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Keyword static outside of classes


The keyword static is a very important keyword in C++ and is used a lot. Honestly, because of a very general name, it is probably a bit overused. Largely speaking, it can be used outside of classes and inside classes and these two cases are slightly different. Today we focus on the former - using static outside of classes. If you are interested in how and when to use static inside of classes, I'm linking that lecture here.

Anyway, as for using static outside of classes, I have good news for you. If you follow my advices about best practices from before then the rule-of-thumb for using static outside of classes in modern C++ (that is at least C++17) is very simple - don't! Don't use static at all!

Technically, that's all you need to know. But if you want to learn why you shouldn't use static outside of classes then keep watching this video and see how deep this rabbit hole goes 😉

In order to explain why we mostly don't want to use static for anything outside of classes we will need to talk about why we might want to use static in the first place. The keyword static really controls just two things:

  • The storage duration
  • The linkage

These terms feel a bit technical and I can already feel the confused faces on the other side of the screen from me 😉 So... what do these words mean?

Storage duration

We'll start with "storage duration". Every object declared in C++ has a certain lifetime, or, in other words, a storage duration. There is a number of storage durations that any variable can have. At this point, we care about these two:

  • Automatic storage duration
  • Static storage duration

To explain the difference between the two we start with a simple main function that calls another function Foo that has a single local variable in it:

void Foo() {
  int local_value{};
  // Use local_value

int main() {
  return 0;

We can then draw the execution time of the program, main and Foo functions as lines that indicate that most of the time that the program runs is spends in main, while most of the time in main is spent executing the Foo function.

Automatic storage duration an local namespace scope

If we focus now on the lifetime of the local_value variable, shown as a blue box in the image, it lives as long as is needed for the execution of the Foo function. It's memory is allocated at the start of the function and is freed at the end of the scope.

We say that a variable local_value and any other variable that lives in some local scope, has automatic storage duration.

Static storage duration at namespace scope

Let's further extend our example by adding some value kValue, that is defined at namespace scope, and use it to initialize our local_value. We will introduce it in an unnamed namespace following the best practices, but it could live in any namespace including the global one.

namespace {
constexpr int kValue{42};
}  // namespace

void Foo() {
  int local_value{kValue};
  // Use local_value

int main() {
  return 0;

The kValue here has what is called the static storage duration and lives for the whole duration of the program. Its data gets allocated at the start of the program and freed at the end of the program.

💡 While we can use static for an object definition at namespace scope to indicate that it has the static storage duration we don't have to, as any such object has static storage duration by default. So all of these definitions are equivalent in terms of storage duration:

constexpr auto answer_1 = 42;
const auto answer_2 = 42;
auto answer_3 = 42;  // 😱 please don't create non-const globals...

// 😱 please don't use static like this ...
static constexpr auto answer_4 = 42;
static const auto answer_5 = 42;
static auto answer_6 = 42;  // 😱 please don't create non-const globals...

Static storage duration at function scope

Finally, use of static can extend the storage duration of a local variable within some function scope to have the static storage duration.

If we add static in front of our local_value definition, it will have static storage duration again even though it is defined in a local scope. Now local_value will get allocated when the function Foo is called for the first time and will get de-allocated at the end of the program.

namespace {
constexpr int kValue{42};
}  // namespace

void Foo() {
  static int local_value{kValue};
  // Use local_value

int main() {
  return 0;

Such a static variable will be initialized when first encountered during the program flow and destroyed when the program exits.

One interesting peculiarity of using static to extend the storage duration of a local variable is that if the flow of our program encounters the line that defines the static variable multiple times, this line will only be executed once. The reason being is that the variable already exists when the program flow reaches the variable definition for the second time, so the definition is skipped and the existing static variable is simply used further.

namespace {
constexpr int kValue{42};
}  // namespace

void Foo() {
  static int local_value{kValue};
  // Use local_value

int main() {
  return 0;

You can easily see (*C++) this for yourself if you replace the creation of a static int object by the creation of a static object of your custom type that prints something on construction and destruction and calling the function Foo a couple of times from main, like we just discussed. Your object will only print once from its constructor and destructor. Really, give this a try, it should take you no more than a couple of minutes by now 😉

Very rare use of static to create mutable variables with static storage duration from a function

Now this is where I lied to you a bit about never needing to use static. There are situations when you might want to create a static object within a function. In our Foo function we could have returned a non-const reference and essentially model a global mutable variable that will live for the rest of the program lifetime.

int& Foo() {
  static int local_value{};
  return local_value;

int main() {
  // Reference to our static variable.
  auto& ref_to_static = Foo();
  return 0;

This is also very similar to the singleton design pattern and we will talk about what it is and why you probably don't want to use it later in the course. Anyway, if you remember what we talked about before, you will know that using non-const global variables tends to wreak havoc and we probably don't want to do this.

