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We will develop our own simple plugin by modifying the most simple existing plugin (clone matrix). In the end the plugin will allow you to extract a number of rows from the top of the matrix as specified by a parameter.

Reading existing code and modifying it is the fastes way to learning plugin development. This way we can not only understand how things work but also easily reuse existing functionality for our needs.


Download the latest version of Visual Studio Community Edition. Select the .Net Desktop Development workflow in the installer to install everything required.

Step by step

  1. Go to perseus-plugins github repository. The code for the plugin API (PerseusApi) and for a number of Perseus plugins (PerseusPluginLib) is hosted here.

  2. Find the CloneProcessing.cs class which we will use as our template. Use the search or navigate to /PerseusPluginLib/Basic and open CloneProcessing.cs

  3. Open Visual Studio and create a new project of type Class Library (.Net Framework) and name it PluginTutorial. Rename the default Class1.cs to HeadProcessing.cs remove all existing code in the file and copy the code from CloneProcessing.cs into it. You will see lots of errors which we will fix momentarily. The errors are due to missing dependencies. You can see from the using statements at the top of the file that we require the Perseus plugin API.

  4. To add the dependencies right-click on your PluginTutorial solution and choose Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.... In the Browse tab search for PerseusApi and install it for PluginTutorial. PerseusApi and its dependency BaseLibS will now be added to your project.

  5. There are only a few things left to do before we can try our new plugin. Correct the namespace to namespace PluginTutorial and the class to class HeadProcessing. Set the DisplayImage => null and adjust all other strings in the class. Now you can build the solution. Use the Windows File Explorer to navigate to the PluginTutorial/bin/Debug folder and copy the PluginTutorial.dll to the Perseus folder. Start Perseus, generate some random data and try your plugin [commit 96ce38c2].

  6. Now we need to implement the actual functionality in the [ProcessData(..)] method. We can look for inspiration in the filter random rows processing. We can see a call to PerseusPluginUtils.FilterRows(...) which is turn uses mdata.ExtractRows(rows). We can utilize the same function to implement our plugin!

    var numberOfRows = 10;
    var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfRows).ToArray();

    Make sure to build your solution and try out your now functional plugin! [commit 3e3b020b]

  7. Manually copying the DLL after each build is very annoying and reduces productivity. We can use Visual Studio to automatically copy the DLL after each build and launch Perseus in debug mode. Right click the PluginTutorial project in the Solution Explorer and select Properties. In the Build Event tab we can edit the post-build event. Let's add a copy statement.

    copy $(TargetDir)\PluginTutorial.dll C:\Path\To\Perseus\bin\PluginTutorial.dll
    copy $(TargetDir)\PluginTutorial.pdb C:\Path\To\Perseus\bin\PluginTutorial.pdb

The $(TargetDir) macro always points to the output directory of the build. Now switch to the Debug tab and select Start external Program. Browse for, or enter the path to the Perseus\bin\PerseusGui.exe. Now hit the green Start button.

  1. As a last step we should add a parameter to let us choose how many rows we would like to keep. Again we take inspiration from the same existing filter random rows plugin. In its GetParameters(...) function it's initializing a IntParam. To obtain its value it is extracting the parameter in the ProcessData function. We can again utilize this in our plugin by creating our parameter in our GetParameters function:

    return new Parameters(new IntParam("Number of rows", 10));

    And using it in the ProcessData function:

    var numberOfRows = param.GetParam<int>("Number of rows").Value;
    var indices = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfRows).ToArray();

    Build your solution another time and check to see that the parameters are handled correctly!

Next steps

Error handling

Error handling can be implemented via the ProcessInfo object passed to both the GetParameters and the ProcessData functions. Here for example it is used to verify that a parameter was assigned a valid value.