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File metadata and controls

110 lines (101 loc) · 4.28 KB

Example tag2domain measurements


The json files found in this directory contain example measurements that can be used together with the example database that is created by the all-in-one examples.

A measurement contains the following keys:

  • version - the version of the measurement format used (at this time "1" is the only valid value)
  • tag_type - the type of the tag to be set. This type must correspond to one of the intersection tables that has been configured for the tag2domain components.
  • tagged_id - the ID of the entity to be tagged. This could be the ID of a domain or of a cluster.
  • taxonomy - ID (as integer) or name (as string) of the taxonomy the tags refer to.
  • producer - a string that identifies who or which program has produced the measurement. Note, that at this time only the same producer can modify a tag. If a measurement from producer A sets a tag and producer B tries to end it, the measurement will be rejected.
  • measured_at - a timestamp that reflects the time at which the measurement was taken. The format is YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.
  • measurement_id (optional) - an ID that identifies the measurement.
  • tags - contains a list of tags to be set Each tag has the following keys:
    • tag - ID (as integer) or name (as string) of the tag to be set.
    • value (optional) - ID (as integer) or value (as string) to be set.
    • description (required if autogenerate_tags = true) - a dsecription of the tag. If a tag is newly generated this description is set with the tag. If the tag already exists this value is ignored.
    • extras (required if autogenerate_tags = true) - a JSON object that contains further information about the tag.
  • autogenerate_tags - set to true to automatically insert tags that are not yet defined in the taxonomy. This requires that the taxonomy allows automatic insertion of tags.
  • autogenerate_values - set to true to automatically insert values that are not yet defined in the taxonomy. This requires that the taxonomy allows automatic insertion of values.

Example (measurement_flavor_salty_strongly.json):

    "version": "1",
    "tag_type": "domain",
    "tagged_id": 3,
    "taxonomy": "flavors",
    "producer": "test",
    "measured_at": "2020-12-23T10:30:51",
    "measurement_id": "test/1",
    "tags": [
        "tag": "salty",
        "value": "strongly"

Submitting measurements to the REST interface (all-in-one example)

This example assumes that there is a tag2domain-api available where the MSM2TAG functionality is enabled. To send the flavor_salty_strongly measurement execute the following command (replace <API HOST> with the address where tag2domain API is running):

cat measurement_flavor_strongly_salty.json \
    | sed "s/{MEASURED_AT}/$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%T")/" \
    | curl \
        -X POST "${API_HOST}/api/v1/msm2tag/" \
        -H  "accept: application/json" \
        -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data @-

The sed command sets the measured_at field of the measurement to the current time. The resulting tag can be fetched by running

curl \
    -X GET "${API_HOST}/api/v1/bydomain/" \
    -H  "accept: application/json"

Alternatively you can test the REST interface in your browser by visiting \<API HOST\>/docs.

Submitting measurements to a kafka topic (all-in-one-kafka example)

For this method of submitting measurements a kafka setup must be configured and the must be accessible in the PATH environment. The tools are included in the bin/ folder of the kafka package.

To send a measurement, first configure the kafka broker and topic to send to:


These options should match the broker and topic that the msm2tag2domain service is listening to. The measurement can then be submitted using the script measurement_flavor_strongly_salty.json

The resulting tag can be fetched by running this command:

curl \
    -X GET "${API_HOST}/api/v1/bydomain/" \
    -H  "accept: application/json"