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Development ideas, feature requests and further exercises are warmly encouraged and welcome!


We follow typical GitHub flow.

  1. Fork this repository into your personal space.
  2. Start a new topical branch for any contribution. Name it sensibly, e.g. translation-to-french.
  3. Test your branch on a local site. If everything works as expected, please sign your commits to indicate its quality.
  4. Create logically separate commits for logically separate things.
  5. Please add directives in your commit log message if your pull request closes an open issue, e.g. (closes #123).
  6. Issue a pull request. If the branch is not quite ready yet, please indicate WIP (=work in progress) in the pull request title.

Corrections and feature requests

If you find a bug/typos or have a feature request, please search for already reported problems before submitting a new issue.