6" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2">
          <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M4 6h16M4 12h16M4 18h16"></path>

The search input is styled with Tailwind CSS classes that focus on transitions, borders, placeholders, and responsiveness. A unique aspect is the use of a custom label and SVG icon to visually indicate the search area, along with transition effects for focus states that change border and text color to guide user interaction.

Dark Navbar

In this example, the navbar uses a gradient background styled with Tailwind CSS (bg-gradient-to-tr from-blue-gray-900 to-blue-gray-800), creating a dark mode design.

<CodePreview id="dark-navbar" link="navbar#dark-navbar" className="mt-4" component={<HTMLNavbarExamples.NavbarDark/>}

  class="block w-full max-w-screen-xl px-4 py-3 mx-auto text-white shadow-md rounded-xl bg-gradient-to-tr from-blue-gray-900 to-blue-gray-800">
  <div class="flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between text-white gap-y-4">
    <a href="#"
      class="mr-4 ml-2 block cursor-pointer py-1.5 font-sans text-base font-semibold leading-relaxed tracking-normal text-inherit antialiased">
      Material Tailwind
    <div class="flex gap-1 ml-auto md:mr-4">
        class="relative h-10 max-h-[40px] w-10 max-w-[40px] select-none rounded-lg text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-medium uppercase text-white transition-all hover:bg-white/10 active:bg-white/30 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none"
        <span class="absolute transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 left-1/2">
          <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"
            class="w-4 h-4">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd"
              d="M11.078 2.25c-.917 0-1.699.663-1.85 1.567L9.05 4.889c-.02.12-.115.26-.297.348a7.493 7.493 0 00-.986.57c-.166.115-.334.126-.45.083L6.3 5.508a1.875 1.875 0 00-2.282.819l-.922 1.597a1.875 1.875 0 00.432 2.385l.84.692c. 7.598 0 000 1.139c.015.2-.059.352-.153.43l-.841.692a1.875 1.875 0 00-.432 2.385l.922 1.597a1.875 1.875 0 002.282.818l1.019-.382c.115-.043.283-. 1.071c.151.904.933 1.567 1.85 1.567h1.844c.916 0 1.699-.663 1.85-1.567l.178-1.072c.02-.12.114-.26.297-.349.344-.165.673-.356.985-.57.167-.114.335-.125.45-.082l1.02.382a1.875 1.875 0 002.28-.819l.923-1.597a1.875 1.875 0 00-.432-2.385l-.84-.692c-.095-.078-.17-.229-.154-.43a7.614 7.614 0 000-1.139c-.016-.2.059-.352.153-.43l.84-.692c.708-.582.891-1.59.433-2.385l-.922-1.597a1.875 1.875 0 00-2.282-.818l-1.02.382c-.114.043-.282.031-.449-.083a7.49 7.49 0 00-.985-.57c-.183-.087-.277-.227-.297-.348l-.179-1.072a1.875 1.875 0 00-1.85-1.567h-1.843zM12 15.75a3.75 3.75 0 100-7.5 3.75 3.75 0 000 7.5z"
        class="relative h-10 max-h-[40px] w-10 max-w-[40px] select-none rounded-lg text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-medium uppercase text-white transition-all hover:bg-white/10 active:bg-white/30 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none"
        <span class="absolute transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 left-1/2">
          <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"
            class="w-4 h-4">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd"
              d="M5.25 9a6.75 6.75 0 0113.5 0v.75c0 2.123.8 4.057 2.118 5.52a.75.75 0 01-.297 1.206c-1.544.57-3.16.99-4.831 1.243a3.75 3.75 0 11-7.48 0 24.585 24.585 0 01-4.831- 0 01-.298-1.205A8.217 8.217 0 005.25 9.75V9zm4.502 8.9a2.25 2.25 0 104.496 0 25.057 25.057 0 01-4.496 0z"
    <div class="relative flex w-full gap-2 md:w-max">
      <div class="relative h-10 w-full min-w-[288px]">
        <input type="search"
          class="peer h-full w-full rounded-[7px] border border-white border-t-transparent bg-transparent px-3 py-2.5 pr-20 font-sans text-sm font-normal  !text-white outline outline-0 transition-all placeholder-shown:border placeholder-shown:border-blue-gray-200 placeholder-shown:border-t-blue-gray-200 focus:border-2 focus:border-white focus:border-t-transparent focus:outline-0 disabled:border-0 disabled:bg-blue-gray-50"
          placeholder=" " />
          class="before:content[' '] after:content[' '] pointer-events-none absolute left-0 -top-1.5 flex h-full w-full select-none !overflow-visible truncate text-[11px] font-normal leading-tight !text-white transition-all before:pointer-events-none before:mt-[6.5px] before:mr-1 before:box-border before:block before:h-1.5 before:w-2.5 before:rounded-tl-md before:border-t before:border-l before:border-white before:transition-all after:pointer-events-none after:mt-[6.5px] after:ml-1 after:box-border after:block after:h-1.5 after:w-2.5 after:flex-grow after:rounded-tr-md after:border-t after:border-r after:border-white after:transition-all peer-placeholder-shown:text-sm peer-placeholder-shown:leading-[3.75] peer-placeholder-shown:text-blue-gray-500 peer-placeholder-shown:before:border-transparent peer-placeholder-shown:after:border-transparent peer-focus:text-[11px] peer-focus:leading-tight peer-focus:text-white peer-focus:before:border-t-2 peer-focus:before:border-l-2 peer-focus:before:!border-white peer-focus:after:border-t-2 peer-focus:after:border-r-2 peer-focus:after:!border-white peer-disabled:text-transparent peer-disabled:before:border-transparent peer-disabled:after:border-transparent peer-disabled:peer-placeholder-shown:text-blue-gray-500">
          Type here...
        class="!absolute right-1 top-1 select-none rounded bg-white py-2 px-4 text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-bold uppercase text-blue-gray-900 shadow-md shadow-blue-gray-500/10 transition-all hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-blue-gray-500/20 focus:opacity-[0.85] focus:shadow-none active:opacity-[0.85] active:shadow-none disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none"

