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Releases: chachmu/mpvDLNA

mpvDLNA 3.0.0

21 Apr 04:22
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  • Config options for default servers that appear in the server list without having to scan for them
  • Config options to add MAC Addresses for wake on lan to the autocomplete list
  • Add hint that appears when entering command arguments about the type of argument expected
  • Fix autocompletion for arguments

New Commands


Wake takes a MAC Address and sends it a wake on lan packet. Currently only works on local network but the library supports external hosts so it may support that eventually.

mpvDLNA 2.0.0

21 Apr 00:13
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Significant updates:


  • The right arrow can be used to select items (same behavior as the enter key)
  • In Text/Command mode the up and down arrows now move through the tab complete options instead of appearing to move the selection while actually doing nothing
  • Ctrl+Backspace now erases all text in Text and Command mode.

New Commands


Fetches and displays information from the DLNA server about episodes/seasons. For seasons it lists the description (My DLNA server doesn't seem to send season descriptions but maybe others do) as well as the earliest and latest episode number found in the season.

For episodes it lists the description as well as the earliest and latest episode numbers. For single episodes the start and stop episode numbers are the same but for multi-episode items it attempts to parse the title for "#-#" syntax to find them.


Given an absolute episode number and a show "ep" will try to scan through the shows various seasons to find the episode that matches.

This can be rather slow the first time it is called after opening MPV on longer series as mpvDLNA will have to fetch the information about every season preceding the one containing the correct episode and then every episode in that season preceding the episode itself. Successive calls for that series (up to the episode number loaded previously) should be very fast as mpvDLNA will have already stored the information it needs.

Can potentially find the wrong episode if there are missing seasons or incomplete seasons that it can't pull the final episode number from.


Calls "ep" and then starts playback on the result


  • Fixed issue where autocomplete didn't update when using the menu to go back to the server list
  • mpvDLNA now ignores invalid unicode characters in titles/descriptions instead of crashing
  • SSDP warnings no longer appear as mpvDLNA errors
  • Spaces in episode names no longer cause command autocompletion to permanently fail

mpvDLNA 1.2.0

15 Apr 05:48
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Modified the autocomplete so it prioritizes items that match the search term earlier in their text. This allows it to find items that have the beginning of the text exactly matching the search while still including items that have later parts of their text matching the search term in the list of options to tab cycle through.

Also added a command "text" to switch to text input mode and fixed a bug that caused the menu to not properly close when starting playback of a file.

mpvDLNA 1.1.0

14 Apr 06:20
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Functioning version of command mode. Currently supports "scan" and "cd" commands.

Also, the browser menu now scrolls to the currently recommended autocompletion and highlights it when using text mode and commands that support arguments based on menu items.

mpvDLNA 1.0.0

12 Apr 05:54
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This release adds 2 new modes mpvDLNA.

Be warned: this release has had a very large amount of functionality added with pretty minimal testing so far which makes it very likely that there will be bugs.

Input Modes:

Text input:

I personally like having this bound to ";". Brings up an area to type the name of the server/folder/episode you want to select. Being able to select things you can't see on the screen as well as the addition of prefix and suffix autocompletion makes navigating the menus extremely fast.

Command input:

This mode hasn't really been fleshed out yet but the idea is to bind it to ":" and get command options such as a search command to look for episodes from outside their subfolder or an episode command that lets you find an episode by its overall episode number instead of having to figure out what number it is within a season.

mpvDLNA 0.1.0

11 Apr 22:48
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Major overhaul of how mpvDLNA tracks and updates the internal playlist. The user can now browse away from the currently playing folder without causing mpvDLNA to load the incorrect files or even fail when moving to the next episode.

Additionally, mpvDLNA now highlights empty folders in red instead of attempting to enter them and puts the title of the currently playing media in the window bar.

mpvDLNA 0.0.2

04 Apr 19:51
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Important bugfix. Resolves an issue where opening mpv with a file would cause the plugin to crash.

mpvDLNA 0.0.1

04 Apr 04:30
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The initial release of mpvDLNA. A solid working prototype although the plugin still needs to be tested on more than a single DLNA server.