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File metadata and controls

137 lines (85 loc) · 3.58 KB


Puzzle server.




Create a Python virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv .venv

Activate the virtual environment:

$ source .venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies into the virtual environment:

$ pip install -r requirements/development.txt

Generate a secret key, and copy the example environment file for editing:

$ python3 -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'
$ cp .env-example .env

Open the .env file and add the secret key to the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY line, and fill in the DATABASE_NAME you want to use, and any database credentials needed.

When you are finished working on the site, you can deactivate the virtual environment with:

$ deactivate

For convenience, you can add this to your .zshenv, .bashrc, or .aliases file:

alias m='python'

If you do that, wherever you see python in this document, you can type m instead.


Make sure you're using Node 12, and then install the dependencies. The nvm use command will automatically switch to Node 12 by reading the .nvmrc file, if you installed Node with nvm.

$ nvm use
$ npm install


If you don't have Postgres installed on your computer, you can run it from within a Docker container. See the file in the ./server_development/docker/ directory.

After Postgres is running, create a database using the name you chose in your .env file, then migrate the database:

$ python migrate


[TODO: make sure this section of the setup instructions works. This first draft is written from memory.]

The slash-command parser is written in a language called Raku. You can install Raku with rakubrew:

$ rakubrew download

You'll also need the zef package manager:

$ rakubrew build-zef

After they are both installed, run this to install this site's only Raku dependecy:

$ zef install JSON::Tiny


It uses pytest. There is an intro to pytest here.

To run the tests, type:

$ make test

Running the Website

Run the frontend server by typing this in a terminal:

$ npm start

Run the backend server by typing this in another terminal:

$ python runserver

Then visit localhost:8000.

To create a user account, run this command:

$ python createsuperuser

Then log in at localhost:8000/admin/.

Code Style

Please enable prettier.js in your editor so that it autoformats JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS/scss code according to the rules in the .prettierrc file.

If you're using Atom, install the prettier-atom package, and decide if you want to use Format Files on Save in the settings, or format manually.

If you're using VS Code and the formatting doesn't work automatically, try adding this extension.

If you're using VS Code, it should automatically give you formatting hints. If the Python linting rules are too strict, open a Github issue with the problem and we can modify the settings. (See the tox.ini file.)

If you use VS Code, you can also add this extension, and it will automatically follow this project's .editorconfig guidelines.