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Manual Installation of Dev Tools

It is highly recommended that you use the installation script as mentioned in the main README file. Using this script will ensure that we can support your use of this toolset for development. You may not be able to take advantage of updates to this repo without using the automated installation.


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • git
  • bash 4 or greater (only if using installation scripts)

If you are running under windows, or you just want to manually install rather than trusting a random script on the internet, you can do by following these steps:

  1. Create a new directory MHCLG to store the dev tools

  2. Clone this repository into the MHCLG directory so it is located at MHCLG/epb-dev-tools

  3. Clone the repository to MHCLG/epb-register-api

  4. Clone the repository to MHCLG/epb-auth-server

  5. Clone the repository to MHCLG/epb-frontend

  6. Copy the file docker-compose.template.yml to docker-compose.yml and replace all instances with the following:

    1. ${PWD} must be replaced with the FULL directory path to MHCLG/epb-dev-tools
    2. ${EPB_FRONTEND_PATH} must be replaced with the FULL directory path to MHCLG/epb-frontend
    3. ${EPB_AUTH_SERVER_PATH} must be replaced with the FULL path to MHCLG/epb-auth-server
    4. ${EPB_REGISTER_API_PATH} must be replaced with the FULL path to MHCLG/epb-register-api
  7. From the directory MHCLG/epb-dev-tools run the following commands:

    1. docker compose build to build the docker images needed to run the tools
    2. docker compose up -d to bring up the infrastructure
    3. wait, check the logs to ensure all services are running. (docker compose logs -f)
    4. Setup DBs:
      1. Setup the authentication service

        docker compose exec -T epb-auth-server bash -c 'cd /app && make db-setup'
        docker compose exec -T epb-auth-server-db bash -c "psql --username epb -d epb -c \"INSERT INTO clients (id, name, supplemental) VALUES ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'epb_frontend', '{\\\"scheme_ids\\\": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]}');\""
        docker compose exec -T epb-auth-server-db bash -c "psql --username epb -d epb -c \"INSERT INTO clients (id, name, supplemental) VALUES ('5e7b7607-971b-45a4-9155-cb4f6ea7e9f5', 'epb_data_warehouse', '{\\\"scheme_ids\\\": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]}');\""
        docker compose exec -T epb-auth-server-db bash -c "psql --username epb -d epb -c \"INSERT INTO client_secrets (client_id, secret) VALUES ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', crypt('test-client-secret', gen_salt('bf')));\""
        docker compose exec -T epb-auth-server-db bash -c "psql --username epb -d epb -c \"INSERT INTO client_secrets (client_id, secret) VALUES ('5e7b7607-971b-45a4-9155-cb4f6ea7e9f5', crypt('data-warehouse-secret', gen_salt('bf')));\""
        docker compose exec -T epb-auth-server-db bash -c "psql --username epb -d epb -c \"INSERT INTO client_scopes (client_id, scope) VALUES ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'scheme:create'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'scheme:list'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'scheme:assessor:list'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'scheme:assessor:update'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'scheme:assessor:fetch'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'assessment:fetch'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'assessment:lodge'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'assessment:search'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'assessor:search'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'address:search'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'migrate:assessment'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'migrate:assessor'),  ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'migrate:address'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'report:assessor:status'), ('6f61579e-e829-47d7-aef5-7d36ad068bee', 'statistics:fetch');\""
        docker compose exec -T epb-auth-server-db bash -c "psql --username epb -d epb -c \"INSERT INTO client_scopes (client_id, scope) VALUES ('5e7b7607-971b-45a4-9155-cb4f6ea7e9f5', 'assessment:fetch'), ('5e7b7607-971b-45a4-9155-cb4f6ea7e9f5', 'assessmentmetadata:fetch');\""
      2. Setup register API service

        docker compose exec -T epb-register-api bash -c 'cd /app && RACK_ENV=production DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 make setup-db'

        Note: The next process can take up to 20 minutes, even on modern hardware.

        docker compose exec epb-register-api bash -c 'cd /app && bundle exec rake maintenance:import_postcode'
        docker compose exec epb-register-api bash -c 'cd /app && bundle exec rake dev_data:import_postcode_outcode'
        docker compose exec epb-register-api bash -c 'cd /app && bundle exec rake dev_data:generate_schemes'
        docker compose exec epb-register-api bash -c 'cd /app && bundle exec rake dev_data:generate_assessors'
      3. Setup Frontend

        docker compose exec -T epb-frontend bash -c 'cd /app && npm install && make frontend-build'

      4. Setup Data Warehouse

          docker compose exec -T epb-data-warehouse bash -c 'cd /app && RACK_ENV=production DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 bundle exec rake db:migrate || bundle exec rake db:setup'
  8. Add the following line to your hosts file (/etc/hosts for macOS and most linux distros) getting-new-energy-certificate.epb-frontend find-energy-certificate.epb-frontend epb-frontend epb-register-api epb-auth-server epb-feature-flag

  9. Add the following line to either your .zshrc or .bashrc files: alias epb="$PATH/MHCLG/epb-dev-tools/epb" where $PATH is the full path to the folder containing the MHCLG folder created earlier.