For completeness, one use for such an improvised singleton is to deal with the "static initialization order fiasco". It should not hit you as long as you only create variables that rely exclusively on values within the same translation unit and not across translation unit boundaries.

constexpr int kAnswer = 42;  // ✅ this is ok.
constexpr int kValue = kValueFromOtherCppFile;  // ❌ not ok!

I won't go into details here, but tell me in the comments if you are interested to learn more about it!

Summary of controlling storage duration with static

It's time we sum up where static can be used and what it gives us in terms of changing the storage duration of variables. Generally speaking, when used outside of classes, static can be used in two places:

  • at namespace scope which adds nothing as any such variable already has the static storage duration
  • inside of functions to extend the local variable's automatic storage duration to static storage duration, which we mostly don't want to do

💡 So, all in all, there is really no good reason to use static to change storage duration of our variables!


Now it's time to talk about the second thing that static controls - linkage.

What is linkage

First, let me try to explain what linkage is by describing what it is used for. When we write programs we name things like our variables, classes, functions etc. We can think of linkage as of a property of any given name. This property basically controls if a name of any symbol can correspond (in other words - be linked) to its declaration in a different scope. We distinguish linkage of several levels that control which boundaries such links can cross:

  • No linkage
  • Internal linkage
  • External linkage

Let's dive into these.

Levels of linkage

Intuitively speaking, if we want some name to be available only in the current scope, it should have no linkage. As an example, any variable defined in any local scope usually has no linkage.

void Foo() {
  int bar;  // bar has no linkage

If a name should be available beyond local scopes but still only from within the same translation unit (think, within one .cpp file) - it should have internal linkage. The typical examples of these are constants defined at namespace scope, any data and functions put into an unnamed namespaces within a .cpp file. Oh, and also any static data and functions, but more on that in a minute.

// Constants have internal linkage by default
constexpr int kGlobalConst{};  // 😱 should be inline
const std::string kGlobalWord{};  // 😱 should be inline

// In some cpp file
namespace {
// Everything within unnamed namespaces has internal linkage
constexpr int kNumber{};
const std::string kWord{};
void Foo() {}
}  // namespace

// Any static variable or function has internal linkage
static int kStaticVariable{};  // 😱 don't use static like this
static void StaticFoo(){}  // 😱 don't use static like this

Finally, external linkage is needed for symbols that need to be available globally throughout the program. These are usually classes, enums, non-static (usually inline) functions and inline constants declared at namespace scope in some header files.

// In some header file
// All of the below have external linkage
inline void GlobalFoo() {}
inline constexpr int kGlobalNumber{};
inline const std::string kGlobalString{};

void OtherGlobalFoo() {}  // 😱 should be inline

How to understand what linkage a name has

In the end it is up to us which linkage our entities have. We can pick linkage of anything that we declare at declaration time by choosing where we put our declarations (local scope, namespace scope, unnamed namespace etc.) and by using keywords const, constexpr, static and inline all of which have their influence on linkage.

As you might start to suspect, the complete rules of how linkage is selected are slightly convoluted. If you want to figure out these rules in all details you can always read the cppreference pages for linkage and inline. The good news is that when we write the code the rules to follow the best practices are pretty simple and I will summarize them at the end of this lecture.

However, in order to read the code written by others we have to dive a bit deeper into these convoluted rules. So, to save you the trouble of figuring out all of the intricate details, I came up with a flow chart. If we follow it, we can find out the linkage of any symbol we are looking at. This is helpful to debug code that we did not write and see issues in the code before they happen as well as to know how to make sure the symbol we want to write has the linkage we want.

graph TB;
  Local -->|yes| No[No linkage]
  Local{{Is in local scope?}} -->|no| Unnamed
  Unnamed{{Is in unnamed namespace?}} -->|yes| Internal
  Unnamed -->|no| Static
  Static{{<code>static</code>?}} -->|yes| Internal[Internal linkage]
  Static -->|no| Inline{{<code>inline</code>?}}
  Inline -->|no| Const{{<code>const? constexpr?</code>}}
  Inline -->|yes| External[External linkage]
  Const -->|yes| Func{{Is function?}}
  Const -->|no| External
  Func -->|no| Internal
  Func -->|yes| External

  style No fill:#226666,color:white;
  style Internal fill:#763289,color:white;
  style External fill:#3355AA,color:white;

Here is how to read it. This chart should work with any function or data declaration you might encounter. First, if you are looking at a function, ignore the return type along with any const qualifiers it might have. Then, follow the chart by answering the questions.

Let's see a couple of examples that follow best practices:

// In some hpp file
inline constexpr int kNumber{};  // external linkage
inline const std::string kWord{};  // external linkage
inline void Func();  // external linkage

// Lives in some cpp file
namespace {
constexpr int kOtherNumber{};  // internal linkage

void OtherFunc() {  // internal linkage
  int local_variable{};  // no linkage
}  // namespace

Back to static

Now that we understand more about linkage, let's return back to the topic we actually wanted to chat about: static and why we mostly don't want to use it for free standing functions and data. As you can see from the flow chart that we just looked at, static has something of a superpower to decide if some entity has internal or external linkage. Anything that we mark as static will definitely have internal linkage and will only be visible within the same translation unit it is defined in. Which has its consequences.

