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BootC (Bootable Container) Extension for Podman Desktop

Want to create a bootable operating system from a Containerfile? Download this extension!

Easily go from container to VM / ISO-on-a-USB / RAW image!



The Bootable Container (bootc) extension utilizes bootc-image-builder in order to create bootable container OS images.

Within bootc-image-builder the tool uses bootc as a basis for conversion to achieve the bootable container OS as well as libraries such as libostree and ostree-rs-ext.

The ONLY currently supported base image is More are to be supported in the future!

Read Before Using

Some concepts to grasp before using.

Think of it as an OS provisioning tool!

You are "creating" an OS straight from a Containerfile, isn't that awesome?

FIRST realize that you are creating an OS with all your applications, developer tools, even games that you want.

SECONDLY ask yourself what applications you want to have running (perhaps on boot too!).

Creating your first bootable OS Containerfile

Want a quick straight-to-the-point Hello World Containerfile?

# Change your root password for a "test login"
RUN echo "root:root" | chpasswd

Want to make it even better?

Read our Containerfile Guide! We also explain how to add your first "run-on-boot" application!

Extension Features

  • Create bootable container images
  • One-click launching of VM's
  • Built-in Podman Desktop UI additions to help differentiate bootc to normal containers (bootc badges in images)
  • Custom icon to help indicate bootc containers

Use Case

Go from a a bootc compatible Containerfile:

RUN echo "root:root" | chpasswd

To a bootable container OS image format:

  • qcow2: QEMU Disk Images
  • ami: Amazon Machine Images
  • raw: RAW disk image an MBR or GPT partition table
  • iso: Unattended installation method (USB Sticks / Install-on-boot)


Disclaimer: This is EXPERIMENTAL and all features are subject to change as we develop the extension.

Requirement 1. Software and hardware requirements


Compatible on Windows, macOS & Linux


Requirement 2. Rootful mode on Podman Machine

Make sure your podman machine has rootful mode enabled.

This can be done through the CLI to an already deployed VM:

podman machine stop
podman machine set --rootful
podman machine start

Or set when initially creating a Podman Machine via Podman Desktop:

rootful setup

Linux users:

On Linux, you are unable to create a Podman Machine through the GUI of Podman Desktop, to create a rootful Podman Machine you can run the following commands:

podman machine init --rootful
podman machine start


This extension can be installed through the Extensions page of Podman Desktop. To install go to Settings > Extensions. Copy and paste into the Name of the image field and click Install extension from the OCI image.


  1. Build your bootc-enabled Containerfile:

In our example, we are going to change the root password for testing purposes when accessing the OS.


# Change the root password
RUN echo "root:root" | chpasswd

  1. Push the image:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This must be a PUBLICALLY accessible registry, this will be fixed in the future to use a local container storage

  1. Build the image:

Build the disk image, this takes approximatley 2-5 minutes depending on the performance of your machine.

  1. View the logs:

You can now view the conversion process within the Containers section

  1. Launching the VM:

See our Virtual Machine Guide on how to launch the image!

  1. (EXPERIMENTAL) Testing within a container:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This does not represent a 1-1 conversion between container image to virtual machine image and is only meant for troubleshooting or developmental purposes.

You can also test your image within a container BEFORE converting by initiating the init boot sequence.


  • Depending on your host system, you may get startup errors such as [FAILED] Failed to start sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon this is because your test container is being ran in the same network space as another SSH server (most likely the podman machine)
  • Your systemd unit may not start up correctly if a system port is already in use. Make sure for example, that port "8080" is free on the host system before testing.

Run the container with the following command or through the Podman Desktop UI:

export IMAGE=yourcontainerimage
podman run \
  -it \
  --rm \
  --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
  --cap-add NET_RAW \
  --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  --cap-add SETUID \
  --cap-add SETGID \
  --cap-add mknod \
  --security-opt label=disable \
  --security-opt 'unmask=/proc/*' \
  --device=/dev/fuse \
  --network host \
  $IMAGE "/sbin/init"

Notes on parameters being passed:

The majority of these --cap-add commands are for the ability of running a "container within a container". This allows you to run a container such as: podman run -p 8080:8080 within another container for developmental purposes.

The rest have to do with enabling correct networking so you have correct DNS and networking resolution.

# Allows the correct "simulated" networking from within the container
--cap-add NET_ADMIN \ 
--cap-add NET_RAW \

# Disables SELinux, /proc errors
# allows the correct usage of the filesystem
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
--cap-add SETUID \
--cap-add SETGID \
--cap-add mknod \
--security-opt label=disable \
--security-opt 'unmask=/proc/*' \
--device=/dev/fuse \

# Allows the usage of the host networking / correct DNS resolution
--network host \


Want to help develop and contribute to the bootc extension?

You can use yarn watch --extension-folder from the Podman Desktop directory to automatically rebuild and test the bootc extension:

git clone
git clone
cd podman-desktop
yarn watch --extension-folder ../podman-desktop-extension-bootc