The navbar incorporates a search input field with a unique label animation. The label ("Type here...") is styled to appear within the search field when it's not focused and moves above the search field when it is focused, providing a clear, interactive cue for users.

Simple Navbar

Use this minimalist navbar that can be used across a wide range of websites and web applications where navigation clarity is important.

<CodePreview id="navbar-simple" link="navbar#navbar-simple" className="mt-4" component={<HTMLNavbarExamples.NavbarSimple/>}

  class="block w-full max-w-screen-xl px-6 py-3 mx-auto text-white bg-white border shadow-md rounded-xl border-white/80 bg-opacity-80 backdrop-blur-2xl backdrop-saturate-200">
  <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-blue-gray-900">
    <a href="#"
      class="mr-4 block cursor-pointer py-1.5 font-sans text-base font-semibold leading-relaxed tracking-normal text-inherit antialiased">
      Material Tailwind
    <div class="hidden lg:block">
      <ul class="flex flex-col gap-2 my-2 lg:mb-0 lg:mt-0 lg:flex-row lg:items-center lg:gap-6">
        <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center transition-colors hover:text-blue-500">
        <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center transition-colors hover:text-blue-500">
        <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center transition-colors hover:text-blue-500">
        <li class="block p-1 font-sans text-sm antialiased font-medium leading-normal text-blue-gray-900">
          <a href="#" class="flex items-center transition-colors hover:text-blue-500">
      class="relative ml-auto h-6 max-h-[40px] w-6 max-w-[40px] select-none rounded-lg text-center align-middle font-sans text-xs font-medium uppercase text-inherit transition-all hover:bg-transparent focus:bg-transparent active:bg-transparent disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none lg:hidden"
      <span class="absolute transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 left-1/2">
        <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor"
          aria-hidden="true" class="w-6 h-6">
          <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3.75 6.75h16.5M3.75 12h16.5m-16.5 5.25h16.5"></path>

Required Scripts

The navbar component needs a required script file to work, you just need to add the below script file to the bottom of your html file. ```html <script src="node_modules/@material-tailwind/html/scripts/collapse.js"></script> <script src=""></script> ````

Navbar Best Practices for Developers

• Avoid cluttering it with too many links and use clear, descriptive labels for navigation links.
• Maintain consistency in the navbar's design across different pages of the website.
• Use size, color, and placement to establish a visual hierarchy in your navbar.
• Consider using a sticky or fixed navbar that remains visible as the user scrolls down the page.
• For websites with extensive content or products, include a search bar within the navbar.