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Referenced Docs

  • Secret resource Created
kubectl create secret generic datadog-secret --from-literal api-key="2dd8*******************74d48f"
  • Run the following commands
kubectl apply -f .
  • Verification of agent and ensure that
    • all status's are OK
    • API key is valid
    • logs are getting shipped
$ kubectl exec -it datadog-agent-rp2bs agent status | egrep "OK|API Key valid|FAIL|API Key invalid"
      Instance ID: cpu [OK]
      Instance ID: disk:e5dffb8bef24336f [OK]
      Instance ID: docker [OK]
      Instance ID: file_handle [OK]
      Instance ID: io [OK]
      Instance ID: kube_dns:cd40e8b0b9591c53 [OK]
      Instance ID: kubelet:d884b5186b651429 [OK]
      Instance ID: kubernetes_apiserver [OK]
      Instance ID: kubernetes_state:786c62219a8c6f42 [OK]
      Instance ID: load [OK]
      Instance ID: memory [OK]
      Instance ID: network:e0204ad63d43c949 [OK]
      Instance ID: ntp:d884b5186b651429 [OK]
      Instance ID: prometheus:datadog.cluster_agent:c45da342a409d029 [OK]
      Instance ID: uptime [OK]
    API key ending with 4d48f: API Key valid
    Status: OK
    Status: OK
  • Deploy the cluster agent
kubectl get pods -l app=datadog-cluster-agent
  • Check the status of cluster-agent
$ kubectl exec -it datadog-cluster-agent-67588d6f7b-znkxm agent status | egrep "OK|API Key valid"
      Instance ID: kubernetes_apiserver [OK]
    API key ending with 4d48f: API Key valid
  • Now login to datadog and let's see what we have achieved so far


  • Live Tail

  • Logs dashboard


  • k8s dashboard


  • Events tab