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In Deep Reinforcement Learning for REST (DRL4REST) we aim for a sim-to-real approach learning REST interfaces to achieve interoperability. Latter is conceived as a rational goal-driven behavior of the service.

It works in two steps

  1. Train a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithm on a simulated service behavior
  2. Fine-tune the DRL on the real application service to achieve interoperability

The simulated service behavior is one of many possible behaviors of the real application service. This research investigates how we can improve learning the real service when probing the space of simulated service behaviors.

Generally, we do not know the service behavior behind a REST interface, if there is only the interface specification available. As a consequence, we plug-in a simulation created by Genetic Programming (GP), which essentially results in a piece of code generating valid responses to concrete requests. In contrast to mocking approaches, GP enables more complex behaviors.

The following workflow illustrates the DRL4REST approach starting with an interface specification as input.

DRL4REST workflow


Create a .env file in the project's root specifying global environment variables.

# In the container, this is the directory where the code is found

# the HOST directory containing directories to be mounted into containers
# e.g. /home/username/DRL4REST
VOL_DIR=<project root>


Start in project's root dir. Create docker image

docker-compose build apigenerator 

Start in project's root dir. Generate API code:

cd scripts

It generates python (client) and python-flask (server) code and places in the openapi directory. The default API is CartPole-v0 version 1.0.

Change the behavior with:

Usage : ./ [-h] [-a] [-n]


Start the python client and server. Create docker image and spin up the pyclient and pyserver container

docker-compose up -d pyclient pyserver

Setup and start the server

docker exec -it pyserver /bin/bash

cd /DRL4REST/scripts

Check the server is running pointing your browser to http://localhost:8000/ui/

In an other terminal setup the client

docker exec -it pyclient /bin/bash

cd /DRL4REST/scripts

Confirm that you can successfully download the API spec from the pyserver container from within the pyclient container.

 wget http://pyserver:8080/openapi.json

Genetic Programming

Generally, we do not know the service behavior behind a REST interface, if there is only the interface specification available. As a consequence, we plug-in a simulation, which is essentially a piece of code generating valid responses to concrete requests.

Genetic Programming (GP) creates the program behind the REST interface. When a client sends a request to the REST interface, the created program generates a reply sent back to the client. For GP we use the python DEAP framework. It is installed in a jupyter-scipy docker image.

Spin up the jupyscipy container

docker-compose up -d jupyscipy

Point your browser to http://localhost:8008 and test an example GP by loading and running the gp_test.ipynb. It will find a regression function from data. A tree graph represents the regression function found by GP.

The notebook gp_cartpole_server.ipynb shows the GP approach applied to the cartpole example.

The following tree graph displays the program found by GP for an idempotent REST behavior when calling GET /api/v1/cart.

GP created cart_get controller

Unit Testing using tox

We rely on standard python unittest framework and need to control the testcase collection. The reason is to avoid the execution of testcases from base classes generated by the OpenAPI generator. The standard unittest discover mechanism collects testcases from base classes. As a consequence, pytest cannot be used since it utilizes the standard unittest discover mechanism. The unittest framework also plays nicely with jupyter notebooks. This makes it easy to take testcases from the notebook for module testing as the development progresses.

Each testcase has its own .py file which compiles a testsuite. Latter avoids the unintended execution of testcases from base classes.

We use tox for test automation. The directory src/cartpole contains the tox.ini configuring the test environment. Please validate the PROJECT_DIR environment variable. The current tox config runs all testcases from the tests sub-directory. Simply call


Development IDE

Add a .gitconfig file in the project's root with the following content.

	name = <git user name>
	email = <mail address>
	helper = cache

Spin up vscode container

docker-compose up -d vscode

Point your browser to it:

The vscode docker image comes pre-installed with following extentions especially for working with shell scripts.

The shellchecker runs on-the-fly and provides quick fixes for better coding quality of shell scripts. The shfmt tool reformats the shell script. Use shift + alt + f to reformat the script.

Dev Notes

This sections lists some notes on development practises.

UML Diagrams

A good practise is the documentation of concepts and ideas using UML diagrams. These diagrams can be referenced in markdown files as well as in jupyter notebooks. The following practise sources from

  1. Go to and create an UML diagram using plantuml. The website immediately renders the diagram.
  2. Copy the content from the form into a separate file, e.g. mydiagram.uml, and upload it with into your github repo, e.g.<user>/<project>/mydiagram.uml.
  3. Return to remove all content from the input form and just include the link to the UML file on github, e.g. !includeurl<user>/<project>/master/mydiagram.uml. You should see the rendered diagram.
  4. Copy the image URL from the View as PNG link below the input form. This URL is stable.
  5. Reference the image in your markdown file by ![image text](<image url>)

Note, the cool feature: Changing the diagram source file, i.e. mydiagram.uml on github, will result in a new rendered diagram image.