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174 lines (126 loc) · 7.78 KB

Server Chassis: TypeScript + Node.js + Express.js + MongoDB + Redis + Mocha

Chassis for a REST API using TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Redis. Tests are run using Mocha.


  • node v22.1.0
  • npm v10.7.0
  • MongoDB running locally

Basic Usage

  • use node --run start:dev to run the service in development mode (with NODE_ENV=dev).
  • use node --run nodemon to run the service in development mode (with NODE_ENV=dev) using nodemon.
  • use node --run lint for code linting.
  • use node --run test for executing tests.

I also recommend to use ncu to find outdated dependencies (and run ncu -u to upgrade package.json).

App is launched listening on 8080 port by default, set the environment variable PORT to change it.

Content Description


This folder contains the app source code:

  • server.js: functions to start (and stop) app environment: load environment variables, bootstrap app services, set middlewares and when done, init express
  • middlewares: middlewares to be added to express (i.e. cache, authentication, async error and custom error handlers)
  • routes: routes definition
  • controllers: mvc controllers
  • services: application services
  • models: app models (i.e. mongoose models)
  • dtos: schemas to validate data received with joi


This folder contains the tests (and the _setup.js file to start app environment because it's not automatically started when importing server.js in test files).

Environment variables

This project depends on some environment variables (from .env.[environment] files):

  • MONGODB_URI: MongoDB connection URI used to connect to a MongoDB database server.
  • REDIS_URI: Redis connection URI used to store cached data returned by the API endpoints.
  • JWT_SECRET: The secret to sign and verify JWTs.
  • UUID_NAMESPACE: Namespace for auto-generating UUIDs to use as JWT's JTI.

How was this chassis created?

Setup steps

  1. Create a package.json file using npm init. Add Node.js and npm versions used:

    "engines": {
      "node": ">=22.1.0",
      "npm": ">=10.7.0"

    Also add "type": "module" in order to use import instead of require.

  2. Install express and mongoose: npm install express mongoose. Install also ioredis for caching purposes, and jsonwebtoken and uuid to create an authentication middleware for securing endpoints: npm install ioredis jsonwebtoken uuid.

  3. Install dev dependencies such as testing ones (supertest, c8, mocha, chai), linter (eslint, eslint-plugin-json-format) and nodemon:

    • npm install --save-dev supertest c8 mocha chai
    • npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-json-format
    • npm install --save-dev nodemon
  4. Configure eslint: npx eslint --init.

  5. Check the eslint configuration, .eslintrc.json file should have:

    "env": {
      "node": true,
      "es2021": true,
      "mocha": true

    Also add json-format plugin (the one installed with the dependency eslint-plugin-json-format)

    "plugins": [

    Add .eslintignore file.

  6. Create Mocha configuration file .mocharc.json. With exit: true the server is stopped after executing tests (without the need to click Ctrl+C).

  7. Create test coverage configuration file .c8rc.json. The params set will be needed for the tests to pass successfully.

  8. Create nodemon configuration file nodemon.json including the files that should be ignored when being updated.

  9. Create npm configuration file .npmrc with engine-strict=true in order to notify with an error alert when trying to install/test/start something without the correct Node.js and npm versions.

  10. Initialize git repository: git init. Add .gitignore file.

  11. Install Husky to execute linter fixes and check tests before a commit is created or pushed: npm install --save-dev husky. Install husky git hooks (only once): npx husky init and add it to package.json script called prepare. If you want to make a commit skipping husky pre-commit git hooks you can use git commit -m "..." -n; the same occurs when you want to skip pre-push hooks: git push --no-verify.

  12. Install lint-staged to check linting only in staged files before making a commit: npm install --save-dev lint-staged. Add configuration file .lintstagedrc.

  13. Install CommitLint dev dependencies to apply Conventional Commits: npm install --save-dev @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional and create its configuration file .commitlintrc.json:

      "extends": [
  14. Add pre-commit, pre-push and pre-commit-msg scripts to be run with husky git hooks:

    "pre-commit": "npx lint-staged",
    "pre-commit-msg": "npx --no -- commitlint --edit ${1}",
    "pre-push": "npx NODE_ENV=test c8 --all mocha",
  15. Create .husky/pre-commit file to insert command that should be executed before making a commit. This file looks like this:

    node --run pre-commit
  16. Create .husky/pre-commit-msg file to insert command that should be executed to check the commit message. This file looks like this:

    node --run pre-commit-msg
  17. Create .husky/pre-push file to insert command that should be executed before pushing a commit. This file looks like this:

    node --run pre-push

    If tests fail, commit won't be pushed.

Development steps

  1. Create index.js, src/server.js and the necessary middlewares for authentication, caching and error handling.

  2. Add routes folder and routes.js. Add routing middleware in server.js: app.use("/", routes);. Document routes with OpenAPI Specification.

  3. Add controllers folder and controller.js.

  4. Add services folder and service.js file.

  5. Add mongoose models in folder models.

  6. Add Dockerfile and .dockerignore. After that, you can create de docker image and run the docker container with the following commands:

    docker build -t [IMAGE_NAME] .
    docker run --name [CONTAINER_NAME] -p 8080:8080 -t -d [IMAGE_NAME]
  7. Configure GitHub Action in .github/workflows/main.yaml. This action executes linter and tests and reads the GitHub secrets of the repository to fill the .env file with the secret called ENV_FILE and use the GITHUB_TOKEN secret to build and push a Docker image to GitHub Packages.

  8. Migrate project to TypeScript:

    8.1. Install needed dev-dependencies: npm install typescript tsx @types/node @types/express @types/cors @types/cookie-parser @types/mocha @types/chai @types/supertest --save-dev.

    8.2. Add build script to package.json: "build": "npx tsc"

    8.3. Initialize TypeScript configuration file tsconfig.json by running node --run build -- --init.

    8.4. Migrate .js files to .ts.

    8.5. Use TypeScript in your database models to define both a document interface and a schema or rely on Mongoose to automatically infer the type from the schema definition.

    8.6. Configure eslint: npm install @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser --save-dev.

    "extends": [
    "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
    "plugins": [