Don't use static to declare functions in header files

One of these consequences is that it makes very little sense to declare (and not define) a static function in a header file:

// In some header file
// 😱 Don't do this...
static void Foo();

Any such function will have to be defined in every source file this header will be included in. Not only that, but such a definition will only be seen from within that same source file due to internal linkage that static enforces. Which means that we could have just defined this function in any such source file directly. So, don't declare functions in header files as static. Which brings us to my next point.

Don't define functions and data static in a source file, use unnamed namespace instead

When we do define functions and data in a source file, we can still find some advice on the internet to use static in such definitions. I would argue that this advice is obsolete. If we go back to our chart, we can easily see that while static has a "superpower" to make anything have internal linkage, the unnamed namespaces have the same superpower. Without going too deep into details, it turns out that they are usually even more powerful in this regard. So, if we define some data or functions in some .cpp file, we should put them into an unnamed namespace instead of defining them as static (although technically, it won't be a bug):

// In some source (cpp) file

// ❌ Don't
static constexpr int kStaticNumber{};
static void StaticFoo() {}

// ✅ Do
namespace {
  constexpr int kNumber{};
  void StaticFoo() {}

Don't define functions and data as static in header files, use inline instead

One final place where I could imagine static being used is when defining functions or data in a header file. Now, you might wonder why would anybody want to do this and the answer is: to avoid One Definition Rule (ODR) violations. Let's dig a bit into this.

ODR states roughly this: that any symbol must have exactly one definition in the entire program, i.e., across all of its translation units. Only inline symbols can have more than one definition which are then all assumed to be exactly the same.

If we naively define a function in a header file foo.hpp:

// 😱 Use inline instead
void Foo() {}

And include this file into two source files foo_1.cpp and foo_2.cpp which are then compiled into two libraries, then we already violate ODR - we have two definitions of the function Foo in two different translation units. Granted, in this situation, these definitions are the same but there is a awful lot of things that can go wrong from this point on. Considering that ODR violations are not required to be checked by the linker, this can quickly lead to us finding ourselves in the undefined behavior land, which is typically a very painful experience. But that warrants a separate video. Please comment if you'd like to see a separate video on various ODR violations.

One way that people sometimes, I would say wrongly, fix this is by marking their function static, so in our case we would make our Foo function static in the foo.h header:

// 😱 Use inline instead
static void Foo() {}

The reason people do this is that it does help to avoid the ODR violation. Because static enforces internal linkage, the two translation units related to foo_1.cpp and foo_2.cpp that include our header will have their own different versions of the Foo definition not visible beyond their respective translation unit. Which means that ODR would not be violated.

This approach has one major downside though. Now every translation unit that includes our header will have it's own implementation of Foo baked in. Which, depending on what functions or data we define, can have a significant impact on the binary size. This can be a problem if we develop for, say, constrained hardware.

A proper way to fix this, would be to use inline instead of static here. Returning back to our flow chart, the "superpower" of inline is to enforce external linkage but one that is explicitly allowed by the ODR formulation. So, we can change the definition of our Foo function to inline inside of our foo.hpp file. And the same holds for any data. We should mark it as inline constexpr or inline const:

// At namespace scope
inline void Foo() {}
inline constexpr int kNumber{};


This will lead the binary code for such functions and data to only exist once and to be linked everywhere they are needed, while still not violating ODR.

Note, though, that using inline is only safe in header files. Avoid using inline in source files as this can lead to its own ODR violations. But that is again probably a story for another video.

For another intuitive explanations on this, I urge you to watch this video by Jason Turner on his C++ Weekly chanel about the differences between static and inline in this context.

Conclusion and a rule of thumb

And I guess this pretty much sums up everything I wanted to talk about with regard to using, or rather NOT using static outside of classes. This has led us down a couple of rabbit holes, linkage being a pretty deep one.

But I hope that by now you see that there is no need to use static outside of classes at all in modern C++. Here is a guideline to follow along with this:

  • When defining variables at namespace scope always mark them as inline const or, even better inline constexpr. Do not mark them static!
  • When defining variables at local scope, do not mark them static unless you are explicitly implementing a singleton-like design pattern (which you probably shouldn't do anyway, stay tuned...)
  • When declaring functions at namespace scope, declare (and define) them as inline. Do not use static for this!
  • When declaring data or functions in an unnamed namespace, do not mark them as static or inline. Data should still be const or constexpr

Final words

Understanding the key role that linkage and ODR play here is crucial to understanding what inline and, previously, static were designed to solve. Initially static was introduced into the C programming language and then was inherited by C++. It was in the times when C did not have inline and in C++ it meant something different and could not be used as it can be now. Thankfully, we live in better times now, which makes static close to obsolete when used outside of classes. Now if you want to know how to use static in classes you can see a video about that once it's ready and maybe also go back and refresh how inline plays a huge role in creating libraries in C++.